Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 479: Danger in Dream Valley

Dream Valley, the first female sect in the East Continent.

Its overall strength ranks sixth in the East Continent, second only to the five major sects.

However, now, this powerful sect in the eyes of other small sects has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

They are struggling to support the crazy invasion of Yin beasts, and they are almost unable to hold on.

Once one person can't hold on, it will be a flood and destroyed in an instant.

This ancient sect, which has been established for thousands of years, will be gone.

Unlike Gaoshan City, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, Dream Valley is located deep in the valley and in a low-lying position.

In addition, there are millions of Yin beasts besieging, which is simply difficult to resist.

The people in Dream Valley know that Yin beasts can't fly, so they fled to the sky.

However, not all disciples can fly into the air and avoid the disaster.

Only those whose souls have reached the state of entering the spirit can travel in the sky.

In Dream Valley, almost 90% of the disciples have not reached this level.

And the cloud ships, flying boats, and even flying mounts that can be used in the valley have all been used up.

But less than 20% of the disciples can be rescued.

If the head of Mengyougu and the elders do not save them, it means that they have given up 80% of the disciples.

They can survive alone, but without disciples, Mengyougu will be ruined.

So in order to protect Mengyougu, everyone is fighting.

Mengyougu was created by a strange woman named Dameng Daozun.

She cultivates the Dameng divine body related to dreams and souls, and does not master any powerful life magic.

However, what Mengyougu is best at is sealing.

All kinds of dream techniques are sealing magic.

It can be said that Mengyougu has a unique advantage in dealing with Yin beasts.

Because so far, there are two ways to deal with Yin beasts, in addition to using life force to kill, that is, to seal with sealing ability.

Mengyougu can seal the activities of Yin beasts, which is a powerful force to deal with Yin beasts.

However, there are too many Yin beasts attacking Mengyougu.

As a last resort, the head of the sect, Qian Meng, led a group of elders to open the mountain protection formation, the Great Dream Thousand Years.

Any life that breaks into the formation will fall into a deep sleep.

They relied on this formation and held on for three days.

Until today, something unexpected happened.

Several very powerful Yin beasts appeared from the army of Yin beasts.

These Yin beasts were the seven released by the Three Saints.

They were the original Yin beasts, and the other Yin beast armies were just the infected bodies passed down by them.

As original Yin beasts, they can kill real people in seconds.

And these seven Yin beasts are the most difficult creatures to deal with.

Among them, the giant Yin beast in the form of a spider raised its long head with a human face and walked step by step towards the Great Dream Thousand Years Mountain Protection Formation.

This spider-shaped Yin beast once killed the leader of the Three Saints in seconds.

Now the leader of the Three Saints has become a part of it and has become its head.

It raised its huge spider legs, and then its legs were like spears, covered with black tentacles.

The sharp spider legs reached out towards the orange shield of the mountain protection formation.

The black tentacles retracted the moment they touched the shield.

The tentacles could sense that it was full of powerful sealing power.

Once they entered, they would be sealed.

However, this did not mean that they would just sit and wait for death.

Unlike other Yin beasts, these seven Yin beasts that ran out of the Baidi ice had a certain IQ.

Knowing that they could not force their way into this formation, they actually learned to break the formation.

The black tentacles kept floating out of the spider Yin beast.

Like a black cotton thread, it began to wander around the formation, looking for the center of the mountain protection formation.

"No, this monster can break the formation."

The head of Mengyou Valley, Qian Meng, was shocked when he discovered the action of the spider Yin beast.

Qian Meng, a woman of peerless beauty, is a rare beauty in the East Continent.

She is a genius immortal cultivator. Not only did she become the head of Mengyou Valley at a young age, but now she has reached the realm of true return, and is known as Meng Huanzhen.

Her cultivation may not be the highest in Mengyou Valley, but her leadership is unmatched.

All people in Mengyou Valley also admire her very much.

Seeing that the spider beast was about to break the formation, Qian Meng summoned a purple dream sword and rushed out of the formation.

"We can't let it break the formation. Everyone, follow me to protect the formation."

Qian Meng led the elders of the sect and rushed out of the formation, and began to attack the spider beast with all their strength.

Seeing this, the other six primitive beasts began to protect the spider beast in the center.

The spider beast was responsible for breaking the formation, and the other beasts were responsible for dealing with Qian Meng and others.

For a time, the war started, and both sides came and went, showing their magical powers.

Several elders of Mengyou Valley were so powerful that they were above the real people, and their cultivation was like ghosts and gods.

However, these Yin beasts cannot be killed at all.

And ordinary sealing techniques are even more helpless against these primitive Yin beasts.

"This is not a solution. When will Zhuo Yingxiong arrive?"

The people of Mengyou Valley are looking forward to Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

Now, except Zhuo Bufan, no one can kill these Yin beasts.

Facing the powerful Yin beasts, they are almost helpless.

Seeing that the mountain protection formation of Mengyou Valley is about to be destroyed.

The spider beast had found a way to break the formation, and the center of the formation was instantly destroyed by it.


The formation was broken, and all the beasts that were immersed in the dream seal suddenly woke up.

For a moment, the disciples in the Dream Valley were terrified and began to retreat.

And the beasts, like a group of mad dogs, rushed up impatiently after seeing the prey.

For a moment, many disciples of the Dream Valley who were blocking the way became the prey of the beasts.

Once bitten, the black tentacles will quickly invade the opponent's body and soul, and then quickly assimilate it into a beast.

"Oh no, the mountain protection formation has been broken."

The head of the sect, Qian Meng, reacted immediately.

When she looked back, she found that hundreds of disciples behind her had become beasts.

The speed of infection and spread of the beasts was so fast that people could not react in time.

"Master, be careful."

Just when Qian Meng was distracted for a moment, her opponent, a Yin beast with a tiger body and a snake tail, suddenly attacked her.

The tail of the snake-tailed tiger is a black giant python with a triangular ferocious iron head.

It opened its fierce teeth and bit the master of Mengyougu frantically.

At the critical moment, an elder rushed behind her and blocked the vicious bite for her.

"Elder Yu!"

Qian Meng came back to her senses and found that the elder had been bitten through the chest.

The black tentacles began to spread rapidly all over her body.

"Master, run!"

The elder cut off his head with a sword without saying a word.

It would rather die than become a lackey of the Yin beast and endanger his fellow disciples.

"Master, run!"

"Master, it is important to protect the disciples, don't fight."

On one side, there is an elder who is determined to commit suicide.

On the other side, there are disciples who are wailing and asking for help.

The headmaster Qian Meng had no time to feel sad and began to retreat.

However, the madness of the Yin Beasts was beyond their imagination.

The Yin Beasts broke through the mountain protection formation, and many disciples had been assimilated into Yin Beasts.

This war will only become more and more cruel.

The disciples of Mengyou Valley were constantly attacked by Yin Beasts, infected and turned into new Yin Beasts, and then turned around to kill their former fellow disciples.

The extremely cruel side happened in this sect that was once quiet and like a paradise.

Seeing that the disciples of Mengyou Valley were getting fewer and fewer.

Hundreds of thousands of disciples were constantly killed and assimilated by Yin Beasts.

The Yin Beasts were growing stronger, and they were constantly weakening.

In the end, there were only less than 10,000 disciples left, surrounded by the endless army of Yin Beasts in the center.

"Is it that God wants to kill my Mengyou Valley?"

The headmaster Qian Meng looked at the decreasing number of disciples, and his heart was tormented and painful.

And at this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the sky.

A white light came from the sky across the void.


For a moment, thunderclouds rolled over the sky.

"My fellow travelers from Dream Valley, it's too late to come down."

Zhuo Bufan's voice came from the sky.

Then came the rain of life, falling from the sky...

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