Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 480: Decisive Battle (Part 1)

Endless rain of life splashed across the sky and the earth.

Wherever it dripped, the Yin beasts could not avoid it.

The Yin beasts that did not have time to escape melted on the spot, corroded by the rain of life, and finally became a pool of mud.

The sudden change made the people in Mengyou Valley look a little stunned.

And the Yin beasts fled in panic.

For these Yin beasts, Zhuo Bufan's rain of life was obviously their death.

Of course, not all Yin beasts were afraid of Zhuo Bufan's rain of life.

The seven Yin beasts that ran out of the White Emperor's ice used various means to avoid being watered by Zhuo Bufan's rain of life.

The most common method was to hide underground and not be attacked by the rain of life.

After the rain stopped, they crawled out again.

A big battle was inevitable, and these primitive Yin beasts were very strong.

Their fear of the power of life was not as serious as imagined. Because they would not sit and wait for death.

Unless Zhuo Bufan uses the previous method to suppress these Yin beasts with the Chaos Bell first, and then kill them.

The Yin beasts suppressed by the Chaos Bell have nowhere to escape and can only be eliminated by Zhuo Bufan.

However, the Chaos Bell can only suppress one Yin beast at a time, and at this moment he has seven enemies.

This does not include those ordinary Yin beasts that were not killed in the Rain of Life.

"It's Zhuo Yingxiong, he came to save us."

Zhuo Bufan's appearance caused cheers from everyone in Mengyou Valley.

Although Zhuo Bufan was late, it was better than not coming.

His arrival saved Mengyou Valley, which was about to be destroyed.

"Everyone, stand in the rain circle, don't come out."

Although the thundercloud brought by Zhuo Bufan was raining life. But the range of this rain is limited.

Only by staying in the range of heavy rain can you be absolutely safe.

Staying in the rain, the Yin beasts naturally dare not invade. This heavy rain formed a natural barrier.

"I'll help you."

At this time, Qian Meng, the head of Mengyou Valley, came with several powerful elders from the sect and flew over to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and looked at the woman beside him.

She had a beautiful face and was extremely beautiful, which made people fascinated.

However, because Zhuo Bufan had a relationship with Bai Su, he could not be moved by such a peerless beauty.

In this world, the only person who could make Zhuo Bufan moved was Bai Su.

If it were someone else, he would definitely be crazy about Qian Meng's beauty.

"Then you should be careful! I can't guarantee your safety."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he no longer looked at Qian Meng. This shocked Qian Meng.

She was known as the most beautiful woman in the East Continent. I don't know how many men have fantasies about her and are crazy about her.

It was the first time she remembered seeing someone ignore her beauty.

She looked at this heroic young man who was active in the world of immortal cultivation recently and said with a smile.

"Thank you, little hero, for your help. Meng Yougu will never forget your kindness."

"No need to be polite, let's fight quickly! The thundercloud I attracted won't last long."

Zhuo Bufan is not here to pick up girls. His target is these terrible Yin beasts that ran out of the Baidi ice.

"I heard that you Meng Yougu are good at sealing. If possible, try to help me seal the other party's actions, and I will be responsible for killing them."

"These Yin beasts are not ordinary characters."

Zhuo Bufan said, and his eyes began to change slowly.

The life and death magic eyes opened instantly, the left eye was white, the right eye was black, and the whole world was black and white.

On the ground, seven huge Yin beasts burst out their eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan who suddenly appeared in the air.

These seven Yin beasts were Yin beasts that Baidi had frozen.

They were sealed in the ice for at least 200,000 years.

Jin Chao was released by stupid humans, and they invaded this world like crazy.

This is their instinct, or their mission.

Zhuo Bufan was here to stop their crazy behavior.

"Get ready, the first target is the spider monster."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the Eye of Life and Death suddenly stared at the spider monster.

Unexpectedly, in Zhuo Bufan's Eye of Life and Death, the spider monster appeared gray.

Zhuo Bufan used the Eye of Life, and in the depths of his soul, he began to imagine turning the gray into white, and constantly injecting the breath of life into the spider beast.

The spider beast suddenly stiffened for a moment, and then it began to become restless.

The spider head was the leader of the Three Saints Sect. His whole body, including his face, was covered with those black tentacles.

He opened his mouth and howled at Zhuo Bufan in the sky.

Dozens of black silk threads spurted out of his mouth.

Those spider silks were all woven by those black tentacles. Once touched, they would be infected.

Zhuo Bufan rushed into the giant spider web that was as dense as a bamboo forest and had nowhere to hide, all alone.

At the same time, a surge of life energy surged from his body, and the whole person was wrapped in white light.

When the black tentacles and spider webs hit the burning life energy on Zhuo Bufan's body.

The black tentacles were destroyed one by one.

Zhuo Bufan directly jumped on the back of the spider beast, and then wrapped his hands with life force and fiercely inserted them into the back of the spider beast.


For a moment, white light appeared, and the spider beast screamed.

Obviously, the life force in Zhuo Bufan's hand completely invaded its body.

But at the same time, the black tentacles in the spider beast's body also began to eat Zhuo Bufan's life force.

This is a battle between ice and fire, good and evil.


Zhuo Bufan shouted, his hand was as painful as countless poisonous insects and ants gnawing at him.

However, he still sharply opened the back of the spider beast.

The other six beasts saw this scene and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Qian Meng, the head of the Dream Valley in the sky, brought the elders of her sect and began to use the sealing magic to suppress the six beasts.

The six beasts were enraged, and a battle started for a while, followed by a melee.

On Zhuo Bufan's side, he opened the back of the spider beast alive.


For a while, the terrible and gloomy dark power rushed up from the back of the spider and poured into the sky.

"Damn it, you still want to pollute this land after you die!"

Zhuo Bufan saw this, and he used all his life force to rub out a huge life ball in his hand.

Then he stuffed it into the hole on the back of the spider beast.


The next second, the life ball that Zhuo Bufan had poured into the huge life force exploded in the body of the spider beast.

The spider beast was purified by infinite white light in an instant, and finally disappeared into ashes.

After a lot of effort, Zhuo Bufan finally killed the first beast.

And he still had six to deal with.

This battle has just begun.

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