Gods and immortals are two completely different concepts in the world of cultivation.

Immortal refers to a more advanced life form that transcends human life.

God is a legendary existence crowned by people's faith.

There is a saying in the world of cultivation that describes "gods" and "immortals" like this.

Those who are forgotten are immortals, and those who are remembered are gods!

Many people cannot understand this sentence, and there are many twisted explanations.

In fact, it refers to the fact that a forgotten god is no longer a god.

Just like the Red Emperor, because he is about to be forgotten and has lost his faith, his divine power has declined and he is no longer a god.

And the forgotten immortal is the real immortal.

Because immortals are beyond the constraints of heaven and earth and exist outside of human imagination.

Someone once said that once someone becomes an immortal, everything about that person in the world will be forgotten.

A person who becomes an immortal cannot be described, named, or given a name.

The moment it becomes an immortal, everything it has done in the world of immortality will be erased.

Of course, this sentence is just a legend, and I don’t know whether it is true or false.

But so far, I have never heard anyone say the title of a certain immortal.

For example, the Great Sun Immortal, the Star Immortal and so on. This kind of name has never been mentioned before.

In the world of immortality, no one has ever discussed whether someone has become an immortal or something.

It seems that no one in this world has ever become an immortal.

In other words, some people do become immortals.

However, just like the legend, after becoming an immortal, everything he did in the human world has been forgotten by the world.

Gods and immortals, one will be remembered and the other will be forgotten.

Although they are different, they also have similarities.

That is, they are all supreme beings who dominate the universe.

A powerful god, who unites the faith of all living things in the world, is an existence that is no weaker than an immortal.

Now Zhuo Bufan embarks on the path of faith and spiritual cultivation, and with the help of the soul of the Red Emperor, he begins to gather a sacred halo.

On the altar of faith, countless photons emitting golden light began to gather.

Every photon comes from a certain creature's belief in Zhuo Bufan. The power it possesses is beyond imagination.

"Once the altar of faith is established, it will always exist in your soul and be indelible, unless your soul is wiped out."

The soul of the Red Emperor said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly shocked. Faith in the altar will never be erased?

"I wonder if it will still exist after loading the file again?"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself, after all, the skills and other techniques he practiced will be erased after loading and restarting.

"Constructing and condensing a divine ring of faith requires strong faith power and countless lights of faith."

"The first divine ring of faith requires one trillion light of faith."

"Generally speaking, a life can provide you with up to 10,000 lights of faith at one time, and up to 100 million lights of faith in a lifetime."

“The more faith He has in you, the more light of faith He provides.”

"Can you feel now how much light of faith you have?"

Facing the inquiry from the Soul of the Red Emperor, Zhuo Bufan silently sensed the glory on the altar of his faith, and then answered.

"I feel it. There are currently a trillion and twenty-five-eight billion amounts of light of faith."

For some reason, when Zhuo Bufan felt it carefully, he could really feel every ray of faith and the specific amount he had. "

"Very good, now use one trillion light of faith to condense your divine halo."

"With the divine aura, you can freely use the power of this faith."

"The greater the number of halos, the more powerful each light of faith is."

"Remember, every time you upgrade a halo in the future, the amount of light of faith required will increase exponentially."

"The aura of faith has no upper limit. Legend has it that the Supreme Being of the Virtual Realm, the Lord of Faith, possesses ninety-nine divine halos."

If the real world is about cultivating immortals, then the virtual world is about cultivating gods.

The Supreme Lord of the Void World possesses ninety-nine divine haloes, what a terrifying power this is.

It is almost equivalent to the fact that all life in the virtual world deeply believes in this supreme being.

Belief in cultivating the divine way is originally a way of cultivation in the virtual world.

"Next, I'll teach you how to condense the divine ring."

The Soul of the Red Emperor explained to Zhuo Bufan various knowledge about belief in cultivating the Shinto while helping him gather the divine ring.

"When condensing the divine ring, you must take every ray of faith seriously."

"Because when you condense the divine ring, all believers who have faith in you will sense your existence."

"They will sense your needs and will work together to help you cast the crown and condense the divine ring."

"It can be said that the divine ring is not condensed by yourself, but is forged by thousands of people who believe in you."

"So whether you can succeed or not does not depend on you, but on all the lives that believe in you."

"This is also the biggest difference between spiritual cultivation and immortal cultivation. Faith can make you successful or betray you."

"Gods are born through the joint prayers of all people in the world."

After hearing the teachings of the Red Emperor's Soul, Zhuo Bufan was greatly shocked.

He remembered a saying, water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

The crown of the gods is crowned by men.

Once a god loses faith, then the god has no need to exist and will naturally disappear on its own.

It can be said that believing in the way of cultivating the gods can make a person successful the fastest, or it can also destroy a person the fastest.

It depends on what he does and whether he is worthy of the trust of the world.

This is also the first time that Zhuo Bufan has felt this strange way of cultivation.

It is a very strange way of cultivation.

"Let's start. I will teach you a heart formula right away. This heart formula will allow you to communicate with every grain of faith light."

"All believers who believe in you will help you condense the halo of the gods after feeling this signal."

After the Red Emperor's soul finished speaking, he didn't talk nonsense with Zhuo Bufan.

He directly passed the heart formula to Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan received the heart formula, he immediately began to communicate with every grain of faith light according to the heart formula.

For a moment, it was as if a spiritual light passed through every grain of faith photon.

All those who worship Zhuo Bufan in the world, at that moment, the spiritual light in their minds trembled.

"Boss, boss needs me."

Lu Fei felt it truly. He was the one who admired Zhuo Bufan the most.

The light of faith he provided to Zhuo Bufan alone reached more than hundreds of thousands.

"Stinky Bufan, are you calling me?"

Xiaomei also felt that Zhuo Bufan was calling on everyone who believed in him to give him strength, help him condense the divine ring, and crown the divine crown.


"Little Master!"

"Hero Zhuo!"


For a time, tens of millions of people in the entire cultivation world looked up at the sky at the same time, and they felt the need from Zhuo Bufan.

Everyone began to concentrate and crown Zhuo Bufan with a divine crown.

Gradually, Zhuo Bufan felt that the faith power on his altar began to condense into a ring.

"It's done, it's done, it's done..."

The soul of the Red Emperor shouted excitedly.

Seeing that a sacred halo slowly condensed on the back of Zhuo Bufan's head.

At that moment, infinite brilliance shone in the dark abyss...

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