Zhuo Bufan's divine halo, behind his head, shines with brilliant brilliance.

Above the halo, the bright spots are the light of faith of countless people.

When Zhuo Bufan's divine light burst out, the King of Yinxu, who was sealed under the abyss, suddenly became furious.

"Damn bug, you are actually practicing the way of God in secret."

The King of Yinxu was furious, and the whole abyss was trembling.

When it saw the divine halo born behind Zhuo Bufan's head, it immediately understood what Zhuo Bufan had been doing all this time.

It didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan had been practicing the way of God in secret.

"Nephew, take this opportunity to get out!"

The voice from the soul of the Red Emperor poured into Zhuo Bufan's soul.

When Zhuo Bufan heard it, he had no time to respond, and flew out of the cave without thinking twice.

Behind him, the King of Yinxu roared with thunder, and a series of swallowing pythons chased Zhuo Bufan.

However, how could the Red Emperor allow the King of Yinxu to hurt Zhuo Bufan?

Endless divine power descended from the bloody skull.

Bloody chains began to burst out with bloody brilliance, reinforcing the seal on the King of Yinxu.

The devouring pythons were crushed by the bloody chains in the air, breaking into a bloody storm.

Zhuo Bufan did not look back, nor did he have time to look back. He flew directly out of the abyss cave and escaped from the blood-bone cave without stopping.

After more than a year, Zhuo Bufan finally escaped from the slavery of the King of Yinxu.

"Ahhh, damn bugs, damn bugs."

Behind Zhuo Bufan, the King of Yinxu was furious and howled.


The stars were shining and the moon was hanging high!

When Zhuo Bufan stood at the entrance of the blood-bone cave, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh, I finally escaped."

The life halo behind his head has been condensed. When he just escaped, he used divine power, that is, the power of faith.

As a result, when he was escaping, Zhuo Bufan found that his speed was extremely fast.

At least doubled the original speed.

Divine power is obviously a powerful auxiliary force.

"It's been more than a year, this damn King of Yinxu. If it weren't for Chidi, I might really not be able to escape."

If it weren't for Chidi, Zhuo Bufan would probably choose to commit suicide and read the game.

In the past year or so, he has learned to believe in the way of cultivating gods, and now he has mastered divine power.

Divine power can be attached to any tricks or skills used by himself, and the power can be doubled.

Although Chidi did not explain this to him, Zhuo Bufan has discovered this secret through his own practice.

This trip to the Blood and Bone Cave Heaven is also a great gain for Zhuo Bufan.

Although he was imprisoned by the King of Yinxu for more than a year.

But he designed a trap to kill the Human Demon Lord once. Later, he also learned to believe in the way of cultivating gods.

Zhuo Bufan can be said to be the only god cultivator in the world of cultivation.

"By the way, the task assigned by the Red Emperor must not be forgotten."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered what the Red Emperor had said to him earlier.

He asked Zhuo Bufan to rebuild the faith for the Red Emperor in the world of cultivation after leaving the Blood and Bone Cave Heaven.

Now the power of the Red Emperor is already difficult to seal the King of Yinxu.

In addition, the Red Emperor wasted a lot of power to help Zhuo Bufan escape.

Now, Zhuo Bufan needs to start his plan immediately, and it is urgent.

"The merits of the Red Emperor cannot be forgotten. It seems that I must find a way to rebuild faith for the Red Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan will naturally not be ungrateful, not to mention that it is related to the future of mankind.

If the King of Yinxu escapes from the seal, it will be far more terrifying than the Yin Beast. At that time, no one can stop this monster, and the world of cultivation will really face an irreversible destruction.

"Contact Lu Fei and others first to discuss it."

In terms of promotion, Lu Fei's ability in this regard is definitely stronger than Zhuo Bufan.

In the past year, Lu Fei was able to turn the Kuangmen into the first force in the Yunmeng Realm, which obviously represents his extraordinary talent in this area.

Zhuo Bufan took out the Thousand Miles Conch and prepared to contact Lu Fei.

But at this moment, Fu'an on the left suddenly felt a strong murderous aura coming from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a black crow in the bright moon, flying towards him rapidly.

The crow's eyes were permeated with blood, and it looked a little creepy.

"Stinky boy, you finally came out, you finally came out."

Before the crow landed, it suddenly began to transform in the air and turned into a ball of black mist.

Then, from the black mist, a man in black armor was born.

He held a magic gun in his hand, stepped on the magic energy, and black crows flew around him.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and pursed his lips slightly.

"Human Demon!"

The person who came was none other than the Human Demon Lord who was killed by Zhuo Bufan a year ago.

The Human Demon Lord that Zhuo Bufan killed a year ago was only a part of his soul.

The Human Demon Lord was not dead either. Cultivators above the Possession Realm would not die easily.

The Human Demon Lord knew that Zhuo Bufan was hiding in the Blood Bone Cave Heaven, so he had been monitoring the Blood Bone Cave Heaven.

He waited for a year and finally waited for this day.

Zhuo Bufan came out...

When he saw Zhuo Bufan coming out, his eyes immediately lit up.

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

Naturally, the hatred the Human Demon Lord has for Zhuo Bufan cannot be explained clearly in just a few sentences.

This time, he came in person in order to personally kill Zhuo Bufan, the guy he hated so much.

"You brat, you're finally out, you're finally out."

"I've been waiting for you for a whole year just to kill you with my own hands."

The demon king gritted his teeth, and there was even blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

It can be seen that his hatred for Zhuo Bufan is overwhelming.

Zhuo Bufan also didn't expect that he would encounter the Demon King as soon as he escaped from the Blood Bone Cave.

He thought that after his soul was destroyed by the King of Yin Ruins, the Human Demon King would concentrate on practicing in seclusion.

After all, the Human Demon King was killed once and his cultivation level plummeted. It can be said that he suffered heavy losses.

Now, he has the cultivation level of a real person, but does not have the strength of a real person.

And Shenhun fell from the Liutong realm to the same realm as Zhuo Bufan, the body-taking realm.

It is obviously impossible to use the method of seizing the body to seize Zhuo Bufan.

"Old devil, you are really evil! You are waiting here for me to come out. Aren't you afraid of being killed again?"

Zhuo Bufan threatened the demon in front of him.

The human demon had been killed once before by the King of Yin Ruins in the cave, so Zhuo Bufan expected that he would be a little afraid.

However, the Human Demon King is an old monster who has lived for many years after all. How come he doesn't know Zhuo Bufan's little thoughts?

The reason why I was fooled before was because I didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to plot against him.

"You brat, escaping from that hellish place has already cost you your life, right?"

"You'd better run away if you wanted to?"

"Three years ago, you killed my successor in the Blood Desert."

"A year ago, you plotted against me again. Today, I will tear the corpse into thousands of pieces, shatter the bones of the establishment into ashes, and destroy the soul of the establishment into dregs."

The Demon Lord shouted angrily at Zhuo Bufan.

As he spoke, he spit out the magic sword and shot Zhuo Bufan...

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