Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 539: Soul of the White Emperor

Inside Qianhou Yu's body, just as Zhuo Bufan thought, there was something else.

Zhuo Bufan stepped on the shallow water, continuously releasing glowing crystals to light up the world.

When he looked up, it was dark, dark as the sun went down.

"Will father be okay?"

Outside, Bai Zifan nervously grabbed Xuanyuan Hao and said.

"Not dead!"

Xuanyuan Hao briefly uttered two words.

He could feel that Zhuo Bufan was not dead.

Qianhou Yu occupied the entire sea area, and no one could get close. Now everyone's hope could only be placed on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan walked aimlessly in Qianhou Yu's body. He tried to use the dead sword to penetrate the ground, but found that he could not hurt the beast at all.

The ground was real ground, not the flesh wall in Qianhou Yu's body.

"Damn it, it made me passive!"

Zhuo Bufan touched his forehead and suddenly felt a headache.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan controlled the flying sword and began to shuttle in this dark world. As a result, no matter how hard Zhuo Bufan tried, he just couldn't fly out of this world.

"Could it be that this world is another independent space?"

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that he was no longer in the world of cultivation or Yunmeng, but in a third independent space world.

Next, Zhuo Bufan struggled to find the edge of this world, but no matter how he looked, this world seemed to have no edge.

"Damn, can I only reload the file to get out?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have no options, reloading the file was his only choice.

Only by reloading the file and going back to the past could he leave this place of trouble.

Unconsciously, Zhuo Bufan didn't know where he was.

In the dark, it seemed that there was a mysterious force pulling him.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan vaguely saw a faint light in front of him.

"Is it the exit?"

Generally, when encountering this situation, many people's first reaction is the exit.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan naturally flew towards the light source as soon as possible.

However, when Zhuo Bufan flew closer, he found that the light source was not an exit, but a pearl that emitted light by itself.

Zhuo Bufan picked up the pearl and looked at it carefully in his palm.

The pearl was the size of a baby's fist, shining brightly and crystal clear.

Inside the pearl, the light flickered, as if a small world was hidden inside.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

He felt that this thing was extraordinary, so he drew out a wisp of his soul and poured it into the pearl.

As a result, when his soul entered the pearl, the pearl in his hand suddenly shone brightly, illuminating the entire dark world.

The pearl began to float from Zhuo Bufan's palm.

The originally dark world was brilliant at that moment.

The small pearl seemed to have turned into a small sun, hanging in the air.

Then, wisps of white soul flew out from the pearl.

The spirit began to entangle Zhuo Bufan and flew around. Finally, in front of Zhuo Bufan, it began to gather into the image of a person.

It was a woman in a white dress, white clothes are more beautiful than snow, and she has an indescribable sacred temperament.

Noble, dignified, elegant, mysterious, powerful...

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were hurt by the dazzling light.

He couldn't help but turn his head and stretched out his palm to block the light.

After a long time, he dared to open his eyes again, and then looked at the woman in white in the air through his fingers.

"Bai Su?"

When Zhuo Bufan met her eyes, his heart trembled.

Isn't this beautiful woman in front of him Bai Su?

However, when Zhuo Bufan wanted to rush forward and confirm more carefully, he was surprised.

"Not Bai Su, you are Bai Di?"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely surprised.

The noble woman in front of him was exactly the same as the Bai Di that Zhuo Bufan had seen in the Bai Di Palace under the Blood Desert.

At that time, Baidi walked out of the painting and gave Xiaomei an opportunity.

"Baidi, is it really you?"

When the other party heard this, she frowned slightly and showed a warm smile on her face.

She looked so much like Bai Su that Zhuo Bufan almost completely mistook her for Bai Su.

"Bai Su, my child? Where is she?"

Baidi spoke. To be precise, she was not Baidi, she was just a part of Baidi's soul left in this pearl.

Just like the bloody skeleton that Chidi left a part of his soul in the Blood Bone Cave Heaven.

"Bai Su, is it your child?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard this.

"My child is indeed called Bai Su."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

He had actually thought that Bai Su might have something to do with Baidi.

In addition to their similar appearance, the two also have very similar names.

Baidi's name is Bai Shu!

And her daughter is called Bai Su.

If he were someone else, he would definitely feel that the two had some kind of relationship.

"Do you know my son? Is she okay now?"

Baidi frowned and asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan straightened his chest and said calmly.

"Replying to Baidi, my name is Zhuo Bufan, and I am Bai Su's dual cultivation partner."

At this point, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of hiding it.

His relationship with Bai Su is now known to the world. Now that he has met Bai Su's mother, his mother-in-law, Zhuo Bufan will of course tell the truth.

When Bai Di heard this, he was surprised and asked: "Are you Xiaofeng?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused: "Who is Xiaofeng?"

"You are not Xiaofeng?"

"So, who is Xiaofeng?"

Zhuo Bufan found that Bai Di was really funny. He only knew how to ask but not how to answer.

"You are not Xiaofeng, but you are Su Su's dual cultivation partner? Where is Su Su?"

Bai Di's tone obviously became a little serious.

But at this moment, Zhuo Bufan was still confused.

He shook his head helplessly and said to Bai Di.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where Su Su is."

"She and I had a bad fate. After she gave birth to my two children, she left without saying goodbye to me and the children. I have been looking for her for many years, but there has been no news so far."

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little sad. He missed Bai Su very much, but Bai Su was hiding from him, so he couldn't find her no matter how hard he looked.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's confession, Bai Di was silent.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of her."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Now I just want her to come back safely."

"Both children miss her very much, miss her as their mother."

Zhuo Bufan was confessing, confessing in front of Bai Su's mother.

And Bai Di also deeply felt Zhuo Bufan's regret. She sighed and said.

"I understand. I can't help you with this matter. But I believe in you."

"So, please believe in Susu. She has to think about some problems by herself."

"The reason she left you is not because she didn't want to see you, but because she didn't know how to face you!"


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