Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 540: Unsealing the Green Emperor

"She doesn't know how to face me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't quite understand what he heard, but Baidi didn't finish his words, nor did he make any explanation.

Some things, as she said, can only be slowly borne by Zhuo Bufan.

"Forgive my son's willfulness!"

"Child, I have something more important to tell you now."

Zhuo Bufan pricked up his ears when he heard it, and then said with a serious face.

"Bai Di, please tell me, is there anything more important?"

"Before talking about this, I want to ask you, are there any saints in the current cultivation world?"

Bai Di asked a question that Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to answer.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head helplessly.

"Saints, it seems that there are no. In today's world, the most powerful are only pseudo-saints."

"Pseudo-saints? How many are there?"

Bai Di asked immediately.

"You can count them on your fingers!"

Zhuo Bufan answered calmly.

But when Bai Di heard it, his brows were even more tightly knitted.

"I understand!"

"Child, now I have a task for you to do."

As Bai Di said, her figure began to flicker.

"Bai Di, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Zhuo Bufan felt that the task Bai Di wanted to ask was very serious.

"Go to the endless abyss of the South China Sea, find the Tianxing Tomb, and wake up the Qing Emperor who is sleeping in the Tianxing Tomb."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"South China Sea, Tianxing Tomb, Qing Emperor!"

"That's right, you just need to wake him up. He has been sleeping for so long, it's time for him to wake up."

Bai Di said, with a melancholy look on her face.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Bai Di and Qing Emperor had feelings for each other.

When talking about Qing Emperor, Bai Di obviously became sad.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that Qing Emperor was still alive.

"Is Qing Emperor still alive?"

Zhuo Bufan asked stupidly.

Baidi nodded and replied, "Yes, but he sealed himself in the Tianxing Tomb."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked no matter how he confirmed from Baidi that Qingdi was still alive.

Qingdi, the most powerful person in the world, everyone thought he was dead, but who would have thought that he was still alive.

Qingdi, the Qingdi of God.

Zhuo Bufan could not find words to describe the shock in his heart.

"But how can I open the seal?"

Shocked as he was, Zhuo Bufan had not forgotten his mission.

Qingdi sealed himself in the Tianxing Tomb, that was Qingdi's seal, how to open it?

"Go find the Chaos Bell, Qingdi's seal, Chaos Bell can open it."

"Chaos Bell?"

Zhuo Bufan was delighted.

Isn't the Chaos Bell in his hand?

"Is the Chaos Bell all I need?"

Zhuo Bufan confirmed.

"Yes, we only need the Chaos Bell. But the Chaos Bell is in the Qing Emperor Palace in the Blood Desert. You need to go there first..."

"Don't bother, the Chaos Bell is on me now."

As luck would have it, the Chaos Bell that Qing Emperor sealed himself was on Zhuo Bufan.

"Really? That's great. It seems that it is God's will. God has brought you here."

"Now I only have this one soul left in the world of immortal cultivation. It is really a great fate to meet you."

Bai Di was a little happy. At this time, her only soul was swallowed by Qian Hou Yu.

Unexpectedly, by God's will, Zhuo Bufan happened to enter Qian Hou Yu's stomach and then met Bai Di.

Just as Bai Di said, everything is God's will.

"When I get out, I will go to the South China Sea as soon as possible to wake up Qing Di."

Zhuo Bufan agreed to Bai Di.

This is Bai Di's request, and Zhuo Bufan has to do it anyway.

"Susu is right about you. The child doesn't have much time. You have ten years to wake up the Green Emperor."

"Ten years?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

For him, ten years is long enough.

"Child, can you take me to see your child with Susu?"

After explaining the task, Baidi proposed another condition.

Zhuo Bufan nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, I think the children will be very happy."

"It's just that I'm trapped in the body of Qianhou Yu now. I don't know if there is an exit to get out..."

Zhuo Bufan now wants to take Baidi's soul to leave this dark space together. In this case, it is obviously not possible to choose to reload the file.

"Qianhou Yu is one of the seven thrones of Yinxu."

"It has a Yinxu space in its body."

"As long as its Yinxu seed is destroyed, it can be destroyed."

"Yinxu seed? What is that?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"The seed of Yinxu is the true body of Qianhou Yu, a terrifying monster that lives in the space of Yinxu."

"Listen, it's coming."

The White Emperor suddenly lowered his voice.

Under the illumination of its light, Zhuo Bufan saw a black singularity appear at the far end.

The black dot was constantly rushing towards him.

"Child, leave it to me!"

I watched the black dot turn from a dot into a beast, and then from a beast into a monster. When it was a thousand meters away, it had turned into a monster as huge as a mountain.

The White Emperor flew up, ready to use his last spiritual power to destroy the monster.

But at this time, Zhuo Bufan stood up and said to Bai Di.

"Leave it to me! You don't have much soul power left. You must keep it to take care of the two children."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Bai Di had very little soul power left, and if this monster was eliminated, she might disappear immediately.

She also wanted to go see Nian Nian and Zi Fan. Naturally, Zhuo Bufan would not let Bai Di sacrifice himself.

"come yet!"

Zhuo Bufan summoned his soul code, and then a black death sword slowly floated in the air.

"Level ninety-nine? Full-level Horcrux!"

Bai Di was obviously a little shocked when he saw the sword of life and death summoned by Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems that you have a great opportunity to reach the Yunmeng Realm."

Bai Di smiled and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Well, someone gave me a blessing, and I'm very grateful to her."

Zhuo Bufan's ability to be so powerful in the Yunmeng Realm was naturally inseparable from that opportunity.

"By the way, if you can, go and occupy the soul altar in the center of the world. That is the perfect fruit I leave to the winner."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Bai Di behind him, and then asked.

"Perfect fruit? What is that?"

Bai Di replied with a smile.

"You will know then, but the guardian beast of the soul altar in the center is not as simple as you think!"

"Only when you gather the seven king's castles and hundreds of sky warships can you have a chance to fight against them."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slowly.

"Seven king's castles, hundreds of battleships, right? You can give it a try!"

When Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the body of Qianhou Yu, which was attacking fiercely, had already rushed towards them.

As a result, the death sword in front of Zhuo Bufan flew out with a whoosh.


One sword pierced the head of Qianhou Yu's body.

The next second, Qianhouyu's body screamed, and then, the Yinxu space began to collapse and be destroyed!


Zhuo Bufan just held the pearl that held the Bai Emperor's soul, flew up, and flew towards the collapsed space crack.

Kevin, there are only three chapters today! Now that the plot is here, I need to sort it out.

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