This mighty Demon Slayer Alliance, under the leadership of Zhuo Bufan, crushed the West Sea Demon Clan.

This was a crushing victory. Wherever they went, no force could stop them.

After all, the forces of this alliance were all elite forces in the world of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan was determined to win. He not only wanted to rescue Bai Zifan, but also to take the opportunity to eradicate the Demon Dao.

However, the Demon Dao would not let them slaughter him.

On the way to the Heavenly Demon Island, the Demon Dao opened 72 Demon Gates, which were specially used to intercept Zhuo Bufan and his team.

Even if they could not kill Zhuo Bufan and his team, they could stop them for a while.

However, these 72 Demon Gates were really not worth mentioning for the Demon Slayer Alliance.

Zhuo Bufan's intention of this action was very clear, which was to eliminate the Demon Dao.

So not only did the world of cultivation gather a large number of righteous ways to establish the Demon Slayer Alliance.

In the Yunmeng Realm, he also led the Crazy Sect to sweep away all the forces of the Demon Dao.

The Crazy Sect sent troops, which was unstoppable.

In Yunmeng Realm, the Kuang Sect is a symbol of absolute power, with hundreds of sky battleships and seven Qianyu King Castles.

The Kuang Sect has the absolute crushing power in Yunmeng Realm.

So the Demon Sect that angered Zhuo Bufan almost had no chance of gaining a foothold in Yunmeng Realm.

Of course, the Demon Sect seemed to have expected Zhuo Bufan to attack them in Yunmeng Realm, so they had already withdrawn from Yunmeng Realm a long time ago, or they were hiding from the Kuang Sect and growing in Yunmeng Realm.

In short, the people of the Demon Dao were like rats crossing the street in Yunmeng Realm for a while. As long as they showed their heads, they would definitely be trampled to death.

And watching Zhuo Bufan completely sweep the Demon Dao in Yunmeng Realm.

In the cultivation world, he had easily passed through the demon gates one by one.

Finally, Duan Xinghe, the son of the Heavenly Demon, who was sitting on the throne, began to be timid.


The Heavenly Demon Son kicked the demon soldier who came to report the news to death.

"Damn it, I've already said that if you can't find Ke Wu Gou, you'll all bring your heads to me. Do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

The longer Duan Xinghe stayed in the demon clan, the more twisted and cruel his mind became.

Now he has completely turned into a demon, killing people without blinking an eye.

The old demons sitting below lowered their heads one by one, not even daring to look him in the eye.

"Who can tell me where Ke Wu Gou is? Where is Ke Wu Gou?"

Zhuo Bufan was about to die, but they hadn't found the Earth Demon Lord.

The Earth Demon Lord Ke Wu Gou kidnapped Bai Zifan's child and ran away with him.

There is no news until now.

"Demon Son, I think we can't find the Earth Demon. Let's make a decision early and retreat to the Demon Cave!"

"Yes, Holy Son of Demon, this time Zhuo Bufan and his men are coming with such force that I'm afraid our Demon Sect will really encounter a disaster. No matter what, we must ensure your safety."

The old demons began to advise Holy Son of Demon Duan Xinghe.

Now they must retreat. With their current strength, it is impossible to resist Zhuo Bufan's Demon Killing Alliance.

Originally, Duan Xinghe wanted the Earth Demon Lord to tie up Bai Zifan and revive the Demon before Zhuo Bufan could react.

Now, the Demon did not revive successfully, but brought the Demon Sect into a desperate situation.

"Ke Wu Gou, that old bastard, really betrayed, really betrayed."

"What a huge courage, when my father is resurrected, I must sacrifice him with blood."

"Pass the order, let all the elites of the demon path retreat to the Heavenly Demon Cave."

"The Heavenly Demon Cave has limited capacity, it can accommodate up to 20,000 people. So all the demon lords, go back and make your own preparations!"

In the end, Duan Xinghe had to compromise and could only take the elites of the demon clan and withdraw to the Heavenly Demon Cave.

The Heavenly Demon Cave is the sleeping place of the Heavenly Demon, and there is an absolute seal left by the Heavenly Demon.

Except for the demon clan, it is difficult for others to enter. Once they enter, they will be cursed by the Heavenly Demon and their strength will be greatly reduced.

Before Zhuo Bufan and his group arrived, Duan Xinghe and his group could only hide inside.


The night was dim and the moonlight was cold!

On an uninhabited island in the West Sea, the Earth Demon Lord Ke Wu Gou was sitting cross-legged on a reef on the beach.

Under the moonlight, he was practicing with his eyes closed.

The whole person began to show strange phenomena, his head began to tremble constantly, and a series of phantoms appeared.

It seemed that countless people wanted to break out of his body, and he seemed to be splitting.

At this time, Bai Zifan, who was sitting behind him and whose skills were sealed, stood up and began to observe the Earth Demon Lord who seemed to be possessed.

Bai Zifan was not dead, but his cultivation was sealed by Ke Wugou. Now he was no different from ordinary people.

Ke Wugou's purpose of capturing him was not to revive the Heavenly Demon, but to threaten Zhuo Bufan.

So, he would not do anything to Bai Zifan for the time being.

Bai Zifan was very calm, and he seemed to know who had tied him up.

"This old monster, should he be possessed?"

Bai Zifan came to Ke Wugou carefully, looking at the soul that was constantly splitting in Ke Wugou's body, and those who intended to break out of his body.

This old devil was indeed possessed.

In order to practice the Nine Transformations of Life and Death, he split his soul into thousands of paths.

He tried to practice the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death again and again.

The scary thing was that the old devil had used this method to practice the fifth revolution of the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, which was only one level lower than Zhuo Bufan.

However, the old devil was possessed by the devil because of this.

Because his soul was divided too much, each soul wanted to be the master and the boss.

So these souls began to compete for the initiative in his body.

It was like having thousands of personalities at the same time, but only one personality could control this body in the end.

The old devil's cultivation method was wrong from the beginning, and it was very wrong.

It was because he discovered this mistake in time that he planned to change a method, that is, to take over Zhuo Bufan's body.

That's right, he planned to take over Zhuo Bufan, so he had to find Zhuo Bufan first.

So he kidnapped Zhuo Bufan's son just to force Zhuo Bufan out.

The old devil did this only for himself, not for the devil, and Tian Mozi was just used by him.

However, the old devil didn't expect that he would fall into the devil just after kidnapping Bai Zifan.

So he is now hiding on this small island, calming down the souls in his body who are crazy about wanting to temporarily live in his body.

"The old monster has gone astray. Maybe I can take this opportunity to escape."

Bai Zifan found a chance to escape.

However, he is now trapped on an isolated island, and his cultivation is sealed, so he can't escape at all.

"This old monster has also sealed my soul. Otherwise, I can still enter the Yunmeng Realm for help."

"Father, sister, I miss you so much."

As Bai Zifan spoke, he began to miss his sister and father.

He looked up at the moon in the sky, missing them very much.

And at this moment, the old devil suddenly howled.


He howled at the moon, and the ten-mile ocean exploded.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

After a violent storm, the old devil suddenly lowered his head. Bai Zifan looked at it and was stunned for a moment.

"Is he dead?"


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