Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 699 Wuji Immortal Master

After the old devil let out a heart-wrenching cry, it was completely silent.

Seeing this, Bai Zifan walked over carefully.

The old devil sat on the reef, lowered his head and remained silent.

"Hey, hey!"

Bai Zifan touched the old devil carefully, but the old devil did not react at all.

Then Bai Zifan pushed hard, and the old devil was pushed off the reef and fell into the sea with a bang.

The old devil was like a floating corpse, lying on the sea.

"Is he really dead?"

Bai Zifan was stunned.

The old devil caught him and didn't do anything, but just fell down like this?

"It's good to die, I can escape his clutches if I die."

After Bai Zifan finished speaking, he laughed foolishly.

But after a while, he reacted.

"No, what should I do if this old monster dies? Then I can't go back."

Now Bai Zifan is no different from an ordinary person. And now he is on a deserted island, there is nothing here.

The sea is full of terrifying monsters.

Now, how should he go back?

The old monster is dead, so he is dead too.

"No, no, he is dead, and I am finished."

After Bai Zifan finished speaking, he hurried to the beach, then fished the old devil out of the sea and dragged him to the beach.

Bai Zifan knew very well that if the old devil died, he would not be able to leave the island.

So he had to save the old devil to have a chance of survival.

After dragging the old devil ashore, Bai Zifan checked his breathing and found that the old devil was not dead yet.

"I don't know if saving him is good or bad."

In fact, Bai Zifan also had concerns about saving the old devil.

After all, the old devil must have had bad intentions by tying him up, although Bai Zifan didn't know what he wanted to do.

After a night, the old devil woke up.

When he opened his eyes while lying on the beach, Bai Zifan was startled.

The old devil stared at Bai Zifan with a pair of terrifying eyes.

Bai Zifan held a coconut that he had just picked in his hand and handed it to the old devil.

The old devil took the coconut, broke it open, and drank it wildly.

After drinking it, he looked at Bai Zifan again.

"Boy, you saved me?" The old devil looked at Bai Zifan and said.

Bai Zifan had an idea when he heard it, so he said it quickly.

"Yes, I saved you, should you be grateful for my life-saving grace?"

Bai Zifan thought that if the old devil still had a little conscience, he might be grateful for his life-saving grace and let him go.

But Bai Zifan obviously thought too much.

"Mind your own business, I was about to kill him."

Unexpectedly, the old devil not only did not appreciate it, but instead scolded Bai Zifan.

He said some inexplicable words.

"Kill him? Who do you want to kill?"

"Kill the devil! The big devil hidden in the depths of my soul."

The old devil said mysteriously.

"Big demon? What do you mean? Who are you?"

Bai Zifan was stunned by the old demon, claiming to kill the big demon hidden in his body.

"I am the Wuji Immortal Master - Ke Wu Gou! It is the personality of the Earth Demon hidden in the deepest part of his soul."

"He went crazy because of practicing martial arts, which finally gave me the opportunity to escape."

"I must kill him, so that he will not continue to harm the world."

It turned out that the old demon now was the personality of the Earth Demon before he went crazy, Ke Wu Gou who claimed to be the Wuji Immortal Master.

However, after Ke Wu Gou went crazy, this soul was completely hidden, and it has been hidden for thousands of years.

If it weren't for the Earth Demon practicing the Nine-Turn Life and Death Decision, which caused him to go crazy, he would not have found a chance to escape.

"Wuji Immortal Master, Ke Wu Gou?"

Bai Zifan muttered to himself, he probably understood the other party's current identity.

"Boy, if I can't kill him this time, I may never have the chance to kill him again."

"I don't have much time, I have something to tell you."

"Since you and I are destined to meet, I will give you a chance. But you must promise me that once you have the chance, you must kill this big demon."

"Think of my Wuji Immortal Master, whose reputation has been ruined by this demon. He must be killed, understand?"

Bai Zifan hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and then said.

"Okay, I promise you, what chance do you want to give me?"

After hearing this, Ke Wugui lifted his messy hair and said.

"If you have the chance, go to the Exiled Immortal Sect in the East Continent. There is a passage leading to the underground in the sub-tomb of the Fallen Immortal Cemetery of the Exiled Immortal Sect."

"Down there are immortal handwritings, hundreds of immortal poems, and immortal inheritance."

"Immortal, immortal?"

When Bai Zifan heard what Ke Wugui said, he was shocked.

Immortals are the most mysterious existence in this world.

No one knows whether immortals really exist, because once an immortal becomes an immortal, all the legends and memories about him will disappear.

In other words, even if someone becomes an immortal, no one will know.

Perhaps only some relics he left behind can prove the existence of immortals.

"Yes, I accidentally discovered the relics at the beginning. I only practiced in it for three months, and I became the youngest elder of the Exiled Immortal Sect since its establishment from an outer disciple."

"If you are lucky and can get the inheritance of the immortal, your future will be limitless."

Ke Wugui said to Bai Zifan without reservation.

Bai Zifan looked at him dubiously.

"Haha, why do you sound so unreliable to me? If it is true, why don't you continue to practice? Instead, you became a big devil."

"Boy, there is no need to doubt me. The reason why I became a demon is because my foundation is unstable. After receiving the guidance of the immortal, I had difficulty controlling the Taoist heart, and that's why I became a demon."

"When I became a demon, I completely sealed the memory of the Immortal Ruins. So the old devil didn't know anything about the Immortal Ruins."

"I think my immortal master Wuji's lifelong reputation was ruined by this old devil."

"So I hope you can go to the immortal ruins, accept the inheritance, and then kill me!"

Ke Wugou explained to Bai Zifan as if he was explaining the aftermath.

"Believe it or not, you will know when you go there. Remember, don't tell anyone."

After Ke Wugou finished speaking, his whole body began to tremble. His face became ferocious and he began to growl.

"Master Immortal, do you want to come back? Impossible, I will never let you come back, never!"

The one who made this roar was obviously not the Wuji Immortal Master, but the Earth Demon Lord.

It's hard for Bai Zifan to imagine what it's like for a person to have two completely different personalities.

He didn't know whether he should believe what Immortal Master Wuji said.

"Boy, remember what I said, remember, you must remember it!"

Immortal Master Wuji gave his last shout, and then the next second, his expression immediately changed and became extremely cold.


He grabbed Bai Zifan suddenly and twisted him up.

"Boy, what did he say to you? Tell me, tell me quickly."

The old devil came back, became extremely cruel, and began to threaten Bai Zifan.

"If you don't say anything, I will kill you right now."

When Bai Zifan heard this, he quickly replied.

"He asked me to kill you."

When the old devil heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then let go of Bai Zifan and burst out laughing.

"Kill me? Just because of you? Hahahaha, the immortal master must be very desperate! He finally came out once and met you."

The old devil laughed as if he had heard a joke.

Then, he looked at Bai Zifan coldly and said.

"Boy, the time has come, it's time to start my plan."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and then his soul left his body and went to the Yunmeng Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the old devil shouted in Yunmeng Realm.

"Zhuo Bufan, I, the Earth Demon Lord Ke Wugou, am here to give me some advice!"

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