Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 865: Each with his own schemes

Luo Yi and Xu Chengfeng wanted to plot against Zhuo Bufan, but they didn't know that Zhuo Bufan was already on guard.

After Zhuo Bufan returned to his room, he began to plan how to deal with Luo Yi.

"It's obviously impossible for this guy to target me for no reason."

"The only person I can possibly offend him with is obviously my position as number one."

"I can probably understand why this guy wants to be number one."

As a prince, he should naturally be the best in everything.

He wanted to take away Zhuo Bufan's first place, so he kept looking for trouble for Zhuo Bufan.

"Since you are unhappy with me, don't blame me for treating others the same way."

Zhuo Bufan began to formulate a plan to deal with Luo Yi.

the next day,

The final day of the competition begins.

Today is the last day of points qualifying.

After today, all points will be settled, and the top 100 will be added to the first palace.

The top ten will be added to the inner sect of the first palace.

As for the one ranked first, he may become the disciple of the leader Jiang Taiyi.

Of course, this is only possible. Whether Jiang Taiyi will accept a disciple or not is not decided by anyone.

However, there were precedents in previous years. Most of the disciples Jiang Taiyi accepted were selected from this number one.

So everyone wants to compete for the position of leader.

"Everyone, as of now, there are 58 contestants with 0 points, and they will be completely eliminated."

"Before the sun goes down, except for the top 100 contestants on the list, all others will be eliminated."

"So everyone, you don't have much time. Hurry up and the first palace will open its doors to welcome you."

As soon as the deputy leader Bei Ming Xuanji finished speaking, the competition on the last day immediately started to get excited.

Ten major battlefields, fighting back and forth.

Those ranked after 100 people began to work hard to climb up.

Those ranked before the 100th place are trying to protect their ranking.

In addition, the competition for the top ten on the list is also extremely fierce.

The top ten people can join the inner sect.

You must know that there is an essential difference between the inner door and the outer door.

Of course, the most stable ones are the contestants ranked in the top five.

Their rankings have not changed.

Especially Zhuo Bufan, no one dared to challenge him again.

Ever since Zhuo Bufan started the killing spree, these people were completely afraid.

However, today, Zhuo Bufan was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and not as high-profile as before.

The so-called high place is too cold, there is no one to challenge him, and he is a little bored.

However, he is not completely without challengers.

Just when everyone thought that Zhuo Bufan was the number one in this session.

Someone actually approached Zhuo Bufan and wanted to challenge him.

What's more, what everyone didn't expect was that Zhuo Bufan lost.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan lost, he lost fifty points.

This news spread throughout the entire arena in an instant.

"What? Zhuo Bufan actually lost?"

Luo Yi also learned the news immediately.

"That's right, he lost fifty points, and now it's spread throughout the entire arena."

"Are you kidding me? What on earth does this Zhuo Bufan want to do?"

Luo Yi was confused, and even a little angry, because things were out of his control, and he couldn't figure out what Zhuo Bufan wanted to do.

Not long after, someone came to report again.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"What's all the fuss about?" Luo Yi asked.

"Your Highness, that guy Zhuo Bufan, that guy lost again!"

"What? Lost again?"

Luo Yi was stunned. After less than a stick of incense, Zhuo Bufan lost again.

"Yes, this time he lost 100 points!"

Zhuo Bufan, who had lost two games in a row, made everyone dumbfounded by this move.

"Who are his opponents?"

Zhuo Bufan lost both battles. This matter was not simple, so Luo Yi immediately arranged for someone to investigate.

Not long after, the results of the investigation came out.

"Your Highness, we have found out that Zhuo Bufan has two opponents, namely Sun Yiru and Fang Wuwei!"

"Sun Yiru? Isn't he the one who ranked first before?"

"That's right, it's that Sun Yiru."

"Who is Fang Youwei?"

"Fang Youwei, this has not been investigated yet. But he is just a little-known guy."

"Keep checking for me. I want to know what this Zhuo Bufan is going to do."

Luo Yi was anxious, inexplicably anxious.

"What do you think?"

He looked at Xu Chengfeng aside and wanted to ask Xu Chengfeng for advice.

Xu Chengfeng was silent for a moment and then said.

"Your Highness, as far as I know, this Zhuo Bufan and that Sun Yiru seem to be from the same martial arts school."

"I'm thinking that he may want to take care of this girl so that she can enter the first palace."

"This can explain why Zhuo Bufan took away Sun Yiru's points in the first place. In fact, he wanted to protect Sun Yiru."

Xu Chengfeng is truly a counselor, and he guessed Zhuo Bufan's ideas almost correctly.

Zhuo Bufan lost to Sun Yiru because he really wanted to help Sun Yiru pass this test.

In this way, Sun Yiru and he could join the first palace at the same time.

"What's going on with Fang Youwei? Are they also from the same martial arts school?"

Luo Yi asked.

"I don't know about this, but this will be very beneficial to us, Your Highness!"

"In this case, your first place will be a foregone conclusion."

Xu Chengfeng analyzed.

But Luo Yi was not satisfied.

"Hmph, the matter of King Ming cannot be left like this."

"Didn't Zhuo Bufan want to help that woman pass the assessment? Then we just don't do what he wants."

"You make arrangements and send people to stop that woman and eliminate her directly."

"Well, Your Highness, our people may not be the opponent of that woman. Those who are stronger than that woman should have surpassed her in points and cannot challenge that woman."

"Just do it if I tell you to do it! Won't you lose to me in the end? By then, your points will be lower than that of that woman. In the end, you will deal with that woman, okay!"

After hearing this, Xu Chengfeng was silent.

In the final analysis, he was just a dog of Luo Yi, and he had to do whatever he asked him to do.

"I understand. Your Highness, don't worry, I will leave that woman to me."

On this side, Luo Yi already felt that he could rest easy.

Zhuo Bufan deliberately lost points now, wanting to help his fellow disciples advance.

Then he deliberately blocked it, not wanting Sun Yiru to pass the test.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he actually didn't care whether Sun Yiru could pass the test.

Because he had already repaid Sun Yiru.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan lost points was because he did it on purpose.


Report, Zhuo Bufan, 350 points, ranked second!

When Zhuo Bufan's points dropped to the second place on the Sky Ranking, everyone was stunned.

In just half a day, Zhuo Bufan's points dropped by half.

The first place has changed hands and became Xu Chengfeng.

"What is Zhuo Bufan going to do?"

No one knows what Zhuo Bufan is going to do. Sun Yiru doesn't know, Luo Yi doesn't know, and even Xu Chengfeng doesn't know.

However, when Xu Chengfeng knew that Zhuo Bufan had found Xu Chengfeng, Xu Chengfeng was stunned!

"Xu Chengfeng, right? Now, I want to challenge you!"

Zhuo Bufan found Xu Chengfeng and smiled slyly.

He just became the second, and turned around to challenge Xu Chengfeng who was ranked first.

Xu Chengfeng was dumbfounded when he heard it.

"You, could it be that you are..."

Xu Chengfeng suddenly understood why Zhuo Bufan lost points so madly.

This guy came specifically for him.


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