Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 866: Using the opponent’s trick

Zhuo Bufan had only one purpose in losing points like crazy, and that was Xu Chengfeng.

He had already guessed that Xu Chengfeng and Luo Yi were in the same group.

Luo Yi was obviously third in the rankings, but he ignored the second place Pianpian and came to find fault with Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, there is only one possibility.

The purpose of Xu Chengfeng's existence is to help Luo Yi advance to the top spot.

But halfway through, a Zhuo Bufan emerged, and his points were even higher than the combined total of Luo Yi and Xu Chengfeng.

That's why Luo Yi became anxious and started targeting Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan figured out the trick, he did the opposite.

He started losing points like crazy, and in just half a day, he lost more than half of his points.

When he happened to fall to second place, he began to turn around and defeat Xu Chengfeng's army.

Because only those with low points are qualified to challenge those with high points.

Moreover, according to the rules, you must accept the opponent's challenge.

Therefore, when Zhuo Bufan challenged Xu Chengfeng, Xu Chengfeng understood immediately.

"You plotted against us!"

Xu Cheng looked at Zhuo Bufan with burning eyes, staring at him and said.

He simply couldn't believe that Zhuo Bufan would use this method to defeat their army.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan chuckled and said.

"I don't know what you are talking about! I only know that my points have dropped to second place now, and I'm panicking."

"So I plan to burn the boat, or else I will be successful."

"The points I want to challenge you with are 350 points!"

350 points, all of Zhuo Bufan's points.

If he wins, he will get 700 points. Back to its previous position at the top of the list.

But if Xu Chengfeng loses, then a certain prince's dream of becoming a champion will be gone.

"I can't accept your challenge, no!"

Xu Chengfeng became frightened.

He didn't dare accept Zhuo Bufan's challenge. He was afraid of losing. If he lost, it would be all over. Luo Yi would definitely kill him.

However, he couldn't help it now.

The rule of the game is that challenges with low points cannot be rejected.

Just like Zhuo Bufan couldn't refuse the challenge from those ants before.

As long as a challenge is launched, it must be accepted, otherwise it will be dealt with as a loss. At that time, all points will also be lost.

Mr. Zhuo Bufan had studied the rules and used such a plan to deceive people.

"Zhuo Bufan, I surrender to you, how about I give up? Please don't challenge me, really don't challenge me."

Xu Chengfeng is now begging Zhuo Bufan not to challenge him.

"As long as you agree, I will no longer cause trouble for you in the future."

The other party kept pleading with Zhuo Bufan.

But Zhuo Bufan was completely unmoved.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, what are you talking about! I am serious, and I want to compete with you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed Xu Chengfeng and threw him directly to the desert battlefield, one of the top ten battlefields.

After that, Zhuo Bufan raised the decibel level and announced to everyone.

"I, Zhuo Bufan, want to challenge Xu Chengfeng, the leader, and I will bet on 350 points!"

Zhuo Bufan officially issued the challenge to Xu Chengfeng directly under the referee's certification.

The moment he heard this, Xu Chengfeng felt that his whole body was going cold.

Zhuo Bufan's sudden challenge also shocked all the contestants.

"What? Zhuo Bufan challenged Xu Chengfeng? Isn't he the first?"

"No, Zhuo Bufan dropped to second place in points at 3:30 noon."

"Lost? Did I hear you correctly? Zhuo Bufan lost points? How did he do it? In one morning, he was able to drop from more than 700 points to more than 300 points?"

"I heard that he has been losing since morning. He has lost dozens of games. In almost every game, he deliberately admits defeat."

"Why did he do this?"

No one understands that Zhuo Bufan can sit back and relax and become the absolute champion of this session.

But this guy had nothing to do and started losing points like crazy.

Well now, I have dropped to second place.

And he immediately challenged Xu Chengfeng, and the betting points were all his net worth. If he loses this battle, Zhuo Bufan will be eliminated directly.

No one understands Zhuo Bufan's thoughts. This guy feels like a mystery.

"Let's go and see what Zhuo Bufan wants to do!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Every move Zhuo Bufan makes now will attract everyone's attention.

Soon, the news reached the ears of the prince Luo Yi.

When Luo Yi learned that Zhuo Bufan wanted to challenge his counselor Xu Chengfeng, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he got furious!

"What, Zhuo Bufan challenged Xu Chengfeng?"

"Damn it, damn it, we can't let them fight, we absolutely can't let them fight!"

Luo Yi rushed out of the room, trying to stop the fight.

However, the battle has been forced to start by Zhuo Bufan.

"Both sides are ready, the battle begins!"

At the referee's order, the battle between Zhuo Bufan and Xu Chengfeng began.

On the vast desert, Zhuo Bufan and Xu Chengfeng each stood on a sand dune.

At this moment, Xu Chengfeng was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't give him any time to think. As soon as the battle started, Zhuo Bufan immediately attacked Xu Chengfeng.

Xu Chengfeng looked at Zhuo Bufan coming to kill him, and he had no intention of fighting.

Obviously, he was confused and didn't know what to do.

He thought he was very smart, but now the development of things has exceeded his expectations.

"Hey, if you keep being stupid, be careful that I will really kill you!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan, who rushed over, suddenly shouted at Xu Chengfeng.

"Don't you want to fight for yourself? You admit defeat before the fight, you coward."

Zhuo Bufan's words suddenly ignited the fire of hope in Xu Chengfeng's eyes.

"I don't care who you are, I challenge you, Xu Chengfeng."

"You can rank second, which means that your strength is not weak! In this case, let me see your true strength."

Knight Zhuo Bufan was encouraging Xu Chengfeng.

His words did make Xu Chengfeng regain his fighting spirit.

Zhuo Bufan was right, this Xu Chengfeng was a master.

His cultivation had reached the peak of Tongxuan and was about to merge with the Dao.

Among the contestants of this session, he can be said to be the one with the highest cultivation, even higher than Zhuo Bufan who was in the early stage of Tongxuan.

He was born in the palace. He was instilled with an idea since he was sensible, that is, to serve the royal family for life and live for His Highness.

However, he, Xu Chengfeng, is obviously a peerless genius.

His talent is far higher than Luo Yi.

This Luo Yi is just a cultivator in the realm of real people.

He relied on Xu Chengfeng to protect him all the way to where he is now.

In fact, in the needle-in-the-haystack competition in the Jinghai world, Xu Chengfeng was the first person to discover the silver needle hidden in the body of the mirror sea beast.

Such a smart and powerful genius.

Zhuo Bufan felt it was a pity when he saw it.

"Fight, Xu Chengfeng, let me see your real ability."

Zhuo Bufan landed in front of Xu Chengfeng and did not take action.

Xu Chengfeng raised his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Then, his eyes changed from confusion to seriousness.

After a moment, the fire of fighting ignited in his eyes.


He roared, and a huge black shadow rushed out from his body, instantly filling the entire desert battlefield.

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