Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 890 Searching for Father for Ten Thousand Years

Zhuo Bufan finally learned the secret of Emperor Xuan's sealing the sky from Chu Zhongtian.

Although the truth has not been completely solved, Zhuo Bufan is now close.

Now it seems that Emperor Xuan sealed the world of cultivation in order to protect it.

After all, the world of cultivation exists in the Yin world, just like the virtual world exists in the Yang world.

Now the virtual world in the Yang world has been completely breached by the Yang world.

If it weren't for the existence of Emperor Xuan and his people, the world of cultivation might have been breached by the people of the Yin world long ago.

Jiang Taiyi said that the Yin world and the Yang world, like water and fire, cannot be integrated.

Once the creatures of the two worlds meet, they will have an innate sense of hatred.

Therefore, the world like Tai Chi is destined to leave only one color between black and white.

"Uncle, can you tell me what kind of world we are in?"

"Why does this big world set up a law of self-destruction?"

Zhuo Bufan doesn't understand.

They are in this world, but they don't understand it at all.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to find the answer from Chu Zhongtian, but Chu Zhongtian didn't have an answer either.

"I can't answer you this question. Maybe my master can answer it."

"Lord Luo Tian?"

"Yes, he has been looking for the same answer with you all his life."

"Did he find the answer?"

"I think he did!"

Chu Zhongtian didn't have a perfect answer to Zhuo Bufan's question, but was vague.

"Actually, there is another reason why I asked you to come here today."

"Do you think this girl is interesting?"

Chu Zhongtian suddenly asked about Yaya who was sleeping on Zhuo Bufan's head.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Master, do you know this girl?"

Chu Zhongtian smiled and answered after hearing this.

"I think so! We have met three times before, so we are old friends."

"She looked for you three times? Master, is this girl really looking for her father?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to know about Yaya, so he asked.

Chu Zhongtian smiled and asked after hearing this.

"Do you know when I first saw this girl?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

At this time, Chu Zhongtian continued.

"You may not believe it, but the first time I saw her was a thousand years ago."


Zhuo Bufan was confused.

"A thousand years ago?"

Zhuo Bufan certainly didn't believe it.

Chu Zhongtian swore that he had seen this girl a thousand years ago.

"At that time, this girl ran to my Guiyi Sect and said she was looking for her father. I thought she was a lost child."

"I took this girl down the mountain to find her relatives, but I ran a hundred miles and didn't find her relatives."

"Later, I fostered her in an ordinary family."

"What happened later?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

He always felt that it was a little incredible that this girl had lived for more than a thousand years.

Chu Zhongtian continued.

"It was even more interesting later. About fifty years later, I met her again."

"At that time, I was traveling and passed by a battlefield. This girl was on the battlefield, living on the military rations in the pockets of corpses."

"I couldn't bear it, so I took her back to Guiyi Sect."

"Battlefield? Why would she go to that kind of place?"

When Zhuo Bufan thought of the scene of this little girl digging corpses and looking for food on the battlefield, his heart was sour and unpleasant.

"Later, I also asked her this question, and she said she was looking for her father. Her father is the god of war, and where there is war, there is her father."

"I asked her why she didn't live an ordinary life in that small village."

"She told me that the people in that village regarded her as a monster. Because more than ten years have passed, this girl still hasn't grown up. So the people in the village think she is a monster."

"Even the family that adopted her regarded her as a monster and drove her out. At that time, I realized that it was me, the old man, who was reckless."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his heart became a little uncomfortable.

Especially when he heard the word "monster", he felt uncomfortable in his heart, as if he was being talked about.

"What a monster, haha, this girl is just a little bit special than others, why do these people say that about her?"

Zhuo Bufan became angrier the more he thought about it.

He could feel how much grievance this little girl had suffered.

Everyone treated her as a monster, and she was bullied.

At night, she could only curl up in a dark corner alone. Maybe she was locked in a pigsty, or maybe she was in a cellar with rats.

She didn't do anything wrong, she just wanted to find her father.

Zhuo Bufan could hardly imagine that such a girl, barefoot, had walked through thousands of mountains and thousands of years.

Walking on ice and snow, moving forward in wind and rain.

How many hardships she had borne on her shoulders was absolutely unimaginable.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but hold Yaya's two little feet tightly.

"What happened next? Uncle, can you tell me what happened next?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was eager to know what happened to Yaya.

"Later, this girl stayed in my Guiyi Sect for half a month. Then one day, she left without saying goodbye."

"She said she was going to look for her father. I calculated for her that although she would not be rich and powerful in her life, she would be safe and sound, and all her wishes would come true. That's why I let her go to look for her relatives."

"And the third time I saw her was in a demon sect called Xuehaimen."

"Demon sect?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned and held the little girl's feet tightly.


"That was five hundred years ago, when a Xuehai Sect suddenly appeared in the martial arts world."

"This Xuehai Sect was really powerful. They became a first-class demon sect overnight. All the disciples in the sect had the lowest cultivation level of Little Immortals. The whole martial arts world was in a bloody mess."

"I got the request of the Emperor of Dayin Dynasty to help destroy this demon sect. During this process, I learned that the reason why this Xuehai Sect suddenly became a first-class demon sect was because they found a magic medicine."

"I was wondering what kind of magic medicine could make the strength of the 100,000 disciples of the entire Xuehai Sect soar."

"You should know that this Xuehai Sect was not even a ninth-rate sect before."

"What kind of magic medicine is that?" Zhuo Bufan asked quickly. He suspected that this magic medicine was related to Yaya.

And Chu Zhongtian seemed to know what Zhuo Bufan was thinking, so he smiled.

"You're right. The magic medicine they're talking about is this girl."

"I heard that this girl went to Xuehaimen to look for her father, and it turns out that the leader of Xuehaimen has a fetish of eating babies!"

"Eating babies?" These two short words made Zhuo Bufan feel distressed.

"That's right. This girl is like a lamb in a tiger's mouth. She was caught on the spot by the leader of Xuehaimen, and then thrown into the pot to be boiled into a pot of broth."

"Damn, these beasts, I'm going to kill them all."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly went berserk. When he heard that Yaya was thrown into the pot and boiled, he suddenly became angry and wanted to kill people.

"But don't worry, this girl is really extraordinary."

"The people of Xuehaimen boiled her for an hour, and when they opened the pot, they found that the girl was swimming in the boiling water without any injury."

"The leader of Xuehaimen immediately discovered that this girl was extraordinary."

"He tasted the girl's bath water, and his cultivation level soared."

"In this way, this girl was treated as a magic medicine and placed in the steamer, steamed day and night."

"And the water she boiled was treated as a magic liquid. After drinking it, all the people's cultivation levels soared."

After hearing what Chu Zhongtian said, Zhuo Bufan showed an incredible expression.

It seems that his worries were unnecessary. This girl was steamed without any injury, and instead became someone else's magic medicine.

"What is the origin of this girl? Is she really my daughter?"

Zhuo Bufan was at a loss.


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