Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 891 Mirror Slave Mirror Master

The third time Chu Zhongtian saw Yaya was in the big steamer of Xuehaimen.

When he rescued Yaya, she had been steamed in the steamer for more than three months.

When he opened the steamer, Chu Zhongtian found that Yaya had entered a self-protective dormant state.

Later, Chu Zhongtian brought Yaya back to Guiyi Sect. It took a full year for Yaya to recover from that dormant state.

As for Xuehaimen, it was destroyed by the angry Chu Zhongtian at that time, and no one survived.

And the secret of Yaya as a magic medicine was only known to him.

Chu Zhongtian destroyed the sect to protect Yaya.

Otherwise, there are countless people in the world who want to harm this little girl.

Just drinking the girl's bath water will increase your cultivation. What if you eat her?

So, Yaya is a magic medicine, that's right, she is a magic medicine.


This story sounds legendary, thrilling, and interesting.

However, Zhuo Bufan felt a little uncomfortable.

How much suffering Yaya had gone through in order to find her father was something Zhuo Bufan could never imagine.

What Chu Zhongtian said was only one ten-thousandth of what Yaya had experienced.

It was hard to imagine what Yaya had gone through in all these years.

She took those little feet and measured the world step by step.

She walked through every corner of the world and may have asked everyone in the world.

She wanted to find her father, she only wanted to find her father.

It is conceivable how happy Yaya was when she saw Zhuo Bufan for the first time.

Regardless of whether Zhuo Bufan was her father or not, at least in her heart, she had already determined that Zhuo Bufan was her father.

This meant that in the future, she would no longer have to search hard.

No need to miss her father in every dark night.

No need to walk aimlessly on the snow in every cold wind and snow.

No need to watch other people's happiness and reunion alone during every lively festival.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan slowly reached out and touched the little girl's feet.

When he touched Yaya's feet, his heart was stabbed.

A feeling that could no longer be suppressed gushed out from his heart.

Two lines of tears silently slid down from the corners of his eyes.

This was the first time that Zhuo Bufan felt so uncomfortable and so sad.

Yaya's feet were covered with calluses and wounds.

This was a pair of feet that had walked for countless years and countless distances.

"Thank you, thank you for telling me all this."

"I understand."

"From now on, she is my daughter, an irreplaceable daughter."

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why Yaya was unwilling to let him go.

Yaya had been searching for so long, she didn't want to lose again, and didn't want to go through thousands of years of searching again.

Knowing all this, Zhuo Bufan hugged Yaya's feet tightly to his chest.

It didn't matter whether he was Yaya's biological father or not.

Because at that moment, Zhuo Bufan had decided to claim Yaya.

He wanted to take care of her as if she were his own daughter.

"I am happy to see this girl find her home."

"She was born extraordinary, and time can't erase it at all. She may have a big secret. Let her follow you, so that she doesn't have to wander around anymore."

Chu Zhongtian has actually been paying attention to Yaya secretly.

Since the third time he parted with Yaya, he left magic on Yaya.

So no matter where Yaya goes, Chu Zhongtian knows her whereabouts.

Including the meeting between Yaya and Zhuo Bufan, Chu Zhongtian also saw it clearly in the magic mirror.

That's why he asked the fairy boy to bring Zhuo Bufan and Yaya to him, as an explanation and account to Zhuo Bufan.

"Master, do you know that there is a passage leading to the world of cultivation in the virtual world?"

"I think Emperor Xuan and others may need me, I should go back."

Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to waste time in this world anymore.

After meeting Yaya, Zhuo Bufan missed his biological daughter even more.

He still had his own things to do, as for other things, just go with the flow.

Chu Zhongtian responded after hearing this.

"In the center of the virtual world, there is a paradise island. There is a star well in it."

"The star well is the entrance to the world of cultivation."

"Do you know what this star well is?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head slowly, indicating that he didn't know.

At this time, Chu Zhongtian continued.

"The star well is a passage specially built by the Lord of Yinxu, the Mirror Master, to travel to the world of cultivation."

"Mirror Master? Uncle, is he the one holding the Mountain and Sea Mirror?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that Chu Zhongtian had something extremely important to tell him.

So he quickly pricked up his ears to listen.

"Hehe, you are talking about the deputy head of the Yi Palace, Bei Ming Xuanji! He is just a mirror slave."

"Mirror slaves are distributed in various world planes. Your master, Jiang Taixuan, was also a mirror slave."

"Mirror slave!"

Zhuo Bufan heard a brand new term.

It turns out that the person holding the Shanhai Mirror is not the mirror master, but a mirror slave.

The real mirror master is someone else.

"Uncle, what kind of existence is this mirror slave? Won't they harm the Yang World?"

"Harm? Not really. Do you know why Jiang Taiyi agreed to let Bei Ming Xuanji be the deputy head of Deyi Palace?"

"I don't know." Zhuo Bufan shook his head. He couldn't figure it out.

"Hehe, that's because Jiang Taiyi wants to plant this dangerous seed next to him so that he can monitor him at all times. Putting the danger where you can see it is the best way to solve the danger."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

"So that's it! So, senior brother knows the harm of Bei Ming Xuanji, so he deliberately made him the deputy head?"

"Yes, that's true. From the current point of view, Bei Ming Xuanji has not caused any harm since he became the deputy head of Deyi Palace."

"After all, your master Jiang Taixuan has also been a mirror slave, so you can't generalize about mirror slaves."

"However, mirror slaves are the people of the mirror master after all, and their thoughts are commanded by the mirror master. And this mirror master is a dangerous person."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"What kind of existence is this mirror master?"

Chu Zhongtian began to talk slowly.

"This mirror master is actually a powerful person in the virtual world. He is also the owner of the innate artifact Shanhai Mirror."

"He opened the door from the virtual world to the real world."

"He wanted to unite with a group of masters in the Yin world to destroy the real world."

"But your master Jiang Taixuan betrayed him after finding out. And your master united with various powerful people in the cultivation world to kill the mirror master. He prevented the crisis."

"However, this mirror master is obviously not completely dead. Maybe one day, he will come back."

"So, we decided to strike first. We in the Yang world began to invade the virtual world. Destroy the virtual world before the mirror master comes back."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows were completely twisted together.

A lot of doubts in his heart were opened up again.

No wonder people in this world would attack the virtual world so frantically. It turned out to prevent the mirror master from coming back.

"Alas, it's just that this battle has caused so much suffering to all living beings, which is really a serious sin."

"And now, the invasion of the Yang Realm into the Void Realm has deteriorated and turned into a thorough massacre."

"Of course, saying this now seems too hypocritical. After all, your senior brother and I agreed to this invasion at the beginning."

Zhuo Bufan finally understood that the invasion of the Yang Realm into the Void Realm was decided by the highest level of this world from the beginning.

All this is helpless.

They live under this law of life and death, and no one can be immune.

Because of their sins, Jiang Taiyi and Chu Zhongtian have not been able to reach the realm of the Great Emperor Fengtian.

The sins of billions of lives in the Void Realm can only be borne by them.


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