Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 892 Xiaomei Becomes a Disciple

Zhuo Bufan is getting closer and closer to the secret of this world.

However, with his current ability, he is not qualified to participate in this war.

Now, Zhuo Bufan just wants to return to the world of cultivation as soon as possible and reunite with his family.

Now that he has recognized a little daughter, Zhuo Bufan's current task is to support his family.

"By the way, I came to you today, in addition to the matter about this girl, I also want to ask for something."

As soon as Chu Zhongtian finished speaking, he waved his sleeves. There was a lot of wine on the ground.

"Uncle, what do you mean?"

Zhuo Bufan asked puzzledly.

"It's like this, I heard that you have the sand of time, so..."

Chu Zhongtian was a little embarrassed as expected.

And Zhuo Bufan immediately understood.

It turned out that Chu Zhongtian wanted to ask Zhuo Bufan for some sand of time.

There was no way, the sand of time was something that could only be obtained by reincarnators who could enter the reincarnation world.

There are only a handful of people who can enter the world of reincarnation, and Zhuo Bufan is one of them.

Sand of Time, as the basic particle of the power of time, possesses a powerful power of time.

It is the best material for refining. No matter what it is, it will undergo a qualitative change after being tempered with Sand of Time.

Chu Zhongtian obviously also took a fancy to Sand of Time, but they have the ability to obtain it and can only trade with Zhuo Bufan.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan really needs the wine of Taoism.

Of course, this is also the result of his two apprentices throwing stones to test the water.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely happy to see Chu Zhongtian take out a pile of wine of Taoism.

There are at least ten jars, enough for Zhuo Bufan to enter and exit the world of reincarnation twenty or thirty times.

"Uncle Master, how many do you want?"

Zhuo Bufan said directly.

"I heard that you sell by can. I have twelve jars here, so give me ten cans! I wonder if you have any?"

Chu Zhongtian knows a lot, obviously his apprentice Yu Baifei told him.

At the beginning, Zhuo Bufan gave Yu Baifei a jar of Wendao wine in exchange for two jars of Time Sand.

His master was obviously more generous than him, and gave Zhuo Bufan twelve jars at once, but only asked for ten jars.

"Uncle Master, wait a moment."

Zhuo Bufan said, and his mind entered the Tianxuan Tower in Meicheng.

Then he ruled Xiaomei and asked Xiaomei to prepare twenty jars of Time Sand.

Zhuo Bufan put all the Time Sand in the Tianxuan Tower. And Xiaomei was in charge of it, so he was completely relieved.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan took out twenty jars and said to Chu Zhongtian.

"Uncle Master, here are twenty jars. The extra ten jars will be the gift for my nephew."

Chu Zhongtian had no expression on his face after hearing this, but he still nodded with a little gratitude.

Then, he took all the Time Sand, and then the sand jars slowly opened, and all the Time Sand floated in the air, turning into a small river of time.

"Yes, this is indeed the Sand of Time! This is what Jiang Taixuan gave me."

"You are indeed a reincarnationist like Jiang Taixuan."

After Chu Zhongtian finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and put all the Sand of Time into his sleeves.

Zhuo Bufan also put away the wine.

"Uncle, I have another question. Do you know a reincarnationist named Zhou?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask about Mr. Zhou. After all, Mr. Zhou was a reincarnationist of the same era as him.

And they were both on the same boat.

However, Mr. Zhou's origins were mysterious, and Zhuo Bufan still didn't know his identity. He only knew that Mr. Zhou had been in the reincarnation world for a very long time.

After hearing this, Chu Zhongtian was silent for a moment, and then said.

"I have never heard of a reincarnationist with the surname Zhou. However, in the history of Taixuan Sect, there is indeed a strong man with the surname Zhou. He may be a reincarnationist."

"Taixuan Sect?"

"Yes, it is the master of the current Taixuan Sect leader, Zhou Yong! This person is the son of Xuanmen Patriarch Zhou Yi."

"Xuanmen Patriarch?"

"Yes, Xuanmen Patriarch is also half of my master's mentor. My master once obtained part of the inheritance of Xuanmen Patriarch Zhou Yi. He was able to achieve his later achievements thanks to the inheritance power of Xuanmen Patriarch."

"Zhou Yi?"

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he had not had time to understand what kind of existence Lord Luo Tian was.

Now there is a more mysterious Zhou Yi.

It can only be said that Luo Tian is too famous in this era, and people have forgotten the supreme figure of the previous era.

Every era has its own self-esteem mission.

Just like when the Taoist Patriarch Yigong founded the world's ten thousand ways, he was the supreme figure of that era.

Later, when Zhou Yi, the ancestor of Xuanmen, created the Gate of Wonders, he was the supreme figure of his time.

After Xuanmen, Luo Tian, ​​the ancestor of Famen, became the supreme figure of his time.

So that no one has surpassed him so far.

And in this era, the era after Lord Luo Tian, ​​no one has surpassed him yet.

Who will it be? Is it Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing, or Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao?

"I understand, thank you uncle for answering my questions."

"Thank you uncle for the wine, then if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Zhuo Bufan was about to leave, but at this moment, Xiaomei shouted in Meicheng.

"Stinky Bufan, let me out, let me out."

"Xiaomei, what are you doing? I'm not convenient now."

"I know where you are, let me out quickly. I want to go out now. I want to see this old man."

Faced with Xiaomei's sudden request, Zhuo had no choice but to release her from the Xuangu Ring.

"Uncle, sorry, I have a friend who wants to see you."

When Chu Zhongtian heard it, he smiled faintly and said.

"I know, I have already calculated that there will be a fate today."

"Fate?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Xiaomei came out of Meicheng with a jar of wine in her arms, and walked boldly in front of Chu Zhongtian.

"Old man, is this the wine you brewed?"

"Yes, it's the wine I brewed." Chu Zhongtian was not angry because Xiaomei called him old man.

"I want to learn brewing from you, are you willing to accept me as your apprentice?"

Zhuo Bufan was speechless.

"You girl, is this your attitude of apprenticeship?"

Xiaomei didn't understand the ways of the world, and didn't care whether she offended Chu Zhongtian or not.

However, Chu Zhongtian was more generous and tolerant than Zhuo Bufan thought.

"It is God's will today, so I should obey God's will. Okay, I will teach you how to make wine."

Chu Zhongtian had already calculated that he and Xiaomei had a master-disciple relationship.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, was obviously a little bit unbelievable.

"Master, you just accepted this girl as your apprentice?"

"Haha, why not? This is the fate between her and me."

"This girl is not easy to discipline!"

"The little girl is innocent and romantic, why should she be disciplined."

Chu Zhongtian, the master, is more casual than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

No wonder he taught such free and easy apprentices as Yu Baifei and Gao Zhan.

"I understand, then, Xiaomei, from now on, you will follow Master Uncle to learn well. When the time comes, I will pick you up."

"Well, stinky Bufan, take care of yourself. I don't want to be left too far behind by you."

Xiaomei felt alienated and in danger because she had seen Zhuo Bufan's strength.

That's why she couldn't wait to become Chu Zhongtian's apprentice.

"When I learn how to make wine, I will make wine for you in the future."

In order to make wine for Zhuo Bufan, Xiaomei became Chu Zhongtian's apprentice.

Zhuo Bufan was touched and didn't know what to say.

Everyone has their own pursuits. Xiaomei is not the canary raised by Zhuo Bufan. She has her own life.

So, Zhuo Bufan finally decided to help Xiaomei.


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