Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 947: Valley of the Giant God

One characteristic of the mountain people is that the real mountain people are actually human beings.

However, this kind of human beings cannot live without the mountains at their feet.

Therefore, they will use their divine power to turn the mountains at their feet into mountain giants.

Ziyun's mountain giant is named Xiaoxiao.

Although it is said to be small, it is actually larger than an ordinary mountain.

Xiaoxiao is a special amethyst mountain, and amethyst is a very precious ore in the virtual world.

After Ziyun finished treating Xiaoxiao, he was ready to return to the tribe with the Nine-turn Purple Flower.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan asked.

"I have one more thing to ask you. Have you ever seen a white-haired man come here?"

After hearing this, Ziyun slowly shook his head.

"I didn't see it."

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"How could this happen? Xuanyuan should be nearby!"

Xuanyuan Hao has the scales of the Abi beast Xiaolin on his body, so Xiaolin found this place.

Now that Xiaolin has found this place, it means that Xuanyuan Hao and the others are nearby.

But as a mountain person, Ziyun knew everything in the territory, so it was impossible for her not to notice the whereabouts of Xuanyuan Hao and the others.

"You ask your friend, maybe I can help."

At this time, Ziyun suddenly proposed to help Zhuo Bufan.

This gave Zhuo Bufan an evil surprise.

"you help me?"

"Yes, there is a listening beast in our mountain tribe. It can find anyone you want to find. As long as he is on this land, you can find him."

"Listen to the divine beast?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Well then! I have an appointment with my friend and I need to find him as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan was not polite either.

The top priority now is to find Xuanyuan Hao and the others.

"Then come with me!"

Later, Zhuo Bufan and Ziyun went to the Valley of the Giants where their Shanren clan was located!

The Valley of the Giants is located under a canyon thousands of feet high.

It is the place where the mountain god became a god, and it is also the holy land of the mountain people.

This place has the absolute advantage of being easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Therefore, the Valley of the Giants is also one of the few places in the virtual world that has not been captured by the Yang Realm.

In addition to being easy to defend and difficult to attack, the Valley of the Titans is also difficult to find the entrance.

Moreover, a powerful barrier was set up in the valley, and there were many mechanisms. It was not without reason that people from the Yang Realm attacked several times, but gave up in the end.

"Come on Xiaoxiao!"

"Next we will enter the Valley of the Giants. There are many barriers and traps in the valley. If you enter the barrier by mistake, I can't save you."

After hearing Ziyun's flowers, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

Then he fell on Xiao Xiao.

"Then it'll be hard work."

It feels really different to stand on a giant and walk forward.

Soon, they came to a cliff thousands of feet high.

There is no road in front of us. It is obvious that the road is behind this cliff.

Ziyun stretched out his hand and pushed towards the cliff.

"The realm of the gods, the gate of heaven is opened."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ravine slowly opened up in the center of the cliff.

A natural door appeared in front of them.

Then, Xiaoxiao started running towards the line of sky.

The little one was very fast, as fast as a hurricane.

When it ran into the sky, the cliffs on both sides began to heal quickly.

Xiaoxiao ran faster and faster, faster and faster.

Until the moment when the cliff was about to close, it rushed out of the sky.

It was such a critical moment that they were almost turned into mincemeat.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was obviously overly worried.

Xiaoxia and Ziyun are mountain people, so they can obviously enter and exit this place easily.

After crossing the cliff, they came to the Valley of the Giants.

In front of us is a vast plain.

On the plains, there are hills one after another full of spirituality.

These hills are about the size of a small mountain.

After seeing Xiaoxiao come back, these hills started to tremble.

Obviously, these hills are all populated by mountain people.

At a glance, there are hundreds of them at least.

"It's back, it's Ziyun who's back."

The perception ability of these mountain people is different from ordinary people, when Ziyun and the others just walked out of the cliff.

These mountain people felt the breath of Ziyun.

Then all the hills stood up.

This is a gathering of giants. Hundreds of hill giants surround the Valley of the Giants. The scene is extremely shocking.

Zhuo Bufan was also extremely surprised. This was the first race he saw after coming to the virtual world.

Sure enough, it is different from the cultivation world and the Yang world.

The races in this world are amazing.

"Aunt Elder, I'm back."

Xiaoxiao brought Ziyun to a gray hill giant.

On the shoulders of the giant on the gray hill stood an old woman with a stooped waist.

The old woman was holding a cane and looking at the purple clouds coming towards her with a glimmer of light in her eyes.

"Little Ziyun, you are finally back. Zijihua, have you found it?"

"Auntie, look!"

Before the aunt could finish speaking, Ziyun asked Xiaoxiao to take out the Nine-Turn Purple Flower that shone with peerless purple light from her body.

The Nine-turn Purple Flower was born, and each of its nine purple petals evolved many strange phenomena.

It looks extremely sacred.

When the aunt saw this, her eyes lit up.

"Yes, that's right, this is the Nine-turn Purple Flower."

"With the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower, the Mountain God can be resurrected, he can be resurrected."

The aunt was very excited. Not only her, but the mountain people in the entire Giant God Valley were also very excited after hearing the news.

Everyone hoped that the Mountain God could be resurrected and lead their mountain people to continue to move forward in this declining world.

"Aunt, please put it away quickly! We will start the ceremony as soon as possible so that the Mountain God can be resurrected as soon as possible."

Ziyun handed the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower to the old woman.

After the old woman took the Nine-turn Purple Extreme Flower, she hid the flower in her hill giant body and waited for the next ceremony.

"By the way, Ziyun, where are Lu Zhong and the others? Didn't they go to look for flowers with you?"

The old woman suddenly asked Ziyun about Lu Zhong and the others.

After hearing this, Ziyun frowned and said angrily.

"Aunt, Lv Zhong, Huang Liang, and Lan Yi have ulterior motives. They intend to take the flower and keep it for themselves."

"Especially Lv Zhong, he intends to replace the mountain god and become the new mountain god."

"In order to snatch the purple flower, he even killed me."


When the mountain people heard about Ziyun's experience, they were all furious.

The aunt shouted even more thunderously.

"Damn Lv Zhong, he really has two hearts. Thanks to the mountain god who gave him the word loyalty, he is simply a traitor."

"Ziyun, are you okay? Lv Zhong is very powerful."

"Yes, Ziyun, you beat the three of them alone, how did you escape back?"

At this time, Ziyun looked at Zhuo Bufan on the side, and then said.

"It was this benefactor who saved me."

"He acted in time and saved me from Lv Zhong."

"Lv Zhong and Huang Liang are both dead. And Lan Yi escaped."

After hearing what Ziyun said, everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan for a while.

Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Haha, it's just a piece of cake, just a piece of cake!"

Zhuo Bufan accidentally became a great benefactor of Giant God Valley.


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