Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 948 Listening to the Divine Beast

Because Zhuo Bufan saved Ziyun, the mountain people in front of him received him as a distinguished guest.

"Everyone, go down and prepare. Tomorrow we will start the ceremony to resurrect the mountain god."

"Yun'er, it's up to you to receive this young master!"

As the elder and leader's aunt, let the other mountain people go down to prepare for the ceremony.

"Auntie, I have one more thing to ask for."

At this time, Ziyun stopped her.

He has not forgotten the purpose of bringing Zhuo Bufan here.

"What's the matter?" asked my aunt.

"Auntie like that, I brought this young master here mainly because I wanted him to meet Lord Di Ting."

"He has a friend who is lost, and he wants to find his friend with the help of Lord Diting."

After hearing this, my aunt frowned.

"Want to see the truth, Sir?"

This Tingting is the sacred beast that the mountain god sits on. After the mountain god died, it has been guarding the altar.

This beast has the miraculous ability to hear the Six Paths, hear the Eight Desolations, see the universe, and understand Yin and Yang.

It can know every move of anyone in the entire virtual world.

Of course, because of the respected status of Listening, not everyone can see it casually.

Especially Zhuo Bufan, whose origins are unfamiliar, and the people of the Shanren tribe cannot completely trust him.

However, he is Ziyun's savior, and the savior of the entire Shanren clan.

Therefore, after thinking for a moment, the aunt finally decided to let Zhuo Bufan see and listen.

"Okay then! Come with me."

Later, Zhuo Bufan and Ziyun followed their aunt to a huge cave under the cliff.

This cave is huge, twice as tall as the small one.

You must know that Xiaoxiao is a hill giant, extremely huge.

It can accommodate a hill giant to enter and exit freely, which shows how huge this cave is.

Soon after they entered the cave, Zhuo Bufan's spiritual sense sensed the presence of a powerful life form in the cave.

"It seems that the divine beast has listened."

"I hope it can find Xuanyuan and the others!"

Zhuo Bufan had no intention of staying at the Shanren Clan. He just wanted to get to Paradise Island quickly and then return to the world of cultivation.

The world of cultivation now needs them, and he has too many things to rush back to do.

Although he wanted to appreciate the customs and customs of this world, now was not the time.


After walking more than a hundred meters deep into the cave, they came to an extremely huge cave.

Inside the cave, there is a platform suspended in the air.

On the platform, there is a crimson beast crawling.

It was huge, like a mammoth, even bigger than a hill giant.

Zhuo Bufan felt powerful divine power in him.

This kind of divine power seems to be different from the divine power of his belief.

The extraordinary power of belief comes from the trust and admiration of others in him.

This power forms a divine force that can be strengthened.

Because it comes from others, this kind of divine power of faith gives people a feeling of trust and warmth.

But the divine power in Di Ting was different. It gave Zhuo Feifan a feeling that was more distant, timeless, and mysterious.

"Su Jin has met Lord Diting."

Arriving in front of the suspended mountain, Aunt Su Jin knelt down with the hill giant at her feet.

Mountain people cannot leave their mountains, so Aunt Su Jin kneels on the shoulders of her own mountain giant.

Seeing this, Ziyun behind her also knelt down with her little hill giant.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan was confused. He didn't know whether he should kneel or not.

"Su Jin, I heard it. The little girl brought back the Nine-turn Purple Flower, right?"

Di Ting did not speak, but she made a human voice.

"That's right, according to Master Diting's instructions, Ziyun brought back the Nine-turn Purple Flower."

"Lord Tingting, with the Nine-turn Purple Flower, can Lord Mountain God really be resurrected?"

Su Jin and the others actually learned about the method of resurrecting the gods through listening.

After hearing this, Di nodded.

"That's right, with the Nine-turn Purple Flower and the exquisite jade bones, divine lamp oil, sacred mountain elves and other materials you found before, we can resurrect the mountain god."

"That's great. All these years of hard work are not in vain."

Since the fall of the mountain god, the mountain people have been forced to the Valley of the Giants and isolated from the world.

They need the mountain god to resurrect and lead them again to continue moving forward in this world that is about to collapse.

"By the way, Mr. Diting, this young master wants to ask you about someone, can you help him?"

Ziyun took the initiative to ask for instructions.

After all, Zhuo Bufan saved her and was her savior.

She should also help Zhuo Bufan find his friends.

This Tingting seems to be easy to talk to. Faced with the request of Ziyun and the others, it agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request.

"Okay, come here!"

Di Ting sent the message to Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan understood the meaning of Tingting, he immediately walked towards Tingting.

Approaching Di Ting, Zhuo Bufan could feel the powerful divine power of Di Ting even more.

Zhuo Bufan was secretly surprised by the surging divine power.

"This divine power is so powerful and profound."

"If my divine power is the transformation of a pool that collects dewdrops from the world, then the divine power of Tingting is like a jar of fine wine that has been brewed for hundreds of thousands of years."

Zhuo Bufan felt more and more that his own divine power was completely different from that of Yi Ting.

"Who are you looking for in this life?"

"Imagine his appearance in your mind, the more specific the better."

The words of Di Ting came to his mind.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently at the first moment, and then began to associate the appearance of Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai in his mind.

Along with Zhuo Bufan's association, a cloud of smoke floated from his head, and the appearance of Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai emerged in the smoke.

Di Ting raised his nose and inhaled the cloud of smoke above Zhuo Bufan's head into his long nose.

Not long after, the Di Ting beast suddenly opened his eyes.

Its eyes saw through everything thousands of miles away.

All things in the world, the six paths of heaven and earth, could not escape its eyes and ears.

Finally, at the moment when Di Ting was about to see Xuanyuan Hao.

"Who dares to spy on me!"

Suddenly, Di Ting was attacked by a great divine power.

The next second, Di Ting's whole body trembled, and his eyes began to spurt blood.

"Lord Di Ting!"

Su Jin and Zi Yun exclaimed when they saw this.

Zhuo Bufan also opened his eyes for the first time.

"Are you okay?"

Zhuo Bufan saw that Di Ting's eyes and ears were bleeding.

It saw things it shouldn't see and heard voices it shouldn't hear.

The other party obviously discovered its spying and severely injured Di Ting with one move.

It took a long time for Di Ting to come back to his senses.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

"But your friend is probably in a bad situation."

Although Di Ting was severely injured, it would recover after a period of rest.

After hearing his words, Zhuo Bufan widened his eyes and asked in surprise.

"Lord Di Ting, what did you see?"

When Di Ting heard that Xuanyuan Hao was in danger, Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little worried.

"It was the Moon God. The Moon God took your friend away."

"The Moon God?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned and felt something was wrong.


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