Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

Chapter 94 Successor To The Night God, Self-Proclaimed Changge!

Chapter 94: Successor Night God, Self-proclaimed Changge!

"Senior Brother, did our ancestor have any other instructions before his passing?" Chen Chang'an asked after receiving the finger ring.

"No," Li Daoran shook his head.

"But our ancestor instructed us to bury his body at the foot of Heavenly Water Peak."

Bury it at the foot of Heavenly Water Peak?

Chen Chang'an was momentarily stunned. But then he understood.

Dao Tianlao intended to use his own Seven Realms Dao body to create another secret realm for Heavenly Water Peak.

"Senior Brother, what do you think?" Chen Chang'an looked at Li Daoran and asked.

As he asked, he took a few steps forward and stood in front of Dao Tianlao's crystal coffin.

Inside the crystal coffin, an old man lay peacefully.

His face was calm and benevolent, exuding a sense of tranquility and solemnity.

It was hard to imagine that this old man was actually mischievous and stubborn in his lifetime.

"Hmm? What's this?"

Suddenly, Chen Chang'an noticed something different.

At a glance, he realized that Dao Tianlao's body was surrounded by a thick Dao aura.

The Dao aura was boundless, emitting a rich Great Dao energy.

This kind of Dao Qi Accumulation was terrifying, filled with Dao.

It was not an exaggeration to say that if ordinary disciples were exposed to it, they might instantly comprehend the Dao!

"Ah, old man, why do you have to go through this?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Chang'an couldn't help but sigh.

He was very familiar with this situation.

The self-outflow of a Seven Realms cultivator!

Generally speaking, if the physical body of a Seven Realms cultivator did not suffer any external interference, it would hardly be destroyed.

The main reason for this was the boundless Dao aura contained within their bodies.

This Dao aura was generated by the Seven Realms cultivator based on their own Dao when they advanced to the Seven Realms.

While these cultivators were alive, the Dao aura would continuously provide them with pure Dao principles, ensuring that their mana would hardly be depleted.


After they died, these Dao auras would flow outside their bodies, nourishing their physical bodies.


The appearance of these Dao auras not only affected the bodies of the cultivators but also the surrounding heaven and earth.

This influence would vary depending on the last thought of the cultivator before their death.

Most of them were evil.

For example, the Profound Heaven Sword Sect's Sword Master, Dao A, who was nailed to Heavenly Mountain by Chen Chang'an.

The Dao aura formed by his death was evil.

Eventually, it formed an extremely terrifying boundless sword domain.

Geese passing by would lose their heads, beasts passing by would lose their lives, killing without a trace,

No living beings allowed to enter!

Moreover, several fallen sword spirits were born from it.

They stirred up a storm in the area around Heavenly Mountain.

Extremely filthy!

But the heavenly Dao circulates, yin and yang complement each other.

In the world, there is evil as well as good.

Apart from the evil Dao aura of Dao A, there also existed good Dao auras.

As long as one dies with a peaceful heart, without regrets, it is considered good.

For example, Dao Tianlao's Dao aura belonged to the good category.

Because Dao Tianlao's death was caused by his own voluntary self-annihilation.

And he forcefully self-annihilated while still conscious!

He self-annihilated while conscious, and his last thought before self-annihilation was to protect the descendants of Heavenly Water Sect.

Therefore, after he passed away, the essence of goodness was manifested on his body.

The essence of goodness is like the sweet rain from heaven.

When it emerges, it improves the heavens and the earth.

When it returns, it blesses future generations!

Grotto-Heaven, a blessed place!

There is no doubt that decades later, there will be another Grotto-Heaven in this place of the Heavenly Water Sect.

Spiritual Treasure Grotto-Heaven!

Dao Tian Lao Zu is using the remaining years of his life to leave a blessed place for the descendants of the Heavenly Water Sect.

However, Chen Chang'an could only sigh at this.


The next moment, he turned his head and said to Li Daoran,

"Senior Brother, I understand."

"Then let's do it according to the will of the ancestor."

"Well, that's what I think too," Li Daoran nodded.

"Senior Brother, how do you plan to handle the affairs of the ancestor?"

After Chen Chang'an asked, Li Daoran fell silent.

Then, he sighed and said,

"The ancestor had already told me about this before his passing."

"The ancestor's intention is to keep it simple."

"Keep it simple?" Chen Chang'an was momentarily stunned.

"Yes, keep it simple," Li Daoran nodded and sighed.

"The ancestor's meaning is that our sect is currently in a turbulent period and it is not suitable to be extravagant, so keeping it simple is enough."

"However, the necessary things still need to be done."

"I will mobilize all the disciples of the sect to return and together we will build the Xuan Ge and hold a funeral ceremony for the ancestor."

"However, there may be some things that I will need your help with, Junior Brother, when the time comes."

After Li Daoran finished speaking, he looked at Chen Chang'an.

Chen Chang'an thought for a moment and nodded, saying, "Alright."

"If there are any problems that need to be resolved at that time, just call me anytime, Senior Brother."

Chen Chang'an had no reason to refuse this.

"Master, let me go and offer incense to the Ancestor first."

Afterwards, Chen Chang'an stepped forward and respectfully lit a stick of incense for Dao Tian Lao Zu.

In his lifetime, there were not many people he respected, Master Yang Han was one, and Dao Tian Lao Zu was also one.

At night, when they saw that they were no longer needed at the memorial hall, Chen Chang'an and Mao Ruxue left first.

Inside the Sutra Pavilion.

Chen Chang'an stood in the courtyard, his heart unable to let go for a long time.

He was still thinking about the incident of Dao Tian Lao Zu's passing.

Chen Chang'an would not make a mistake.

Based on the appearance of Dao Tian Lao Zu that Chen Chang'an saw on the mountain a few days ago, he can conclude that although Dao Tian Lao Zu is lacking in essence and nearing the end of his life, as long as he doesn't take any action, he can at least live for another year or two without any problems.

If he also takes care of himself with the spiritual tea that he provided, not only can he extend his life, but he can also live for another two or three years without any major issues.

The difference is that during these two or three years, he must not take any action.

However, what surprised Chen Chang'an was that Dao Tian Lao Zu chose to forcefully enter nirvana.

He did this in order to guide his own Dao essence after death with a clear consciousness, allowing it to be born for the benefit of future generations and accumulate blessings.

Chen Chang'an doesn't know how to evaluate Dao Tian Lao Zu's actions.

But this is Dao Tian Lao Zu's decision, and he respects it.

After thinking about this matter for a while, Chen Chang'an took out the jade finger ring.

Looking at this jade finger ring, Chen Chang'an fell into contemplation again.

Is he really the only one suitable for inheriting the Night God's legacy?

This is not the case from Chang'an's perspective.

At least it wasn't when Dao Tian Lao Zu spoke to him before.

Those words were just lies from Dao Tian Lao Zu.

But now it is.

Chen Chang'an can feel that the jade finger ring is now connected to him as if it were flesh and blood.

Unless it's him, no one else can activate what's inside.

Undoubtedly, this is the method left behind by Dao Tian Lao Zu before his death.

He designated Chen Chang'an as the successor to the Night God!

From the finger ring, Chen Chang'an can feel a strong power.

If he merges with this power, he might really be able to break through the seventh realm.


Facts are destined to disappoint Dao Tian Lao Zu.

He may never know in his lifetime.

This power that is invincible in his eyes is just passing through Chen Chang'an.

"Sister, go and suppress the corpse of that old demon first."

Chen Chang'an did not directly choose to merge with this authority.

Compared to merging with this authority, there are more important things to do now.

"Oh, brother."

Mao Ruxue nodded, then took the corpse of the City God and went to suppress it at the foot of the mountain.

The City God died unwillingly, and the Dao essence on his body was a boundless surge of demonic energy.

As soon as it was buried under Hidden Dao Mountain, it immediately contaminated that place into an endless domain of demonic energy.


Undoubtedly, in a few years, another towering Demon Realm secret realm will emerge here.

"Brother, is this really okay?"

After handling the corpse of the City God, Mao Ruxue still had some worries in her heart.

It's fine.

Chen Chang'an shook his head.

"Sister, after the matter with the old ancestor is over, you can go down the mountain to experience and cultivate."

"I see that you have already broken through the Law Manifestation, it's time to refine your heart in the mortal world again."

Then, Chen Chang'an said again.

In fact, his intention was to give Mao Ruxue a break.

Mao Ruxue has just obtained the position of 'True King' in the Demon Path, but she only has the realm and lacks the corresponding methods, so her foundation is not stable.

It is the time when she needs time to polish herself.

At this time, the sooner she goes into seclusion, the better. There is no benefit in delaying it.

"Okay, brother, I understand."

Mao Ruxue was stunned when she heard this, because this was exactly what she wanted to discuss with Chen Chang'an.

However, because it was too soon after she used the excuse of 'refining the heart in the mortal world' last time, she hadn't figured out how to approach Chen Chang'an about it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Chang'an brought it up first, which solved her urgent need.

"Alright, go and prepare."

Chen Chang'an waved his hand and said again:

"Sister, when you go down the mountain this time, make sure to experience and cultivate well, strive to refine your cultivation to perfection, and improve your combat power."

"The future of the sect depends on you."

"Thank you, brother." Mao Ruxue smiled excitedly again.

Brother's words were just right, as if he knew that she needed time to go into seclusion.

Where else can she find such a brother!

After that, Mao Ruxue went down to prepare seriously.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, several days had passed.

During these few days, Heavenly Water Sect was shrouded in great sorrow.

All the disciples who were out were called back to bid farewell to Dao Tian Lao Zu.

The elders of the Supreme Elder and other elders in the Elder's Court also woke up from their seclusion, paying their respects to Dao Tian Lao Zu, while also guarding the surroundings of Heavenly Water Sect to prevent possible strong enemies from appearing.

No one dared to be careless.

The funeral of Dao Tian Lao Zu is also a catastrophe for the Heavenly Water Sect!

As the founder of the Heavenly Water Sect, Dao Tian Lao Zu is also the most powerful seventh realm ancestor of the sect.

Before, perhaps others did not dare to provoke the Heavenly Water Sect while he was alive.

Even if they did, they would still restrain themselves!

But now that he is dead, those powerful beings will undoubtedly emerge.

No one dares to be distracted,

Everyone is constantly cultivating their Dao, waiting for a battle that could happen at any moment.

But fortunately, nothing happened in the end.

Even at the worst moment, there were only a few powerful auras sweeping around the Tian Shui Territory.

And then, they all dispersed.

It seems that there is something they are extremely afraid of in this Tian Shui Territory.

And what this thing is, almost goes without saying.

Chen Chang'an!

This scene disappointed those sects and forces who wanted to see the Heavenly Water Sect in turmoil.

It was not until this moment that the people of the Tian Shui Territory, and even the entire Nether Sea, realized a fact.

The founder of the Heavenly Water Sect, Dao Tian Lao Zu, has indeed fallen.

But they still have a new foundation.

Chen Chang'an, this great Confucian!

A figure who possesses the most mysterious technique in ancient and modern times, the Heavenly Circulation Void God.

With a single word, he is the great Confucian of the Fallen Sword Immortal!

Thinking of this, many people sighed.

Who could have imagined that more than twenty years ago, he was still a boy who only made mistakes.

In the end, he was even banished to the "Cold Palace" by the Heavenly Water Sect's Sect Master, Li Daoran, for committing a major offense against the sect.

Now he has grown to such a level.

Silent until now, but astonishing when he speaks.

He cultivated for ten years, nurturing his Qi, shocking the world with his Qi!

With the release of this Qi, the world gained an unparalleled young master!

A young master who sits quietly on the mountaintop, seemingly weak.


He can suppress enemies of the same realm, to the point where even a peerless sword master can only be blocked from a distance!

"The coffin falls~!"

With the final sound of "the coffin falls," the Heavenly Water Sect came to an end.

Li Daoran and others at the scene couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this point, the funeral of Dao Tian Lao Zu was completed without any danger.

"Junior Brother Chen, thank you."

After seeing Dao Tian Lao Zu's coffin being buried, Li Daoran expressed his gratitude to Chen Chang'an beside him.

"Senior Brother, there's no need for that."

"I am also a member of the sect. When it comes to such important matters as the burial of the founder, I naturally have to contribute."

"And compared to all of you, I haven't done anything except stand here."

"There's nothing to be thankful for."

Chen Chang'an shook his head.

Then he said:

"Master, Grand Elder."

"Now that everything is fine here, my junior sister and I will go back first."

Li Daoran nodded:

"Okay, go back and rest well."

"Master, we'll take our leave then."

Chen Chang'an didn't say much after hearing this, and he took Mao Ruxue back up the mountain.

"Senior Brother, can I leave now?"

As soon as they arrived on the mountain, Mao Ruxue asked Chen Chang'an.

She didn't ask at this moment on purpose, but because she couldn't hold it in any longer.

At the same time, Mao Ruxue was also observing Chen Chang'an.

The days spent on the mountain have been quite long.

She believed that she already knew a lot about her senior brother.

This senior brother, at first glance, appeared to be a lazy person,

But in reality,

He was indeed a lazy person!

However, the only thing that puzzled Mao Ruxue was that she was now a high-level cultivator in the Sixth Realm.

Moreover, she was a cultivator who had reached the pinnacle of the demonic path, the 'True King' realm.

But when facing Senior Brother Chen Chang'an, she still couldn't see through anything.

At first glance,

He seemed extremely ordinary!

At second glance,

He was still extremely ordinary!


At third glance,

All she saw was a blur!

Everything was like the hazy state of the world when it was first created, boundless and infinite!

Moreover, she didn't feel anything when her cultivation was low in the past.

But now that her cultivation had become high, every time Mao Ruxue looked at Senior Brother Chen Chang'an, she could feel an inexplicable palpitation rising from the depths of her heart.

Boundless and infinite!


How could this be?

Mao Ruxue couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying power was contained within her senior brother's body.

To the point where even she, a cultivator who had reached the 'True King' realm, would involuntarily feel a sense of palpitation when facing him.

This was truly unbelievable!

Mao Ruxue felt extremely frustrated.

She originally thought that after reaching the 'True King' realm, she could show off in front of her senior brother.

But unexpectedly, she couldn't show off at all.

Instead, she was being shown up in reverse.

This was really unbearable!

Could it be that this was what they called the higher one stands, the more one knows?

Mao Ruxue really didn't want to know so much!

She made up her mind that this time when she went down the mountain, she would focus on closed-door cultivation.

She wouldn't return until she mastered Emperor Song's supreme technique, the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

By then, she would definitely compare herself with Senior Brother Chen Chang'an.

To see if his Heavenly Circulation Virtual God was powerful, or if her Six Paths of Reincarnation was powerful!

Hmm, it must be compared!

"Um, okay."

While Mao Ruxue was lost in her thoughts, Chen Chang'an nodded.

Then he threw a storage ring to her.

Mao Ruxue opened it and found that it contained a whole 100,000 pieces of Dao Source Stones.

"Senior Brother?"

"Is this... for me?"

Seeing so many Dao Source Stones, Mao Ruxue couldn't speak properly.

Honestly, except for the auction at the Celestial Fragrance Pavilion, she had never had so many Dao Source Stones all at once.

Chen Chang'an, however, casually said:

"Take it, since you're my junior sister from Hidden Dao Mountain, you can't be too poor when you go down the mountain."

"Keep this money, and if you encounter something you want to buy when you go down the mountain, just buy it without worrying about the money."

"Don't be reluctant to spend it."

"Otherwise, if someone says that I, Chen Chang'an, mistreated my new junior sister and caused no one to come to worship the mountain in the future, that wouldn't be good."

"Senior Brother, wuwuwu."

At this moment, Mao Ruxue cried.

It was the first time she cried.

From childhood to adulthood, she had always pretended to be strong.

But this time, she was truly crying.

Apart from her parents in this lifetime, no one has ever treated her so well.

Because the 100,000 Source Stones given by Chen Chang'an are really useful to her!

And, they are very useful!

Now, even though she has gone through the "True King Secret Realm" and obtained the highest level of magic path, the "True King" level.

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that she will solidify her position as a True King next.

So, her life will undergo a complete transformation.

But only she knows.

This is too difficult.

Her foundation is too shallow!

Originally, she was born with a fate that could never break through the third realm!

But now, not only has she broken through the third realm, but she has forcefully broken through to the sixth realm, reaching the True King level.

In order to stabilize the position of "True King," she will need resources in the future.

At least she will need as many as 100,000 or even several hundred thousand Source Stones!

As someone who has reached such a position in the Hall of Rebirth, Mao Ruxue understands better than anyone else.

100,000 Source Stones is a lot!

Such wealth.

Even a sect like the Heavenly Water Sect would need to accumulate for more than a hundred years to barely accumulate that much!

If she were to save it herself, how long would it take?

And in a place like the Hall of Rebirth, where people are eaten, by the time she saves enough, the bones would have already turned cold!

And Mao Ruxue knows that she won't receive any help in this regard at the Hall of Rebirth.

So, everything can only rely on herself.

Originally, Mao Ruxue had already planned to take a long vacation when she went down the mountain this time.

Go to the Endless Sea and fight against those bloodthirsty Great Demons to accumulate Source Stones.

Either she accumulates enough Source Stones and returns successfully, becoming a True King in the Ninth Heaven!

Or she perishes there, disappearing from the world!

Two paths!

Okay, is there really such a good place to go in the Endless Sea?

Not really!

There, even a Venerable Realm master or demon lord would not dare to act recklessly.

Not to mention someone like her, a 'True King' whose Venerable Realm is not yet stable.

It's definitely hell difficulty!

Originally, Mao Ruxue had already prepared for her downfall.

But what she didn't expect was that her senior brother would give her such a big gift.

This gift is very significant!

Significant to the point where Mao Ruxue doesn't know what to do!

Wait a minute.

Could it be that senior brother knows my identity?

Mao Ruxue suddenly thought of this possibility.

In an instant, her brain was buzzing.

Senior brother knowing that she is Ksitigarbha is not impossible!

"Senior brother, actually, I..."

Immediately, Mao Ruxue wanted to confess her identity and everything to Chen Chang'an.

"Junior sister, stop talking, let's go back and pack up."

"Remember, when you go down the mountain, have some fun."

However, Chen Chang'an, as if he were an innocent bystander, extended his hand and interrupted Mao Ruxue.

He suddenly said as if he had just thought of something:

"By the way, this money isn't all for you to spend."

"If you happen to pass by a place called the Great Qian Empire during your training."

"Bring me back a few books from their library."

"As for the remaining money, spend it as you please."

"Coincidentally, you're at the age where you should spend money. A girl who goes out without any money, how can that be?"


"Oh, oh, senior brother, I understand."

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Mao Ruxue let out a sigh and quickly nodded.

At the same time, a wave of doubt surged in her heart.

"Could it be that I guessed wrong? Senior Brother doesn't know my identity and is simply giving me some pocket money?"

Mao Ruxue felt that her previous guess was probably wrong.

After all,

Senior Brother Chen Chang'an's attitude just now was too casual.

Casual to the extreme.

Moreover, his attitude towards giving Dao Source Stones was also too ordinary, as if he had thrown out not a hundred thousand Dao Source Stones,

but just a small amount of travel expenses.

Yes, travel expenses!

Mao Ruxue felt like what she received was really just a feeling of travel expenses.

It's just that this tip is indeed a bit too much!

Mao Ruxue still didn't quite believe this.

Heavens, could it be that Senior Brother has opened another business while I was away?

But then, she immediately remembered one thing.

That is, Senior Brother Chen Chang'an's ability to cultivate different types of literature!

Senior Brother is so skilled in cultivating different types of literature that it costs a thousand Dao Source Stones even for his own family members, so how much would it cost for outsiders?

Ten thousand?

A hundred thousand?

During the time I was away, how many people did Senior Brother cultivate for?

No matter how many people, what can be confirmed now is that my Senior Brother is definitely a wealthy person.

Heavens, what does it feel like to have a wealthy person as a Senior Brother?

I instantly don't feel like working hard anymore!

"Senior Brother, rest assured, I will train well and won't embarrass you!"

Thinking of this, Mao Ruxue suddenly became motivated and said to Chen Chang'an earnestly.

"Alright, alright, hurry down the mountain."

"The other guys can't wait any longer."

Chen Chang'an pointed to the foot of the mountain, where Li Ziwan and two female disciples were coming together at this moment.

They are also disciples who are going down the mountain for worldly experience this time.

They happen to be arranged together with Mao Ruxue.

"Okay, Senior Brother, then I'll go."

Mao Ruxue no longer insisted after seeing this, and after bidding farewell to Chen Chang'an seriously, she left with a happy face.

"This girl."

Seeing Mao Ruxue's departure, Chen Chang'an couldn't help but smile.

However, when he thought of the incident just now where Mao Ruxue almost exposed her disguise, Chen Chang'an couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

You, girl, don't let your disguise be exposed to me.

If it's exposed, how can I pass on the position of Mountain Master to you without any worries in the future?

Isn't this messing around!

The moon was sparse.

After seeing off Mao Ruxue, Chen Chang'an returned to his room.

"System, switch to Night God mode!"


As soon as he shouted this, Chen Chang'an was embarrassed.

He suddenly remembered that his system doesn't have a Night God mode.

Moreover, this thing is very rigid and never talks to him.

The so-called Night God mode is a finger ring given by Dao Tian Lao Zu.


The next moment, Chen Chang'an let out a cold snort, followed by a powerful spell being cast by him.

It directly hit the boundless prohibition of the Hidden Dao Mountain Formation.


Then, on the mountain of Hidden Dao Mountain, terrifying formations flashed and disappeared.

Thousands of formations, under the control of the four ancient formations and dozens of seventh realm formations, appeared together.

They surrounded each other, forming a huge whole, instantly sealing off the sky above Hidden Dao Mountain!

After completing all of this, Chen Chang'an finally took out the jade finger ring from the space.


Facing the jade finger ring, Chen Chang'an let out a low shout.

Then, following the shout, he enveloped it with a true technique.

In the next moment, a strange and divine transformation occurred.

Suddenly, the jade finger ring emitted a boundless white light.

The white light was endless, filled with boundless tranquility.

They completely enveloped the finger ring.

After a while, the white light disappeared.

And after the white light disappeared, Chen Chang'an discovered that the jade finger ring, which was originally just a finger ring, had now turned into a mask.

A white mask.

It floated in front of Chen Chang'an.

Countless white auras permeated it.

These auras were the righteousness of heaven and earth.

Righteousness, an aura born from heaven and earth.

Just as powerful as the demonic aura on a demonic cultivator.

The two are in opposition to each other!

One righteous, one evil!


Looking at the floating mask in front of him, Chen Chang'an hesitated for a moment before deciding to put it on.

The moment he put on the mask, a massive amount of information instantly flooded Chen Chang'an's mind.

Inside were all the information about the "Night God," a righteous organization!

By examining this information, Chen Chang'an learned that the "Night God" was indeed impressive.

It had the potential to develop into a force as massive as the Hall of Rebirth.

However, Chen Chang'an knew that this was just being impressive.

The "Night God" organization, in essence, was a righteous sect established in Taiyi Gate, following the operating model of the Hall of Rebirth.

Although it had the ability to govern the righteous path of the world.


To truly rival the Hall of Rebirth, it still fell short.

However, the information inside the mask was not completely useless.

Through the information, Chen Chang'an learned that this mask could not only be used to conceal one's appearance.

Inside, there was also a passage that led to the main domain of the "Night God"!

The main passage of the "Night God" organization was just as mysterious as the main hall of the Hall of Rebirth.

At least in recent years, even Chen Chang'an, who was the Emperor Song, did not know where it was.

But let's get back on track.

Through the passage linked by the mask's space, it could be opened anytime and anywhere.

As long as one passed through here, they could directly shuttle to the headquarters of the "Night God"!

However, only those who were recognized as qualified by the "Night God" could open and enter.

On this point, Chen Chang'an had the most say, because he had previously snatched a "Night God" mask, but he didn't open it.

However, all of this was no longer a concern for him now.


In the next moment, Chen Chang'an let out a cold snort.

Then, only the sound of cracking could be heard.

Immediately beside him, a white spatial crack appeared, reaching a height of one person.

The other end of the spatial crack seemed to connect to a vast world.

Just by standing outside, Chen Chang'an could feel the rich righteousness emanating from inside.


Such a rich righteousness even caused his demonic cultivation techniques like the "Celestial Demon Dao Scripture" to tremble slightly.

Everything felt like encountering a natural enemy.


Seeing the crack appear, Chen Chang'an didn't hesitate.

He took a step forward and entered the spatial crack.

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(End of this chapter)

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