Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

Chapter 95 Jade Profound Heavenly Old Heavenly Venerable!

Chapter 95: Jade Profound Heaven, Ninth Realm Great Heavenly Venerable!


In the next moment, Chen Chang'an's figure appeared from another dimension.

Dressed in white, with a white mask on his head.

However, when he arrived in this dimension, Chen Chang'an suddenly received a message.

That is, here, he can choose to take off the mask and use his real identity.

Or he can choose to continue wearing the mask and hide his identity.

As a spy and a nobody, Chen Chang'an naturally wouldn't do something foolish like not wearing a mask.

"Stop right there, what's your surname, name, code name, and which state do you come from?"

As soon as Chen Chang'an appeared in this world, a figure similar to a gatekeeper immediately appeared and asked him.

Chen Chang'an calmly replied, "Surname Shen, name Hao, Nine Heavens Sect, code name Changge, from the Central Land Holy State."

"Central Land Holy State?"

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, the person who was questioning him was momentarily stunned.

"I don't remember when the Central Land Holy State changed its name to Night Division."

The question he just asked had its own implications.

First, the surname, name, code name.

This indicated that he was suspicious of Chen Chang'an's identity and wanted him to prove it.

Because although the Night God and Night Division system was already very complete, theoretically there shouldn't be any cases of substitution.

But it's better to be safe than sorry.

So, when facing the new Night Division, there would always be an inherited questioning.

The answers to this questioning are only known to those who have obtained the Night Division identity through the normal procedure.

And Chen Chang'an's answer, "Surname Shen, name Hao, Nine Heavens Sect,"

is the answer to this sentence.

As for the next sentence, "Code name Changge,"

it is to inform this person of his name.

It will be recorded in the Night God Realm's files in the future.

Through Chen Chang'an's answer, this person confirmed that the person in front of him was indeed an official Night Division member.

However, what puzzled him was why it was the Central Land Holy State.

The Night Division of the Central Land Holy State is not called Changge!

In response to this question, Chen Chang'an calmly said,

"The previous Night Division has died, and I have taken up the position as the new Night Division. Is that not acceptable?"

"Acceptable, acceptable."

The person on the other side compromised and nodded quickly.

"Night Division Changge, right?"

"I have recorded your identity, so if you need to come in the future, you can just come directly."

After that, he nodded, took out a yellowed parchment, and wrote down Chen Chang'an's information on it.


After completing the information recording, he saw the sheepskin scroll in his hand suddenly transform into a series of runes, flying towards the sky behind him.

In the end, it merged with this heaven and earth!

Wan Yu Tian!

At this moment, Chen Chang'an finally looked up at the sky.

After discovering the scene in the sky, a hint of enlightenment flashed through his heart.

The Night God's main hall had never been discovered by anyone before.

It turns out it was built in this Wan Yu Tian.

Wan Yu Tian, a corner of the heavenly path.

In the Formless World, everyone knows a catchphrase.

One gate, one hall, three pavilions, five sects!

But few people know that behind this catchphrase, there is another phrase!

Seven stars battle the ten evils, chaos in the nine heavens and eight wilderness!

The nine heavens, the nine Heavenly Worlds!

And Wan Yu Tian is one of the nine heavens!

It is said to be submerged in the endless sea, and no one can find it.

Chen Chang'an did not expect that the Night God's main hall was actually established here.

However, if you think about it a little more, there is nothing strange about it.

As an organization that is highly regarded by the righteous path, if they can't even find the endless sea heavenly path, then it would truly be a waste.

After the person guarding the gate entered his identity, Chen Chang'an officially entered Wan Yu Tian.

Here, as soon as he entered, he felt a gentle breeze.

Looking up, there were cranes flying in the sky, flowing springs, and towering ancient trees.

Whether it was in the forest or on the mountain, it was filled with the aura of immortality.

It felt like coming to the Immortal World!

However, in a sense, this place really is the Immortal World.

Whether it is Wan Yu Tian or other heavenly paths in the nine heavens, they are all existences beyond the Formless World. If you consider the Formless World as the mortal realm, then calling this place the Immortal World is not unreasonable.

Yes, it's really a good place to retire.

Chen Chang'an couldn't help but nod.

At least compared to the Hall of Rebirth, which is filled with demonic and evil qi everywhere, it's much better.

If he could also get a house here after retiring, it would be a great experience!

"Venerable, are you here to attend the conference? Please come with me, senior and junior."

Just as Chen Chang'an was enjoying the rare scenery, a voice sounded beside him.

Chen Chang'an turned his head and found a disciple wearing a Daoist robe.

Purple True Qi lingered all over his body, rich and heavy, and his cultivation was at the third realm.

However, to Chen Chang'an's surprise, he discovered that this disciple in front of him actually had the cultivation of the Boundless Realm.

The Boundless Realm is an alternative term for each realm.

Only when a cultivator reaches the peak of a realm and cannot make any further progress, they will enter this state.

Any cultivator who enters this realm is equivalent to being in a state of unity between heaven and man at all times.

It is also more useful for improving combat power.

For those who step into the Boundless Realm, surpassing challenges is as easy as drinking water and tea.

Just like Chen Chang'an before, when he fought against the Eight Realms Sword. Others thought he was already at the Seven Realms of the Boundless Realm. But in reality, those people didn't know that he had only repeated the cultivation of each realm hundreds or even thousands of times, and then ascended to the Boundless Realm thousands of times.

What surprised Chen Chang'an was that the disciple he randomly encountered here turned out to be from the Boundless Realm. It's no wonder he is from Taiyi Gate.

Under the puzzled gaze of this disciple, Chen Chang'an nodded, and then under his guidance, Chen Chang'an entered a grand hall.

After bringing Chen Chang'an to the hall, the disciple left, and at this time, Chen Chang'an also looked around the hall.

The hall was very wide, extremely wide. If it were filled to capacity, Chen Chang'an estimated that there would be millions of people.

The hall was divided into two parts, one part with slightly higher steps and the other part with slightly sunken seats on the ground.

At this moment, whether it was the seats on the higher level or the seats on the ground, they were almost all occupied.

Chen Chang'an found a seat on the ground and then looked towards the seats on the higher level.

There were not many seats on the higher level, only four in total. Three were slightly lower, and one was slightly higher.

Suddenly, Chen Chang'an was surprised to find that he recognized someone on the higher level.

It was an old man with slightly white hair but a radiant spirit.

Who else could it be if not the Fire Departed Venerable he had seen at the Hundred Sects Convention?

The Fire Departed Venerable did not choose to hide his appearance, nor did he need to. In the righteous path, Taiyi Gate's reputation was already everything.

"I didn't expect this old guy to be one of the elders of the Night Hall."

Seeing this scene, Chen Chang'an had a slight realization.

Since the Fire Departed Venerable appeared here, it was highly likely that the Night God organization was indeed created by Taiyi Gate.


"Who is this?!"

While observing the Fire Departed Venerable, Chen Chang'an suddenly felt a great terror descending upon him.

It was only then that he realized that sitting at the top position of the Fire Departed Venerable and the others was a white-haired old man with an immortal aura.

Chen Chang'an couldn't see through this old man.

He could only vaguely sense the ancient aura emanating from him and tentatively determine that he was a powerful Divine Ability practitioner.

Apart from that, there was nothing else!

Moreover, every time he tried to probe the old man with his divine sense, he would instinctively be repelled, as if his authority was not enough to allow him to investigate.

And as he was being repelled, a powerful force of reverse probing followed his divine sense and came towards Chen Chang'an.

If it weren't for Chen Chang'an using some means, he would probably have been discovered.

After that, Chen Chang'an carefully observed the old man.

He found that although the old man was sitting on the platform, his Dao essence and Dao principles were eternal and everlasting.

Although he was sitting there, his body seemed to belong to a different time and space.

Appearing and disappearing intermittently.

"Nine Realms?!"

Chen Chang'an was instantly shocked!

Nine Realms!

This is the Nine Realms!

Ancient Nine Realms!

Eight realms exist in the realm of space, but the ninth realm transcends time!

Chen Chang'an did not expect to see a ninth realm here!

This cannot be wrong. Chen Chang'an is confident that there is only one possibility for someone to have such a sensitive perception of his divine consciousness in this world, and that is the ninth realm!

Just like the invincible ninth realm of the Yin Tianzi in the Hall of Rebirth!

Immediately, Chen Chang'an withdrew all of his divine consciousness.

The appearance of the ninth realm truly caught him off guard!

And if Chen Chang'an is not mistaken, the old man above, the ninth realm, should be the elder of Taiyi Gate, the one other than the gate master.

The elder of Taiyi Gate, Yu Xuan, also known as Yu Profound Heaven.

Chen Chang'an has not seen Yu Profound Heaven before, but he has seen the gate master of Taiyi Gate, Hun Taixu.

Hun Taixu does not look like this.


At the same time, when Chen Chang'an withdrew his divine consciousness.

On the stage, the old man who is indeed Yu Profound Heaven murmured in confusion, "Hmm?"

Then, he opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the seats below, as if searching for something.

"Elder, what happened?"

The sudden movement of Yu Profound Heaven caught the attention of the Fire Dao Venerable on the stage, and he asked in confusion.

Not only him, but the other two Dao Venerables on the stage and the people below all looked at him curiously.

Their eyes were filled with doubt. They couldn't understand what kind of thing could make this person, who was suspicious and had his eyes closed, suddenly open his eyes.

"It's nothing." Yu Profound Heaven shook his head.

"I just felt that there seemed to be a strong divine consciousness probing me."

"But after searching, I didn't find any trace."

"Maybe I was overthinking."

Saying that, Yu Profound Heaven's brow was still furrowed.

What he said just now was actually to comfort the Fire Dao Venerable and the others.

For a Heavenly Venerable who has reached the ninth realm, it is impossible for them to make mistakes in their perception.

So, he was indeed being probed just now.

However, what puzzled Yu Profound Heaven was precisely this.

As a Heavenly Venerable who had long entered the ninth realm, Yu Profound Heaven was confident.

Unless it was an invincible Heavenly Venerable of the same ninth realm, no one could leave no trace under his counter-probing.

But now, it happened like this, which made him doubt.

Could it be that I really felt wrong?

After thinking for a long time, Yu Profound Heaven couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

In theory, the higher the cultivation level, the less likely one would have unfounded feelings.

But this matter cannot be completely dismissed, after all, people make mistakes.

Even great cultivators in the ninth realm sometimes cannot avoid it.

Forget it, I won't think about it.

It must be due to anxiety these past few days.

With this in mind, Yu Profound Heaven decided not to think about it anymore.

Seeing that most of the people below had arrived, he turned his gaze to the crowd and said:

"Alright, fellow Daoists."

"Now that everyone has arrived, let's get straight to the point."

"Respectfully listening to Venerable's words," the crowd responded, bowing to the elderly Jade Profound Heaven.

No one fails to respect the powerful, especially someone like the esteemed Jade Profound Heaven.

"Thank you, fellow Daoists. Let me get straight to the point."

"As you all know, a true king was added under the seat of Emperor Song, one of the four halls of the Hall of Rebirth, a few days ago."

"The influence of the Hall of Rebirth has once again expanded, which has had some negative effects on us."

"Do any of you fellow Daoists have any good suggestions for resolving this?"

Jade Profound Heaven spoke, addressing the matter of the 'Ksitigarbha' in the Hall of Rebirth.

As soon as these words were spoken, silence fell over the crowd.

They had all heard about the recent event where the True Phoenix emerged in the Undying Mountain, accompanied by the ascension of the three major Law Manifestations.

But when it came to how to approach this matter, they truly didn't know what to say.

Because everyone knew that Jade Profound Heaven's words were not about this.

They were about the current battlefield between the righteous path and the demonic sect.

On this battlefield against the Hall of Rebirth, the righteous path did not have much advantage.

Especially in terms of high-level combat power.

On the surface, the righteous path had two Nine Realms Heavenly Venerables from Taiyi Gate, one more than the Hall of Rebirth in terms of Heavenly Venerable numbers.

However, the reality was that even if these two Nine Realms Heavenly Venerables joined forces, they would still be unable to do anything to the Hall of Rebirth's Lord of Demons, Yin Tianzi, alone!

Otherwise, the righteous and demonic paths would not have been in this awkward state for so long!

However, most people didn't know what to say, which was not surprising.

But among the tens of thousands of people present, there would always be someone brave enough to express their own views.

Sure enough, as soon as the crowd fell silent for a few seconds, someone immediately stood up.

It was a man dressed in Daoist robes, without a mask.

In the next moment, this man clasped his fists and said to Jade Profound Heaven:

"Reporting to Venerable, in my opinion, the addition of that 'true king' doesn't really cause us much harm. After all, for that 'true king' to be effective, it will still take some time."

"I believe that the most important people we are facing in our battle against the Lord of Demons are the four hall masters of the Hall of Rebirth."

Among them, we have already witnessed the power of Yama, Meng Po, and the King of Reincarnation, and we know their strengths.

But we have no idea about the former Ksitigarbha, now the current Emperor Song, the hall master of Emperor Song Hall."

"I believe that if we want to win in the battle against the demonic path, it is crucial to understand the depth of this Emperor Song."

"Yes, well said. Thank you, fellow Daoist."

Upon hearing the man's words, Jade Profound Heaven nodded. In fact, what this man said was exactly what he wanted to ask.

Then, Jade Profound Heaven turned his gaze to the Fire Daoist on the stage and said:

"Fire, I heard that you saw Emperor Song during the Hundred Sects Convention. Do you have any thoughts on Emperor Song?"

"Reporting to Elder Tai Chang."

"At the time of the Hundred Sects Great Assembly, the disciple did indeed catch a glimpse of the [Emperor Song]."

"But if you were to ask the disciple how they felt about him, the disciple can only say..."

"He is truly as extraordinary as the rumors say."

"If they were to face each other in battle, the one who would surely fall is the disciple."

The words spoken by Daoist Li Huo were filled with extreme helplessness.

But this was a fact that he had to face.

Even now, he still remembered the desolate and sorrowful appearance of the Buddha Fa Zang before he entered Nirvana.

This was the result of him responding quickly.

If the Buddha Fa Zang had been a little slower in his response, there might not be a Buddha Fa Zang in the world right now!

Speaking up to this point, the corners of Daoist Li Huo's mouth couldn't help but curl into a bitter smile.

It could be said that the person he least wanted to face right now was the Hall of Rebirth's [Emperor Song].

However, Daoist Li Huo knew.

As long as he remained in Taiyi Gate, he and [Emperor Song] would eventually meet.

Taiyi Gate and the Hall of Rebirth had always been mortal enemies!

Not to mention that the two factions were currently engaged in a fierce battle in the Endless Sea Battlefield.

When the two of them met, it would inevitably be on the battlefield, with weapons clashing!

Apart from that, there was no other possibility!

"Is Emperor Song very strong?"

"That is indeed a question."

Upon hearing Daoist Li Huo's words, Elder Yu Profound Heaven was momentarily stunned, then nodded in agreement.

He then asked:

"In that case, how should we go about dealing with Emperor Song?"

Elder Yu's question naturally referred to dealing with him on the battlefield.

And it wouldn't be him dealing with it.

As a Nine Realms cultivator, every move he made was under the watchful eye of the Yin Tianzi on the opposite side. It was impossible to do anything without the other party's knowledge.

Want to make a move against Emperor Song?

That was impossible to achieve!

Moreover, aside from the issue of whether or not to make a move, finding Emperor Song was also a problem.

After Elder Yu's question, a Daoist on a platform said:

"Elder Tai, in my opinion, we need at least two Everlasting Realm Daoists from Taiyi Gate to restrain him!"

This was also an extraordinary Daoist from Taiyi Gate.

His aura was majestic and his power was boundless.

Although he did not attend the Hundred Sects Great Assembly at the time and did not personally witness Chen Chang'an's creation of the Buddha Fa Zang, he felt the world's mournful cry caused by Fa Zang's passing.

From that mournful cry, he could clearly feel the state of mind that Fa Zang was facing at the time.

Therefore, he never doubted the strength of Emperor Song Chen Chang'an.

There are no empty vessels under a great name!

"Two Daoists?"

Upon hearing the words of this Dao Lord, Yu Profound Heaven's brows furrowed.

Every Dao Lord of Taiyi Gate is assigned their own opponent.

Now, to mobilize two more Dao Lords to deal with Emperor Song, it sounds good in theory.

But, can someone tell me where these Dao Lords will come from?

"Yes, Elder Tai, if we want to restrain Emperor Song, we need at least two people."

The Dao Lord added,

"And if we want to completely suppress him, we will need one more person."

"Otherwise, it's impossible!"

Is that so?

Upon hearing the words of this Dao Lord, Yu Profound Heaven once again fell into contemplation.

Then, he asked,

"Junyang, where do you suggest we find this additional person?"


Junyang Dao Lord was suddenly at a loss for words.

Not only him, but everyone present was also at a loss.

Indeed, it only takes two or three people to deal with Emperor Song.

But the problem is, where can we find this person?

Currently, the situation in the righteous path is as follows: the Martial Pavilions' Martial Ancestor is facing off against the Hall of Rebirth's [King of Reincarnation] and his Wheel of Reincarnation in the Dead Silence Sea.

The Sword Pavilion's Sword Master is facing off against Meng Po's Meng Po Hall in the Cycle Sea.

The Carefree Immortal Sect and Ascending Transformation Immortal Sect are facing off against Yama in the Holy State.

As for Taiyi Gate itself, it must face the Demon Lord personally in the Endless Sea.

As for the other sects, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, Great Sun Tathagata Sect, Celestial Fragrance Pavilion, and Profound Heaven Sword Sect, they are all unreliable.

These four sects have either been severely damaged or declared closed, or they have some connection with Emperor Song.

They simply cannot mobilize the power of the Eight Realms to assist.

So, where can this additional person come from?

Do they really think the Eight Realms are like cabbages on the street?

"Let me do it!"

However, just as everyone was at a loss, a voice suddenly sounded outside the hall.

Then, a graceful young man in a brocade robe walked in.

As the young man approached, his aura moved without wind.

His aura was like a Flood Dragon, causing the heavens and earth to tremble.

His aura was long-lasting, as strong as eternity!

He was actually an Everlasting Realm powerhouse!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

They didn't expect that this young man, who looked extremely young, would actually be an Everlasting Realm powerhouse!

Not only the crowd, even Chen Chang'an couldn't help but look at the young man.

It's rare to see a young man from the Eight Realms.

"I wonder who you are?"

Upon seeing the young man, Yu Profound Heaven was the first to ask.

"I am Li Tian of the Li Clan!"

The young man walked in and bowed slightly to Yu Profound Heaven.

He was refined and courteous.


Li Clan, Li Tian?!

Upon hearing the young man's words, the crowd exploded.

What is the Li Clan?

The Seven Stars War, the Ten Evils, the Nine Heavens Chaos!

The Li Clan is one of the Eight Chaos!

Their position is in the Holy Realm!

And Li Tian is the most outstanding genius of the Li Clan in tens of thousands of years.

In just a hundred years, he mastered the Great Dao of Chaos and advanced to the Seventh Realm.

Later, he was sealed by the Li Ancestor with the Great Dao of the Nine Realms and existed within the Li Clan's Dao Source.

He only awakened in the previous era!

After awakening, he spent another era integrating the Dao left behind by the Li Ancestor.

Now, he has emerged as an Eight Realm powerhouse!

His momentum is fierce, and there is a trend of reaching the Ninth Realm!

No giant in the world, a young man from the East!

"Li nephew?"

Yu Profound Heaven immediately understood, but then he looked at Li Tian and kindly said,

"Li nephew, I am naturally happy that you are willing to fight at this time."

"But Emperor Song is very strong. So far, three Everlasting Realm powerhouses have fallen at his hands."

"Nephew Li, should you reconsider?"

Upon hearing Yu Profound Heaven's words, Li Tian shook his head and said,

"Elder Tian, I came to the mortal realm this time to fight against all the heroes of the world."

"It's just right that Emperor Song is strong."

"If he wasn't strong, wouldn't my trip to the mortal realm be in vain?"

After speaking, Li Tian bowed to Yu Profound Heaven and waited for his answer.

"Alright, since nephew Li is willing to fight, then I will entrust Emperor Song to you, nephew Li."

After careful consideration, Yu Profound Heaven agreed to this matter.

Emperor Song is indeed strong, but this young man is a genius from the upper realm.

When the two collide, it's really hard to say who will win.

"You can rest assured, Elder Tian."

"If Emperor Song doesn't come, that's fine. But if he dares to come, I will make sure he has no chance to return!"

Li Tian nodded and then took a seat in the venue.

He sat right next to Chen Chang'an.

Thank you, [六只鱼儿], for the generous reward of 100 coins!

Thank you to all the big shots for your monthly votes and recommendations!

Thank you to the first recommendation ticket king, [晚风晨钟], for your continuous support.

(End of this chapter)

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