Unlike the others, the two chose an inconspicuous position, which is convenient and not noticeable.

However, the situation in the economy class can be observed very well here, and the big guys are not easy to spot them.

Like everyone else, Zhao Fei lowered his head, but Yu Guang scanned the big guys and lowered his voice: "What should I do?"

Lu Yu shook his head slightly, saying not to act rashly for the time being.

Who could have imagined that the two escaped Maozi's pursuit, but on the return flight, they were hijacked.

Lu Yu didn't know whether to say luck was too good or too bad.

However, two words in the speaker just caught his attention.


Actually this organization?



The door of the cockpit opened, and a beard with a bald head came out from inside.

This shape resembles the Drifting monk in Journey to the West. Hanging a string of Buddhist beads on him can take a white horse and carry a burden to the west to learn the scriptures.

Bearded... Oh no, let's call him Drifter for the time being. The "Drifter" wore a weird costume and went straight through first class to economy class.

"Everyone, I am the leader of the gangsters in the Commander's Mansion who have been tracking down! You said, if a plane suddenly appeared over them at this time, would it be very interesting?"

The first sentence when the Drifter came up confuses everyone.


Several big guys laughed brazenly.

The Drifter smiled slightly, banged, and raised his gun to kill one person.

Like killing a pig!

what! ?

Lu Yu's pupils shrank violently. Not only was this guy cold and ruthless, he was also a complete lunatic.

What really wanted to hit Maozi Commander's Mansion?

The brain grows on the soles of the feet!

He secretly cursed ‘fuck,’ Lu Yu touched the crossbow unknowingly.

Now, without knowing what is going on on the plane, it is unwise to make a haste.

Looking at the situation in the cabin at this moment, there were only three big men, and Lu Yu was sure to solve it in an instant.

After the Drifting talked, he ordered a few words to his men, and then turned around and went to the warehouse not knowing what to do.

After observing it quietly, Lu Yu lowered his head: "Let's hand over those three people to me later, and you will help."

"Okay, no problem." Zhao Fei made an ok gesture.

Next to him, a young man stared at them with wide eyes, as if looking at them.

People have guns in their hands, so do you two go up and die?

In his opinion, resisting is like seeking a dead end, and obedient is the wise choice.

Of the three big men, two of them stood guard at the door, not knowing what they were doing.

Another person dangled in the cabin, watching the crowd.

Just when he passed by Lu Yu's side and turned to the other side.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed violently, a good opportunity!

Already ready to go, he suddenly violently violently, like a cheetah leaping forward across the crowd.


The sharp dagger plunged into this guy's neck and penetrated from the other end.

The blood ran down the dagger, tick to tick, don't let the money flow down.

The person's body twitched twice, and he was silent.

The sudden scene stunned the crowd.

However, they were all tacitly silent.

Even if someone just opened their mouth, they were firmly covered by the people beside them.

But there are always exceptions.

Behind, a woman was frightened by the **** picture in front of her, and she screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."


Lu Yu, who was about to hide the corpse, had a heartbeat.

The next second, the two big men were noticed by the screams and looked back.

I saw my companion was stabbed in the neck, and the murderer seemed to plan to hide the body.

The two of them changed their colors!

"Fuck! What are you doing?!"

A big man roared, and bullets shot towards Lu Yu instantly.

Puff puff.

Lu Yu reacted swiftly, raising the corpse as a shield. The corpse was beaten into a sieve, but it didn't hurt Lu Yu a bit.

Just as the two were about to continue shooting, swish, two crossbow arrows pierced their heads at the same time.

The two corpses fell to the ground, and Lu Yu threw away the corpses in his hand and stepped forward to withdraw the crossbow arrows.

The automatic withdrawal function of the crossbow is not suitable for display in front of these ordinary people.

"Hero, dare you to ask you are here to save us?"

The young man just stood up with excitement, his eyes admiringly staring at Lu Yu.

"No, protect yourself!"

Lu Yu was pouring cold water on him.

To be a hero depends on whose hero you are going to be.

Lu Yu was pleased to treat his compatriots, his family and friends.

And all this he has done now is indeed to protect himself.

He took the gun from the body and threw it to Zhao Fei. Lu Yu turned and shouted, "If you don't want to die, just stay here for me. If anyone ran out, I can't guarantee that you will eventually come back alive."


There was a faint sound of footsteps ahead, very noisy.

Just now, the movement here has attracted their attention.

Kicking the corpse aside, Lu Yu winked at Zhao Fei, and the two hid on both sides of the door.

The footsteps were getting closer, and the two unconsciously clenched their guns.

After a while, someone poked his head out of the door and asked, "What the **** is going on here..."


With a light drink, Lu Yu and Zhao Fei shot at the same time, pressing him from left to right, smashing into a sieve.

Four big men rushed to the ground, and they fell to the ground one after another under alternate shooting.

"what happened?"

"What's going on inside?"

Perhaps, the noise here is too violent, and there are a few shouts from the front cabin.

But no one dared to come over, as if they had already foreseen the fate of their companions, they just asked loudly.

Lu Yu ignored them, and took away the weapons and ammunition from the corpse with Zhao Fei, and grabbed the grenade.

This thing was used purely to find death on the plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Drifting returned to the business class, frowned and asked, "Who shot the gun?"

One of his subordinates replied with fear: "Old... boss, there seems to be a master in the economy class. Our people have not reacted since they passed, have they already..."

Don't look at their flaunts, they seem to be pretty awesome.

However, this is only true when he is in control of the lives of others, and he is as scared as a dog when it is his turn.

"What are you afraid of?"

The sand monk slapped it and slammed it, and the guy who was hitting was dizzy and aggrieved.

"Smoke cover, then enter the economy class to see what the **** it is!"

At this time, Lu Yu and Zhao Fei were surrounded together, discussing how to effectively get into the business class and kill these people silently.

It is not difficult to tell from the words of the beard, the captain may have been killed, and the state of the aircraft at this time should be unmanned.

The goal is the Commander's Mansion.

at the same time.

Commander's Mansion.

After receiving the news, everyone was shocked.

Holding a pile of documents in his hand, the secretary hurriedly pushed open the commander's office door.

"Commander, it's not good. According to the latest satellite monitoring, the plane is deviating from the course and flying here. The target is probably the commander's mansion!"


Hearing the news, everyone looked confused.

My heart faintly felt uneasy.

The commander sat firmly behind the desk, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the desk, his calm attitude seemed to know everything: "Continue to detect the movement of the aircraft, calculate the falling trajectory, and evacuate the surrounding area as soon as possible! If they really have With this purpose, it will... shoot down on the spot."

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"Yes, commander!"

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