Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1017: Sun thief! I am your ancestor

"Fuck, Nima, a dead sand monk! Instead of following the master to learn the scriptures, he ran into the Liusha River as a monster!"

Lu Yu cursed with a calm face, and shot a **** man next to him.

The bearded ‘drifting monk’ chuckled. Although he could not understand what the other party was cursing, it didn’t matter. He could feel the latter’s angry emotions.


Raise the gun, and also kill a hapless guy.

"Listen, I can continue to consume it with you. As long as you don't come out, you will affect both cabins."

The Drifting said slowly.

The two have one mouth for you and one for me, and there are dead bodies lying on the smoky aisle.

After a round of investigations, Lu Yu estimated that there were more than 20 people under the Drifting Monk, which was quite difficult.

Before these people hid in the warehouse, Lu Yu's actions succeeded in drawing them out.

Many corpses were scattered on the ground.

People of all skin colors and regions have it.

What makes Lu Yu most speechless is that there are more than a dozen dragons in his grandma's business class.

Now, the only definitive information that can be grasped is that the group outside does not know their identities, and seems to think that the two belong to the commander's mansion or the mysterious five games.


It's also a bit good, at least, to avoid the other side's threat.

How other people have little to do with Lu Yu.

But if after returning, let Hu Guohai and Zhang Jinzhong know that he was not saved, Lu Yu was kicked out of position.

I'm afraid I don't even think about things about the institute!

"'s difficult!"

Lu Yu patted his forehead painfully.

Bang bang.

Zhao Fei randomly fired a few shots outside, frowning and asked: "What should I do? Will it be consumed?"

"First of all, they don't know that we are wearing bulletproof vests. There are about a dozen people outside. Are we sure that we will cooperate?"

Lu Yu said solemnly, and threw the gun to the ground nearby.

This thing doesn't work now.

After a long silence, Zhao Fei gritted his teeth and nodded: "Only 60%."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "I have 80%, and we add up to 40%! Okay, just do it!"


Zhao Fei rolled his eyes. Director Hu taught you math in elementary school, right?

He knew that Lu Yu was cheering, and he must learn to encourage himself at this time.

The people behind hugged each other and shrank into a group. Seeing the two talking a few times, they suddenly dropped their guns. Many people felt uneasy.

What's the situation with Nima? Surrender?

"You...are you going out and surrendering?" someone asked frightenedly.

"Don't go, don't go!"

"Please don't leave us..."

Everyone prayed.

Now, the two of Lu Yu have become their life-saving straw, and also the umbrella for everyone present.

Your own safety rests on the other side.

If even Lu Yu doesn't care about them, is it all over?

However, Lu Yu simply ignored these people to stay.

Being in a corner will only keep everything fine for a while, and sooner or later will be breached.

Only by making a breakthrough can we find a good strategy to break the game.

This is a big bet, and the bet is the fate of everyone here!

Even if the two kill the Drifters and his party next, they can fly near the commander's mansion before the plane is tuned back to the route. Because of the urinary nature of that Maozi commander, the plane will not be allowed to fall.

As for the survival, it depends on luck!

Lu Yu didn't want to take his own life to bet that one in ten thousand probability.

He always likes to hold the initiative firmly in his own hands.

"Just take it here, don't go out, otherwise, even the fairy goddess will not be able to save you."

Leaving a word, Lu Yu is benevolent.

Turning around, yelled into the door: "Bearded, we can go out, but please don't shoot again!"


The Drifting monk was very happy when he heard these words, waved his hand, motioned to all his men to put down their weapons, and shouted into the door: "You threw the gun, and then come over."

Got the bait!

Lu Yu and Zhao Fei looked at each other and squeezed the dagger tightly together, hiding it in their sleeves.

The two slowed down and walked towards the door one after another.

"Wait first."

Just before the entrance and exit, Lu Yu made a fist and stopped, then gently bent down, picked up a corpse, and slightly reached the exit.

Bang bang bang...

In the next second, a series of bullets hit like a storm.

The body was beaten into rags like a hornet's nest!

Zhao Fei's eyes shrank, and the secret path was dangerous.

Lu Yu sneered, these guys are really not honest.

"What do you mean?"

He threw the corpse out, and asked.

The current scene is still under the control of the two.

He had expected it a long time ago, the other party had promised so simply, it was fraudulent!

The two really wanted to go out like this just now, even if they had body armor, they would be in danger.

The offensive and defensive sides will be converted immediately.

Seeing that he was being tricked, the other party didn't come out at all, the Drifting face immediately became gloomy, and kicked his men over.

"Hehe, I just opened a gadget with you. I have punished the guy who shot, and you can come out."

Lu Yu's eyes flashed, forgiving that this guy didn't dare to play tricks anymore, and the two slowly walked out.

After arriving in front of the Drifting Monk, spreading his hands to indicate that he was not carrying a weapon, a dozen guns were aimed at them instantly.


The sand monk stared at Lu Yu in surprise, and the fox questioned: "You... are not the people of the mysterious fifth game?"

"Of course not!" Lu Yu spread his hands: "Who told you that we are the fifth mysterious game?"


The sand monk cursed secretly, and he was actually being teased.

He raised his gun against Lu Yu's forehead with anger and anger, and said, "Tell me, who are you guys? Why do you want to be right with me?"

Lu Yu shrugged and smiled faintly.

Beside him, Zhao Fei's mouth turned upwards, shook his head and said: "We? Who are we? Don't you know who we are? Of's your ancestor!"

Words fall!

He did not hesitate to take the previous咻……

The dagger slipped from the sleeve, and a dazzling cold light flew past, and the dagger ran across the throat of the monk.

All in one go!

Drifting eyes widened in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, the other party dared to confront him and succeeded.

A line of blood appeared on his neck, and he covered his throat, but the blood still kept overflowing from his fingers.

I opened my mouth and wanted to say something, but my throat could only make a sound of "hoho".


"Damn you guys!"

The surrounding little brothers reacted from shock, seeing that the boss was killed, they raised their guns in rage and shot at the two of them.

The intensive firepower surrounded them, but all the bullets hit the body armor.

Ding Dang Dong was blocked.

There is only one chance and it is fleeting.

It was precisely because they did not know the existence of the body armor that they missed the only precious opportunity to kill the two.

Holding the dagger tightly, Lu Yu dipped himself and rolled on the spot, arriving behind one person.

The red light flashed, and from then on, the person's heart pierced into the heart, and was smashed by the laser.

One hand set up the corpse as a shield, and the other hand touched his waist, grabbing the gun and shooting it bang.

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Zhao Fei killed the Drifting Monk, rushed into the crowd with his dagger, and started a unilateral looting.

The two swept together, as if two tigers plunged into a pack of wolves, they were all taken care of in an instant.

There were corpses on the ground, and Lu Yu panted.

Without time to worry about the scared crowd around him, he hurried through the first-class cabin and plunged into the cab.

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