Hu Guohai closed his eyes with his back to the sky, and patted his forehead with regret.

Since receiving this news, he has felt awkward, and his whole person seems to be getting older.


Zhang Jinzhong was dumbfounded for a while before he said, "He... they might not be on it? How could such a coincidence happen?"

Hu Guohai shook his head and took out a photo before him.

Seeing the photo, Zhang Jinzhong's pupils dilated instantly.

I saw two figures appearing in the photo, exactly the scene of Lu Yu and Zhao Fei boarding at the airport.

"This this……"

He opened his mouth, incredible.

Hu Guohai slowly said: "A long time ago, I contacted Maozi's dark line to help them at any time. After the mission is over, we must ensure their safety, and then report to me! This photo is when Lu Yu and Zhao Fei boarded the plane. I did it, but I didn’t expect it, but I only waited for the photos in the end..."

Zhang Jinzhong stretched out on the sofa, completely confused.

The sudden blow made him somewhat unable to believe this fact!

He hadn't even figured out that Lu Yu would have an accident on the plane.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time before he asked in a hoarse voice: "What should I do now?"

"You should be aware of those people doing things. Even if the plane crashes, they will not try their best to search! However, we can use this matter to make a fuss, exert unilateral pressure, and then we will send someone over... "

Hu Guohai calmly analyzed and thought about a complete implementation plan.

Just send someone to search and everything will be easy.

In addition, it is necessary to find out the truth of the plane crash, which cannot be unclear.

It's impossible to stop everyone's mouth after such a major event.

As long as there is a valid reason, you can go and search.

In short, Hu Guohai didn't believe that Lu Yu would hang up so easily. How could he die in a plane crash because of how many dangers came through before?

He does not believe, absolutely not!

And Zhao Fei had a big blessing and didn't die last time. How could he easily die this time?

Zhang Jinzhong sighed secretly: "This matter...Do you want to tell An Ran what they know?"

Hu Guohai frowned and thought for a while, and smiled bitterly: "I can't help it, An Ran is Lu Yu's wife, and they are Lu Yu's brothers, and they have the right to know! And now the news is flying all over the sky, maybe they already know."

"Let's do this first, you go to A Brigade to announce the news, I will report to it, and rescue people as soon as possible."

Zhang Jinzhong made a decisive decision.

"I want to see people when I live, and when I die... I also want to see the dead!"

Hu Guohai sighed in surprise: "That's the only way."

The two moved separately, and Zhang Jinzhong took care of the upper level. Hu Guohai immediately drove to Team A to select personnel.

The plane crash this time has caused turmoil everywhere.

Mao Zi desperately wanted to hold on to this matter without revealing it.


Reporters from various countries are pervasive, causing all kinds of gossips to fly in the sky.

A brigade residence, a room somewhere.

An Ran was sitting on the sofa watching TV and was bored to switch channels.

It has been almost six months since pregnancy.

More than half of the pregnancy has passed in October, and the baby will be born in more than four months.

Because Lu Yu was busy doing tasks outside and was unaccompanied by him, fortunately, Cuifen often came to care, and she did not feel alone.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

An Ran clutched her chest, feeling her heart twitching.

This has always been the case since just now, and I am inexplicably panicked, as if something bad is about to happen.

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Before, she thought it was a normal reaction to pregnancy, but after such a long time, this panic became worse and worse.

Reaching out to touch his face, tears slipped down unknowingly, which made An Ran completely panic.

"Lu Yu, Lu Yu, where are you..."

An Ran couldn't help muttering and chanting Lu Yu's name.

She knew that Lu Yu was still in Siberia thousands of miles away, and could not hear her screaming.

But for some reason, it was called Lu Yu without control.

It seemed that there was a voice telling her that something happened to Lu Yu.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and a figure hurried in.

"An Ran? What happened to you An Ran?"

Seeing An Ran burst into tears, she slumped to the floor, and Cuifen was shocked.

He rushed over to help the latter back on the sofa, regardless of An Ran's resistance, forcibly holding her: "An Ran, be sober! Don't scare me..."

As if he hadn't seen Cuifen, An Ran still whispered to Lu Yu.

The changes in the house also awakened the people outside, and a large group of people hurried in.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? Sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law wake up, look at me, I am He Chenguang!"

"Yes, sister-in-law, the captain is outside on the mission, not here..."

Everyone spoke out, surrounding An Ran with concern.

Although the people in front of him spoke one by one, they fell in An Ran's ears, like a group of mosquitoes buzzing and hearing nothing.

Finally, she couldn't bear the pressure and rolled her eyes and passed out.

I don't know how long it took before An Ran woke up leisurely.

Opened his eyes and looked at it, I saw a group of people lying around on the bed.

Wang Yanbing stood by the door, talking fiercely on the phone with the hospital.

Seeing An Ran woke up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still Tang Xiaoxiao sat on the side of the bed with tears in her eyes, grabbed An Ran's hand, and said, "Sister-in-law, you just scared us to death! "

"Yes, in case you have something to happen, the captain will have to tear us up when he comes back!"

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with the good-looking?"

He Chenguang stopped everyone talking and asked.

An Ran shook her head, her mood finally calmed down a lot, but her temples still jumped suddenly.

"I do not know either."

She rubbed her forehead and said, "Just now, I suddenly felt flustered in my heart, as if out of breath, as if something was going to happen to Lu Yu, and then...I called out to see him!"

Everyone's faces stiffened, and the scene fell into weird silence.

At this moment, Wang Yanbing finished the phone call and stared at An Ran with a straight look.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, He Chenguang hurriedly smiled and rounded it off: "Eh...sister-in-law, you must have thought a lot, you don't have telepathy, how can you know that the captain is in trouble? Besides, the captain's ability is obvious to all of us. It's hard to beat him!"

"Yes, sister-in-law, don't think too much, watch TV and relax!"

To ease the atmosphere, Tang Xiaoxiao turned on the TV and tuned to the international channel.

"Come on, sister-in-law, let's watch the news to ease it..."

The words are not finished.

On the TV screen, the huge line of titles and the scrolling search and rescue pictures displayed make everyone open their mouths.

Even if Ma Saige was played on the screen, the tragic and impact on the scene could be seen.

An Ran pressed her mouth tightly, and her uneasy thoughts grew stronger.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing looked at each other.

The former blocked the TV, and the latter quietly stayed behind the TV and unplugged the power plug.

But even so, An Ran still seemed to lose his soul, startled in a daze.

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