Leaving Cuifen to take care of An Ran, a group of people gathered outside to whisper.

"What happened to the plane just now? Look at my sister-in-law, wouldn't our captain also be on the plane?"

"Fart! How could the captain be on it?"

"Guys, don't you see the plane? If the captain is really on it, it might be more fortunate..."

While everyone was talking about it, a car rushed in from outside.


The off-road vehicle drove into the compound like a gallop and stopped in front of everyone.

Pushing the door open, everyone was stunned when they saw the person getting on and off the car, and suddenly a bad conjecture appeared in their hearts.

Previously, the reason they didn't talk about it was because they didn't believe in its authenticity.

In other words, I don't want to believe it at all.

Naturally, he would not consider whether Lu Yu really had an accident.

But the sudden arrival of Hu Guohai broke this conclusion all at once, and the anxiety in their hearts became even worse.

"Go in and say!"

Hu Guohai's face was as cold as water, and he led everyone to an office.

An Ran also came with Cuifen's support.

After a while, An Ran's sanity was also quite clear, but she was still absent-minded.

When everyone was seated, Hu Guohai opened his mouth and sighed to himself, then raised his head and said: "Everyone, what I want to tell you next may not be acceptable to you, and it is also a bolt from the blue for me. I hope you can Be mentally prepared..."

As soon as he said this, the scene was silent.

Everyone looked at each other for a long while, and He Chenguang spoke: "Head Hu, you said, we are all ready."

Cuifen sat at the back with An Ran, her lost eyes suddenly became extremely nervous.

There is only one thought in my mind: don't say it! Do not say!

It must not be the news! Definitely Not!

At this moment, she was like a fragile person, and these thoughts were like a shield to protect her firmly.

But the reality is extremely cruel.

Next, Hu Guohai's words were like extremely sharp spears, which pierced through An Ran's vulnerable shield.

The book booths that the book friends used before have been hung up, and now they basically use \\mi\\mi\\ to read\\app\\\\.

Hu Guohai said: "I believe the news in the news, you have all read! On the crashed plane, your captain Lu Yu, including one of my subordinates, Zhao Fei, they are all on it!"

a bolt from the blue! Five thunders!

Not enough to describe the shock brought by this news.

The air became silent like a dead water, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was terrifyingly quiet.

It seemed that a slightly louder breathing would disturb the silence.

Everyone stared at Hu Guohai with wide-open eyes, and a thousand or ten thousand people didn't believe it.

I don't know how long it took, He Chenguang was the first to react and grinned and said: "Hu...Hu Ju, you, are you kidding us?"

Everyone looked at Hu Guohai with hopeful gazes, and seemed to want to hear him say something from his mouth: "Take you fun!"


This is just their beautiful fantasy!

Hu Guohai's cold face and the machine-like voice of words gave them a loud slap in the face.

"Do you think I would make a joke about this? Again, your captain and my subordinates are on that plane. This is a very clear thing! What is not clear is their life and death."

He Chenguang stared blankly and said, "The plane is destroyed like that, how can people... be alive?"

"Now, sixty survivors have been found!"

"Where is the captain?"

"Lu Yu was not found among them, so I said his life and death are particularly unknown."

Everyone was silent, and everyone seemed to sink into the ice cellar.

The news brought them too great a blow.

Everyone didn't want to believe that something happened to Lu Yu.

Especially after An Ran heard the news, she was unexpectedly calm from beginning to end!

No crying, just silently looking at Hu Guohai without saying a word.

She will not cry, let alone cry!

Lu Yu will be fine. She doesn't believe that the latter will die. After experiencing so many hardships before, how could he... die easily?

Didn't die on the battlefield but died in a plane crash, isn't this a big joke?

She wanted to wait here for Lu Yu's return and kept waiting.

Here, Hu Guohai looked at the people’s grim expressions, patted the table to attract their attention, and said in a deep voice, “This is something we can’t change! I’ll tell you now, there’s nothing in the living. But there are no dead piles, I will give you two choices!"

"First, get your spirits up again, and soon the above will issue an order to send you to the crash site for search and rescue. Second, I will complain here like a trash and do nothing!"

"Choose it yourself!"

Hu Guohai's words moved the numb expressions on everyone's faces slightly, and rekindled hope in their hearts.

Everyone's expressions gradually became more determined.

When he heard that Lu Yu was not found in the dead pile, He Chenguang's expression finally eased a lot and asked, "Hu Ju, when shall we leave?"

Hu Guohai said with a slight hesitation, "Lao Zhang has gone to ask for instructions, and the order will be issued no more than tomorrow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So, before this time tomorrow, I believe you will arrive there. "

Hearing this, everyone exhaled, swept away the gloom in their hearts before going back to get equipment.

But Hu Guohai stopped them: "This time, what did you do when you searched and rescued and brought your equipment? Do you want to give others the truth?

Everyone looked at each other, preparing to sigh secretly when they gave up.

Hu Guohai said again: "Each person is only allowed to wear a body armor and a dagger, leaving everything else behind."

After the crowd disbanded, only Hu Guohai and Cuifen remained in the room with An Ran.

The atmosphere was silent again.

Hu Guohai sighed secretly, walked in front of An Ran, bowed and said, "An Ran, I'm sorry! I sent him to this mission, and the main responsibility lies with me! But rest assured, we will definitely bring Lu Yu back... This old bone of mine, I'll fight it again this time!"

After speaking, he wanted to turn around and leave.

Behind him, An Ran spoke for the first time since coming to the office.

"Hu Ju, you don't have to apologize, Lu Yu is still alive and dead, right?"

Hu Guohai was surprised by the calm attitude of An Ran.

"Yes, that kid Jiren has his own vision!"

He smiled before leaving.

While preparing for the search and rescue of tomorrow, Zhang Jinzhong also successfully persuaded him to send a rescue team.

And with the help of news and victims, pressure the other party to open the search mode again.

In addition.

As soon as Hu Guohai returned, he immediately turned on the secrecy bureau and operated at full capacity.

He even used the foreign intelligence network to dig out the truth behind the incident and some shameful things about Maozi.

In the dark, joint pressure and threat!

Not long after, there was finally a message back there, agreeing to send someone to cooperate in the rescue.

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