Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1340: Brother Yu, want to kill me!

"Squad leader, actually, it's not what you think..."

The reporting soldier brewed his words and continued: "Don't worry too much. Those ducks listen to the words of Chief Lu, and have already lined up to the duck shed obediently. We can see clearly from the side. You can guarantee. No one is left behind."

   Jiang Hao was stunned.

  What did he hear?

   The ducks line up to go back to the duck shed by themselves?

   Can this Nima be more bullshit!

   Jiang Hao's face was unbelievable, his brain was blank, and he couldn't turn around a bit. He wondered if there was a hearing problem: "What did you say? Say it again, didn't you kid me?"

   The soldier smiled bitterly: "Squad leader, do you think I am joking? This is true. If you don't believe me, I can show you the video."


   Jiang Hao didn't know how he agreed. After hanging up, he opened WeChat and sent a video request to the two of them.

   When the video was turned on, the soldier pointed the camera at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, Lu Yu was driving the duck and swayed back to the duck shed.

   "Squad leader, have you seen it? We didn't lie to you, these ducks are really queuing!"

   "This wave of operations by Chief Lu is simply amazing. We were shocked just now. It was like a magic trick. The ducks trained by him can be compared with special soldiers."

   Seeing the picture returned by the video, Jiang Hao rubbed his eyes unbelievably.

   I saw the female ducks in groups, neatly lined up in a long queue, under the command of Lu Yu, leisurely walking small steps towards the duck shed.

   As the camera zoomed in, it focused on the few female ducks who led the team. At this moment, she was raising her neck, singing like a white swan.

   "Chuck, cluck...!"

   "Quack, quack!"

   "I am a happy little duckling!"

   Jiang Hao was shocked by the crisp and high-pitched duck singing.

   I'll make a big fork! ?

  This...really or not?

   Knowing that the ducks on the farm were released by Lu Yu before, Jiang Hao felt that he was finished, but at this moment, there is a scene in the video, which is exactly the same as the two recruits said. All this is true!

   The neat and uniform formation is exactly like a warrior, singing and returning to the camp triumphantly.

   Even if there are live broadcasts of two soldiers, these ducks will have no distractions, and they will be a rush march toward the duck shed.

   Those firm steps and eyes, like a heavy hammer, shattered Jiang Hao's three views.

  Shente, is there such an operation?

   I feel that I have been insulted. The squad leader he has been on the farm all these years has been for nothing!

   "Squad leader, if it's okay... just hang up! After the duck was released, a lot of eggs were laid along the way. We have to help pick the duck eggs quickly. If you have time, you can also quickly call someone to help."

   The call ends, and the video call is officially hung up.

   But just one second before hanging up, the phone camera caught the duck eggs rolling down all over the floor, which fell in Jiang Hao's eyes, like gold ingots one by one.

After    was startled, his face was full of ecstasy.

   So, the problem of duck egg production has been completely solved?

   This is too lucky!

   took the duck out and slid around, and the problem of not laying eggs was cured. It was so simple, why didn't I think of it?

   Seeing Jiang Hao’s beautiful and wandering appearance, he seemed to have completely missed his own guest, Song Kaifei sitting on the sofa, could not help coughing twice: "Ahem, Squad leader Jiang?"

   "Uh... I'm sorry, Comrade Colonel, I just got a little distracted, hehehehe."

  Jiang Hao, who had recovered, looked at Song Kaifei and smiled embarrassedly.

   This chief is equally frightening. Although he is not as perverted as Lu Yu, he is not something he can afford to provoke.

   But Song Kaifei didn't think anything, he just spoke in business: "Squad leader Jiang, look, when will our team leader's transfer be handled?"

   "Ah... yes yes, do it right away!"

   Jiang Hao slapped his forehead abruptly, unable to stop his sore nose.

  Tune Ling, it's finally down, great... This uncle will finally be transferred.

   Staying any longer, we really can't afford to serve!

  God knows, how much torture he has endured in half a month after this little squad leader?

   woo woo woo, finally waited until this moment.

   Jiang Hao cried with joy, he was even more excited than the production of duck eggs, and his gaze at Song Kaifei was more eager than at his parents.

   Being stared at by the latter, Song Kaifei couldn't stop the hairy heart, shivering uncontrollably, touched his nose and coughed, "'s not early, when will our captain be back?"

   "Hurry up!"

   Jiang Hao squinted his eyes and smiled and said: "The two soldiers told me just now that Chief Lu is rushing here and he will be here soon. Wait a moment, hehehe!"

   said, rubbing his hands in excitement and getting up, opened the drawer next to it, took out a seal, and started the handover procedure.

   I want to advertise, the book chase app I'm using recently, cache reading, and read aloud offline!

   "It's a good day today, I'm so happy, hehehe..."

   It seems to be really happy, you see, I'm all humming a little song.

   picked up the seal and stamped it on the order, the spirit of the whole person instantly relaxed, and the smile on his mouth became stronger.

   Song Kaifei stared blankly at each other, with a suspicious expression on his face.

   I wipe, what did the captain do in the past half month?

   How did it feel that this guy was as happy as a fool after learning that the captain was about to be transferred!

   Jiang Hao completed the order adjustment procedures almost as quickly as possible, and handed over to Song Kaifei with enthusiasm.

   "Ahem... you wait a while, Chief Lu will be there soon! I have to leave beforehand, but I won’t send it far away. Help me tell the Chief!"

   After finishing speaking, before Song Kefei could reply, he smeared the soles of his feet and disappeared at the door.

   Song Kaifei stared blankly at the back of Jiang Hao who had gone away by riding the shook his head helplessly, always feeling that the captain hadn't done anything good in the past half month!

   Look, what have you tortured the squad leader?

   inexplicably scary!

   Retracted his gaze, Song Kaifei touched his nose and muttered to himself: "It's been a long time since I saw the captain. I want to be stunned by him inexplicably..."

   This guy thinks so cheaply.

   "Pilot, isn't it itchy skin again? Since you want to see me so much, do you want to fight with my newly trained fighter?"

   A voice floated and fell into Song Kaifei's ears.

   Song Kaifei was startled, his eyes horrified, who actually touched him and was not found?

   He hurriedly jumped a step away, and when he turned his head and found that the person was Lu Yu, he breathed a sigh of relief, his face filled with pleasing smiles.

   "Captain, you are finally here!"

  In an instant, he stood at attention and saluted, shouting loudly like a bell.

   After putting down his arm, he saw Lu Yu who had been away for a month. Song Kaifei hugged him with a bear pounce: "Brother Yu, want to kill me!"

   "Fuck off, don't be so disgusting. If you want to hug it, it's your sister-in-law Enron!"

   Lu Yu was full of disgust. Before this guy could get close, he got up and kicked it.

   Of course, it was just doing something, without really exerting force.

   Otherwise... Today, Song Kaifei really wants to explain here, and he won't even have to go back.

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