Looking at Song Kaifei's smirk, Lu Yu said in a huff: "Pilot, if you haven't come to visit me for so long, don't you know how to get something?"

"How can it be? Captain, I brought you a generous gift!" Song Kaifei smiled facelessly, handed out the seal of the seal in his hand, and pushed forward, with an expression of undue beating on his face asking for credit. .

   "We are sending transfer orders for thousands of miles, courtesy is light and sentimental!"

   Lu Yu didn't go to pick him up. He glanced at it slantingly, and then all the contents of the order came into his eyes, narrowing his eyes slightly.

   "What are you doing? I thought I was allowed to stay on the farm until I was discharged. I haven't enjoyed it enough, so how come I was transferred back? This is too weak!" Lu Yu said in a tone of dissatisfaction.

   "Huh...?" Song Kaifeng was stunned. He didn't understand what the captain thought. Wouldn't it be okay to be transferred back to you, and want to stay on the farm?

   "Cough cough!" Song Kaifei coughed slightly, and blinked a few times: "Let him take care of him. It's a good thing to be able to go back. Brothers all miss you very much. Without you, our team a can't function."

   "Okay, don't put a high hat on me. The troops can operate as usual if they are away. With Fan Tianlei and He Zhijun here, it doesn't matter if I leave my hand at the shopkeeper or not return!"

   Lu Yu shrugged, and said nonchalantly: "Besides, if the top team really wants to remove me from my post, can you drop a captain directly and transfer me back in turn?"

   "Uh, captain, I really made you right. Although there was no captain parachuting, Fan Tianlei was indeed transferred back, and now he is temporarily in charge of the affairs of Team A." Song Kaifei said bitterly.

   "Huh?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "History is back on track?"

   "Yes, Fan Tianlei, this old boy, used us as the original red blood cells to train. It's really annoying!"

Song Kaifei whispered and complained, and said: "Captain, you have to go back with me. Although Fan Tianlei is good, but after all his abilities are there, it's okay to engage in grassroots construction, but he doesn't do anything about special operations. Understand, command blindly all day long. How can you be so wise and martial, with extraordinary destiny..."

   When it comes to the end, this guy slapped a flattery without a trace. It really deserves to be the most suitable **** for Team A!

   "Lao Fan has any position now? Chief of Staff?" Lu Yu asked.

   "Amazing my captain!"

Song Kaifei gave a thumbs up and praised: "You always stay on the farm, you can know everything well, you are worthy of our captain, you know the world without going out... However, the old boy Fan Tianlei also knows himself and knows that he is not capable. Therefore, He Zhijun is temporarily in charge of the position of acting captain."

   "Okay, you passed!"

   Lu Yu interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and rolled his eyes out of anger, "I haven't seen him for so long, but I have gained a lot of flattering skills. I wonder if the training has been lost?"

   "Haha, Captain, you are all well taught!"

   Song Kaifei didn't care, smiled shyly, and said, "By the way, you just said that you would let me and your recruits fight, but the farm shouldn't have much training, right?"

   Lu Yu shrugged: "I'm not talking about them, but..."

   After a pause, his eyes flashed suddenly, thoughtfully, looking at Song Kaifei, whose gaze flickered in front of him, the corners of his lips raised.

   "Frankly explain, such a big thing happened, the above just let me off so easily? Improbable! Isn't this something else, you want me to commit crimes? Huh?"


   Song Kaifei touched his nose and opened his mouth speechlessly in shock.

   "Captain... can you guess this?"

   The point is, he didn't say anything!

   actually gave his intentions clearly.

   is too shocking!

Before    came, Fan Tianlei explained it again and again, telling him not to disclose the words so early.

   But I can't blame myself, he is really tight-lipped.

   But who would have thought that Lu Yu was so perverted?

   "How about being your captain?"

   Lu Yu's voice was faint, but the pair of dark eyes stared at each other firmly, full of oppression.

  Sure enough, Song Kaifei, a spineless guy, gave up the struggle on the spot!

With a wry smile, Song Kaifei had no choice but to tell the truth: "You really got it right. Something did happen, but it wasn't our A group, but the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company of the Southeast Military Region and the Thunder Eagle Commando of the Southwest Military Region. Something went wrong in the joint operation not long ago."

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   "Speak clearly, what happened?"

   Lu Yu's voice sinks slightly. From Song Kaifei's tone, he seems to have heard something unusual.

   Seeing that the matter had progressed to this point, and there was no way to hide it, Song Kaifei reluctantly shook his head, took a deep breath, and had to explain the whole story.

   It’s the same morning and evening, anyway, after Lu Yu returned to the team, he would know that he would go back and be scolded if he violated the rules.

   But if you don't say it now, Lu Yu will definitely catch him and beat him up. Even if his skin is itchy, he can't help shuddering when he thinks of Lu Yu's methods!

   "About ten days ago, Jing Fang received a news report that a group of hidden smuggling and drug fight cases appeared in a certain place in the southern border region, and the number was high."

Speaking of business ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Song Kaifei immediately suppressed his hippie smile, and solemnly said: "If this thing is to be allowed to flow in, I don't know how many families will be shattered and how many people will be tortured by poison for a lifetime? So, As soon as he received the secret informant, Chief Cao sent someone to contact the military area and, based on the information provided by the informant, launched a thorough clean-up operation against this group of bold drug dealers."

   "The Southeastern Military Region, in conjunction with the Southwestern Military Region, sent the Ace Tiger Reconnaissance Company and the Tigers Special Forces Brigade under the command of Lei Keming to cooperate to complete this assault and suppression."

   "Originally, everything went smoothly, but who would have thought that at a critical moment, the informant who provided us with information actually rebelled..."

   Song Kaifei sighed secretly, it was obvious that his brows were frowning together, and his eyes flashed with angry brilliance.

"More than that, he also leaked all the deployment of the action to the enemy, causing our actions to be under the control of the other side! We are in the light, the enemy is in the dark, and the forces and firepower are equal, what can happen, don’t need me to say you, captain. Can guess it too!"

   After listening to Song Kaifei's narration, Lu Yu was silent, but his eyes flashed with cold light.

  The enemy is hiding in the dark, but the deployment of one's own side is completely covered by their firepower.

   Faced with such a situation, his practical toes can also be imagined, and he must suffer heavy losses.

Sure enough, Song Kaifei sighed heavily: "The battle was fought horribly, and the specific situation is no longer known, but the Yehuo Reconnaissance Company and the Tigers were maimed. Lei Keming was seriously injured. He is still lying. The hospital was unconscious."

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