Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1352: Why don't the motherland be strong?

In the smog, Yuan Lang bit the cigarette **** slowly and said: "What we need to do is to stay calm and hibernate in the dark like a hunter, and when the prey appears, we will kill him again!"

   "Not bad!"

   Lu Yu nodded, agreeing with his statement: "A good hunter will definitely be good at hiding himself, maintain perfect patience, and will not expose himself before the prey appears."

   said, he turned his head and looked at Tan Xiaolin: "How are the arrangements for the female soldiers? After entering the jungle, there will be no retreat. Unless all the enemies are wiped out, no one is allowed to retreat.

Tan Xiaolin smiled confidently, and her voice echoed like a oriole: "Lu Team, you can rest assured that for this battle, the Phoenix has made the most adequate preparations. Everyone wears the necessary medicines, and the weakness of women will not appear. On the battlefield."

   "Thank you guys."

   Lu Yu rarely took a serious look and nodded in praise.

   This time he felt that the enemy he was facing might not be a caravan organization that seems to be scattered out of nowhere, but a death squad comparable to world-class mercenaries.

   What gave Lu Yu this feeling was that sunset company that had been lingering in the shadows.

   Besides, his instinct has never been wrong. In order to be careful, Lu Yu must be prepared!

   Seeing Lu Yu's cautious look, Lei Zhan, Yuan Lang, Tan Xiaolin and others looked at each other, and all saw a dignified look in each other's eyes.

   It seems that Lu Yu rarely behaves so seriously. Obviously, this task is very difficult in his heart!


   Lu Yu spit out a deep breath, time is not waiting, stood up and shouted: "Go into the mountains!"

   The other three people responded: "Yes!"

   The order was notified, and everyone gathered quickly.

   The three captains also came to their respective teams.

   "Raiden Commando, gather!"

   "Ryzen Special Team Gathers!"

   "Fire Phoenix gather!"

   And as the commander-in-chief, Lu Yu was already standing in front of the members of the A team.

   Headed by He Chenguang, the queues are arranged in order. Everyone is upright like a javelin, with a rising aura and a murderous look, without slanting their eyes to the front.

   Such an iron-blooded force made of steel, any enemy who sees it must be afraid of three points!

   At the beginning, Lu Yu once joked that every soldier he brought would become a soldier king.

   No matter it is He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Xu Tianlong, Xu Sanduo... and even the honest Li Erniu, they will all become the special forces among the special forces, above the ten thousand soldiers, and the king of all soldiers.

   This is not empty talk!

   Nowadays, every soldier of old A, especially the old members from red blood cells, has long been famous and has become the enviable king of soldiers across the country.

Lu Yu's sharp gaze swept across everyone's face, and he let out a deep drink: "My comrades-in-arms, brothers, each of you is a well-known soldier king, but becoming a soldier king does not mean the end. To me It seems that this is the beginning, the beginning of leading the Longguo Special Forces to stand on the world stage! This beginning begins with you, comrades, are you ready?"

  The voices of all the members swept like Lu Tao, and went straight into the sky——

"always be ready!"

"always be ready!!"

"always be ready!!!"

   There are many waves, one wave overwhelms another, and the continuous waves rush into the sky.

   This voice, this atmosphere and momentum seemed to have an inexplicable appeal in an instant.

   All the special forces members present at the scene at a time, no matter the male or female soldiers, all exhausted their efforts to exhale.

   The sound shook the world, and the aura was immeasurable for a while!

  Chang Baoqiang was shocked by the majestic scene in front of him, and he sighed sincerely after a long daze.

   "With the sharp edge of this country, why not worry about the motherland being strong..."


   A sudden storm washed the boring and hot tropical rain forest, bringing coolness to the forest. After the rain washed, the vegetation looked especially green.

   The ground was wet, and the dry soil was dripping under the impact of rain, forming small turbulences.

   Insects that cannot be named are crawling through the soil, and the jungle is filled with the fragrant smell of soil.

   A piece of flat bushes that looks completely inconspicuous, without any hidden traces, but inside, there is a sturdy face painted in oil.

   Through the gap between the bushes in front of him, a pair of eyes are staring at everything where the line of sight passes, covering a viewing angle of more than 150 degrees.

   "I am Thor, I am Thor! The location of the high ground is normal, Hibari, where is your side? Please report."

   Lei Zhan hidden under the grass, tapping the earplugs lightly, contacting the wireless communication channel to communicate in a low voice.

   The sound of low electric current, which is almost inaudible to human ears, is transmitted over the empty and lonely mountain forest, setting off this primitive jungle to be extremely quiet.

   "Nothing unusual in the southwest direction!"

   "Nothing unusual in the southeast direction!"

   The reports of Yuan Lang and Tan Xiaolin sounded at the same time.

"Roger that!"

   After listening to the reports from several people, Lu Yu hid his body quietly in a jungle, like a corpse, his breathing was inaudible.

   Lips move, and there is also an imperceptible voice: "Sniper, report your situation!"

   Inside the earphones, the sound of snipers scattered around.

   Ye Cunxin: "I am the enemy to kill! There is no abnormality near the horse racing trail, the report is complete!"

   He Chenguang: "Falcon report, no traces of pedestrians, over!"

   Yan Wang: "Everything is normal on my side, but there seems to be something wrong with the special tour team... over!"

   Lu Yu has no expression on his It seems that nothing can cause his mood swings. After cutting off contact with a few people, he quickly contacted Chang Baoqiang.

   "Captain Chang, what's the situation with you?"

After a short silence on the other side, Chang Baoqiang smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, Marines, my people have been savages in the mountains for three days. They have not experienced such a harsh test. Just another rainstorm came. Some people can't hold it, many people have cold and fever and need to evacuate from the battle scene."

   Lu Yu frowned, but didn't blame him much.

After all, their home battlefield is still used in urban anti-terrorism warfare, forcing them to experience wind, rain, snakes and insects in the jungle like special forces. They also restrict any free activities and cannot effectively get food and water supplements. Connect. The toilets have to be solved on the spot.

   One day, perhaps barely feasible, three days later, who can stand it?

   Both physically and mentally, I was exhausted to the extreme.

   The ability to withstand pressure dropped sharply, and it was tormented under the alternating cold and heat in the heavy rain, and the body could not hold it. That was expected.

   Lu Yu had predicted this from the bottom of his heart, and he was not surprised.

  According to the plan, the action will be officially launched in a day's time. At that time, it will officially fight against the caravan sneaking in.

   But in the past three days, it is obvious that something has happened to an unknown change.

   only broke the series of plans they had made before, leading to the special patrol team, physical and mental exhaustion, excessive physical and mental exhaustion, fever and cold symptoms.

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