During the three-day ambush, Zhuang Yan, who was acting as an informant, did not return any information, and the superior only gave them an order to wait.

   People are not as good as the sky. This series of sudden changes broke Lu Yu's previous plan and undoubtedly added a lot of difficulties and variables to this mission.

   Especially these special training teams that have not undergone field training have suffered severe physical and mental damage under the harsh conditions of the tropical rain forest.

   However, these are not what Lu Yu is most worried about, because at this moment they are facing a more serious problem. When will the goal come out?

  The special patrol team is exhausted physically and mentally. Although the special forces still persisted, they also consumed most of their physical strength. If the ambush time is too long, even the best hunters may not be able to stand it, and their patience will be wiped out.

   Now, Chang Baoqiang's special training team has fallen, and the next time, it may be the special warfare team's turn.

   Lu Yu sighed and shook his head: "Captain Chang, I may not be able to agree to your request. The current situation is unknown. Once we evacuate, too much movement may expose our position. You let the wounded rest on the spot, and I will take someone over to treat you now."

   Lu Yu's consideration, Chang Baoqiang would naturally not fail to understand, but it was indeed embarrassing that something happened to his team members at this time.

"I see!"

  Chang Baoqiang nodded helplessly. No one can control this kind of thing. I can only blame bad luck for the heavy rain.

   Thinking, couldn't help but look up at Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu and others in ambush not far away.

   These members of the special forces, with a special condensed temperament on their bodies, lay down there, as if all the breath had disappeared, completely turned into a stone, and completely integrated with the tropical rain forest.

   No matter what happened around them, flash floods, or violent storms, they remained resolute, like a dead body without vital signs.

  Perhaps, only when Lu Yu gave the order, these rock-like gangs would transform into a group of hungry wolves, destroying all their prey with the power of a spark, and culling them mercilessly.

   Looking at the team members next to him, Chang Baoqiang sighed in his heart. Only then did he understand how powerful this special force was. The real Taishan collapsed in front of him remained unchanged.

  The gap between the two sides has become unmeasurable, like a moat!

   Ending the call, Lu Yu immediately contacted Huang Xiaomeng in the team: "Xiaomeng, your battlefield first aid skills haven't fallen yet?"

   "No, rest assured, leave it to me!" Huang Xiaomeng responded.


   Behind the queue, in a seemingly inconspicuous pile of dead trees, Xixi Suoso climbed up a petite figure, looked around vigilantly, and then quickly moved the position.

   Just as Lu Yu was about to switch to wireless TV again, suddenly, there was a sizzling noise in the earphones, making him wait for the weather forecast for three days, and finally came.

   "The rain has stopped, the sun is about to come out, the second aunts are going to go home to see!"

   This sudden, even without warning, made Lu Yu's eyes suddenly bloom.

   After waiting so long, finally...coming!

   This is obviously a secret sign.

  Second aunt, referring to the goal of their trip.

   Caravan smuggler!

   This sentence means that the target is ready to act.

   Lu Yu's lips raised, these guys were really cautious and hibernated for three days. At this moment when the majestic heavy rain had just stopped and everyone was exhausted, they sneaked into the Happy Road, and the ghosts and snakes finally emerged.

   "Everyone, prepare for the first level of battle!"

   As Lu Yu yelled down, the large black clouds that had originally covered the forest disappeared miraculously, coming and going in a hurry.

   The radiant sun reappears in the sky, golden brilliance, pouring into the jungle after the rain, all the green and secluded vegetation are set off beautifully and beautifully, shining like a crystal emerald.

   Tropical rain forests are full of changes. The last moment it was raining heavily, the sun was blazing and the temperature soared in a blink of an eye.

   This is a peculiar climate that can only be seen in the rain forest!

   The weather is clear after rain, which also means that the war is about to start.

   "Hidden, pay attention to concealment, there is a situation in the No. 1 sniper position!"

   Suddenly, He Chenguang's call came from the radio.

   Lu Yu immediately glanced over, looking forward.

   Except for him, the other three team leaders took out their binoculars and looked in that direction as well.

   There are luxuriant branches and leaves in the jungle. Fortunately, that direction is not far away. Through the shadow of the branches and leaves, a caravan of more than 30 people appears indistinctly in the eyes of everyone.

   In front of the caravan team, there is also a group of armed and heavily armed bodyguards guarding them, sweeping around vigilantly, and guarding the caravan members toward this side.

Those people on the pack horse are all dark-skinned Southeast Asian faces. The guards walking in front are all dressed in black rain clothes. The entire head is hidden under a large hat. They can't see their faces, but they exude a murderous air. .

  Especially the weapons and equipment on their bodies, the alignment and tactical actions between the actions, all tell the story of this group of people from extraordinary origins.

   As expected, all the players who saw this scene couldn't help but trembled.

   This team is definitely not an ordinary smuggling caravan!

   Especially the group of people who acted as guards, the aura is obviously unusual.

Chang Baoqiang has been dealing with people like the Rainforest Caravan all the year round. The team in front of him feels that there is no caravan in the past, which can be compared with it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the most common TV shows and movies, these The rainforest caravan from the Golden Triangle has always been considered a mob.

   But in reality, these people are the masters who kill people without blinking. They added blood to the knife edge, making them extremely cruel, and they have never taken human lives seriously.

   However, in the eyes of Chang Baoqiang and other first-line teams, ordinary caravans have always been ignored, let alone have any deterrent.

  Because they are all scattered teams, they wear everything, different costumes, short sleeves, linens, gowns, etc. They also have a variety of weapons in their hands. The only uniform is the commonly used firearms such as AK, which has almost no heavy firepower.

   But at this moment, the caravan team that appeared in front had a very different feeling.

   The guards in raincoats are tall and large, with an average height of more than 1.8 meters. They are not at all like the small South Vietnamese monkeys.

  The clothing that emerged from the raincoat during the action was all camouflage suits, and a powerful high-explosive grenade was hung around the waist.

   As explained in the intelligence report, the weapons of this group of guards are all rice equipment, and they are all rifles, all equipped with silencers and sights.

This is not the most shocking. In this group of guards, several tall horses behind them are still dragging highly dangerous machine guns. The icy shells are glowing in the sun, even if the sun is shining. All make people feel cold all over unconsciously.

   The extremely sharp aura is not inferior to the regular army, and the murderous aura is shocking and inexplicable!

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