Hearing the warden, he didn't mean anything implicit, and he said so bluntly that Lu Yu knew what he was going to do.

   To put it bluntly, after hearing so many rumors about Lu Yu, I want to test whether his skill is really as good as the rumors, and whether he is qualified to serve as the captain of the new generation of Spike Special Forces?

   Sure enough, the voice fell, and the warden got up and took off his coat, revealing his sturdy figure.

   Lu Yu glanced at him, then suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, can that Liu Chuanfeng come out?"

The warden was mobilizing his wrists, he was taken aback when he heard the words, and shook his head: "No, for the crime of homicide, it would be good if he didn't execute the death sentence. If it weren't for the fact that he had done something for the military region, he had been stunned He is not qualified to be sent here."

Looking at Lu Yu who was in deep thought, the warden raised his chin with a smile, and pointed to the towering wall outside the window and said: "Don't think about it, who can be locked up here is not a heinous crime. He has committed numerous criminal cases? Nothing. In special circumstances, they have to spend their entire lives here."

   After finishing speaking, he waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go, it's useless to say more, it's not easy to see you, let's go out and practice!"

  Practicing hands?

   Lu Yu twitched the corner of his mouth.

   looked up at the latter, his eyes were full of excitement, and his heart was speechless!

   Haven't even eaten hot rice, want to fight with you?

   is really a fighting madman.

   As expected, none of the people who came out of Spike were fuel-efficient lamps!

   slandered himself secretly, but Lu Yu still asked: "How to compare?"

   Of course, he just asked casually. For Lu Yu, no matter what it was, he would not refuse anyone.

  As the king of heads-up, he has never been afraid of anyone.

   Actually, Lu Yu also wanted to see how well this once was the most outstanding sniper instructor in Spike’s history?

   When he was still in Langya, he had heard a lot of rumors from the other party. It is said that the senior's highest level of sniping is not calculated by how many rings and how many meters.

   Instead, he gave him a gun, and he could stand at any position five hundred meters away and aim at a match head!

   It is rumored that as long as he shoots a shot and the match does not move, only the friction between the bullet and the air can be used to light the white phosphorus on the head of the match and reach the ignition point.

This level of sniper technique is not just a matter of sniper accuracy, but a nearly harsh understanding of the trajectory of bullets flying out, as well as the temperature and humidity in the sniper environment, as well as various external factors, etc., must be done. With extraordinary grasp and precise consideration, failure of every step will lead to failure.

   In Lu Yu's view, such a level of sniper has exceeded the human category, it is incredible!

   Of course, he himself is a non-human being, and non-human beings meet non-human beings, it depends on who is more technically superior.

   As early as Langya, Lu Yu wanted to see this amazing sniper technique very much.

   And he has a system for blessing, so it’s okay to be successful, but Lu Yu can't guarantee that this kind of almost abnormal and demanding requirements on his own technology can be completely achieved?

   However, this level of lighting a match is limited to daily training. On the real battlefield, marksmanship is not about who is more skilled, but about shooting the enemy more accurately.

   In this regard, Lu Yu has sufficient self-confidence to crush!

   The battlefield environment and the usual training are completely different, and the techniques practiced by both sides are also inconsistent.

   As for... who is better.

  Everything, wait for the next test to see the result!

   But to Lu Yu's surprise, the warden did not consider his shooting level to compare with Lu Yu's best.

   "It's boring than a gun, man, it's so enjoyable than a close fight, what do you think?"

   The warden beamed his eyes and asked eagerly.

   This close combat?

   Lu Yu wanted to laugh secretly, couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for him.

   If you compare marksmanship, Lu Yu really doesn't necessarily beat the opponent completely, but Bige, this guy has no chance at all.

with no doubt!

   After all, Lu Yu is now terribly strong, and he is no longer a normal human category.

  Heart-shaped herbs have a fusion degree of 100%, and the fusion degree of Superman's steel body is close to 100%. Even the system's evaluation of him is a super **** first glimpse!

   Even if compared to the captain of the US in the movie, he is only strong but not weak.

   Fight with him? It is no exaggeration to say that in this world, I am afraid that there is no one who can be qualified to be his opponent.

   How lonely is invincible!

   Lu Yu laughed and asked, "Are you sure, better than fighting?"

  Don't say I won't give you a chance, it's too late to regret it now.

   Although he didn't care about this kind of competition, if the opponent had to look for abuse, Lu Yu had no choice but to satisfy him.

   The warden did not know Lu Yu's inner thoughts, his face was filled with confidence, and he nodded happily.

   "It must be, it's not a man than a fight!"


   Lu Yu sighed secretly, too lazy to waste his tongue.

   can only say, you know nothing about the understanding of power!

   The two stopped talking nonsense. After leaving the office, they went to the prison playground below.

   This internal playground has a huge range, enough for the two to show off their hands and feet.

   After learning that the warden was going to compete with a young officer, the soldiers who were not on duty all cheered and poured into the playground.

   Everyday life in prison is boring, and being able to meet such fun naturally arouses everyone's excitement.

   The heads of the playground were moving, and everyone gathered around and had a lively discussion with each other.

   "Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s a weird thing every year, especially this year! How dare someone challenge the boss?"

   "It can only be said that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, he is the boss, but he is known as the enemy of ten thousand people!"

   "Sorrow for that kid, how many hard stubbles are there in our prisons that have not been severely beaten by the forest team? Not all honestly!"

   "How did I hear, it seems that the boss provoked the kid!"

"what is his name?"

   "Like Lu Yu?"

   "Lu Yu? Who is it, I have never heard of such a name..."

   "Aren't you stupid? The officer who can challenge the boss on his own initiative is not so trivial. They must be from special forces. Their identities are kept secret to the outside world. Only if you are a big soldier can hear it!"

   Various discussions came from all around, everyone craned their necks, stared, and looked at the two people who were in the middle of the playground at the moment.

   Lu Yu and the warden, who were standing face to face, kept calm, moved their wrists, and burst into a crackling sound of muscle stretching, eager to try.


   The warden looked at Lu Yu with a smile on his face, full of confidence.

   Lu Yu grinned, and gave out a mouthful of white teeth, and replied teasingly in the latter's tone just now: "It's necessary!"

   "Okay, be careful!"

   The warden roared, his eyes changed, and his whole body rose vigorously. With a kick of his right foot, he rushed out like a cheetah ready to go.

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