
   The warden's aura suddenly changed, and the whole person descended from a mountain tiger, mixed with a mountain-like power, and flew towards Lu Yu.

   Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. When he was on the battlefield, he would never show mercy. This was a respect for his opponent.

   What's more, the lion also needs to fight the rabbit with all its strength!


   He concentrated all his energy and blasted out with a punch, also facing the warden.

   Feeling the rush of fists, the warden's pace of action slowed slightly, and a fierce sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

  Nian Dianzhuan, decisively gave up the punch, changed the offensive to the defensive, and firmly protected the head with his arms.


   There was a dull sound, which erupted between the two figures in contact.

   The warden's body shook violently, his teeth clenched, and he felt as if he had been hit by a falling meteorite, and his arms would shatter.

   Under the pain, he was shocked. At this moment, Lu Yu was like a fierce beast, unstoppable.

  Similarly, under the attack of this huge force, a faint excitement appeared in his whole heart, and his spirit was refreshed.

   is ruthless! Enough! Interesting...

   Before he could fully understand the weight of this punch, Lu Yu slipped in a moment, and his body moved backward.

   At the same time as he closed his fist, his body slid to the left of the warden at an extremely tricky angle, and then raised his leg again.

  唰, the long legs turned into whip shadows, slashing straight down like a sword and axe, facing the latter's door.


   Facing the sudden attack, the warden burst out with a loud shout, and his vigor rose vigorously.

   punch to the flesh, this is the contest between men!

   Under the violent rising of the momentum, the warden's face also showed a smirk, and a stronger fighting spirit broke out in his eyes.

   The warden when he was young, but he was the first group of Spikes.

   At that time, he was also a bird soldier, unruly, and properly stabbed in the army.

   Now, more than 20 years have passed since he was enlisted in the army, and the warden has long grown into a head of the party, and he is no longer the original boy.

   through the thorns and thorns all the way, from the nameless stabbing soldier to the deputy brigade commander of Spike, the second Spike Special Brigade under his command is invincible and invincible.

   If his life is made into a TV series, it would be extremely legendary!

   And a person's success may be mixed with luck, but the absolute main thing is to rely on one's own strength and hard work.

   Without blood and sweat, how can there be today's glory?

   Even in the past so many years, he has left Spike and even became the leader of a party.

   To this day, in Spike’s trump card sniper teaching materials, there are still unbreakable myths left by him.

   The training course written by him is regarded as a classic case.

   His contribution to Langya is indelible, and his influence on Langya is not insignificant.

   In Lu Yu's heart, he respected this old man from Langya very much.

   Long ago, Lu Yu had heard of his name!

   Unexpectedly, today he will meet this senior whom he once admired, and even this senior is very interested and wants to compete with him.

   As a junior, of course he can't let others' good intentions, right?

   Although he had to go all out before, but after the real fight, Lu Yu still inevitably released a sea to the warden!

  What is the sea?

have you heard of it? The sea is all water.

   With the strength of this old man, perhaps, in sniper skills, he can fight against Lu Yu.

   But better than fighting, he couldn't beat Lu Yu even after ten.


   The warden's air was like a rainbow, and with his iron fists, he smashed the whip leg that met Lu Yu.

   Fighting with fists and legs, a dull loud noise erupted again.

   It is unimaginable that the warden who used all his strength actually held Lu Yu's leg, and a strong glow broke out in his eyes.

   Of course, as for how much water Lu Yu has released this time, he is probably the only one who knows.

   Lu Yu, who was resisting the offensive, was not in love with the fight, but the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and he threw a slightly provocative smile at the latter, and quickly retreated a few steps, pulling away from each other.

   At this moment, the warden's fighting spirit was higher than ever before. Seeing Lu Yu retreating, his smile became brighter and he twisted his neck.

   "Okay, very good! I can't remember how many years I haven't been so passionate. Let me find the feeling of my youth... It's an honor for Spikes to walk out of a soldier like you."

   Lu Yufeng smiled lightly and arched his hands: "Haha, let's make it!"

  Although the warden behaved very generously and showed the demeanor of his predecessors, he was unambiguous when he started.

   "Be careful, I won't release water!"

The voice of    fell. Taking advantage of Lu Yu's polite speech, the warden immediately saw the needle and pointed his toe. His body was like an arrow ejected from the spot, and it instantly jumped more than two meters away.

   In the blink of an eye, he opened the distance between the two and moved closer to Lu Yu.

   Lu Yu looked calm and calm, and sneered from the bottom of his heart.

   Goose day, you, a dignified army chief, actually played a trick of sneak attack with my junior, can you still maintain a little dignity of the senior?

   However, the warden was grinning, very brilliant.

   The posture of beating is clearly telling Lu Yu---boy, this is what the soldiers are not tired of deceiving!

   Clenched both fists. Due to the excessive force, the back of the warden's hand bulged criss-crossed blue veins.


   blasted out with a punch, like a cannonball out of the chamber, bursting with momentum, and went straight to Lu Yu's chest and smashed it over.

   Before the fist arrived, the fierce fist wind had already pounced on Lu Yu's face!

   As a veteran who hired on the battlefield, he has experienced countless angry battles, and Lu Yu never exposes his weakness to others.

   He knows deeply that he must never give the enemy a chance. From the beginning of each battle, the string in his heart is always tight.

   Although he didn't care about it on the surface and was full of loopholes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, all the other party's movements were already under his control.

  I want to attack him, how can it be so easy?

   Lu Yu had no expression on his face, as if he hadn't seen the opponent's fierce offensive, his body was as stable as Mount Tai.

   But his hands were sticking out like lightning, and the warden's iron fist was held up.

  The blow was not successful, and the warden did not panic at all. He pulled away and took a half step back, the same as Lu Yu's previous tactics against him. With a whip kick, he started in vain and went straight to Lu Yu's door.

   Lu Yu's eyes flickered, and the last hair came first. Before the fist was in the body, he split his palm and imprinted it on the latter's chest.

   The offensive was caught off guard, and the warden had no time to dodge, and snorted: "Uh..."

   was firmly printed on his chest by the palm wind, and a powerful force struck him, lifting his whole body away.

   This scene fell in the eyes of the prison soldiers looking around, and they all involuntarily erupted in exclamation!

   "Fuck, this kid is so strong? He actually threw our boss out!"

   "It's a wolf slaying! In the fight, I didn't expect that Team Lin would also stumble."

   "The special forces are so fierce, can they let people live?"

   "Brothers, have you watched the game? Put'fear' on the public screen!"


   "Afraid of +1!"

   "Afraid +10086!"


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