Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1389: The successful product of Red Rose

Under the light attack of fierce anger, the blood in his body boiled and the whole person was filled with blood, and soon he gradually lost his mind.

Under this kind of irritation, the opponent's face began to become distorted, and the originally normal facial features were quickly congested, filling with a fascinating bright red.

Just as if any imprint in his body was activated, the bones of his body also burst into a crunching sound, which seemed to rise three feet in an instant, his muscles swelled like a hill, and his breath became more and more violent.

Lu Yu stopped the offensive, with great interest, watching the performance of the man in front of him.

If he guessed correctly, this person should be the successful product of the red rose that Red Fly they call.

Lu Yu was not idle between the other party's transformation. He moved his wrists, tilted his neck, folded his hands and pressed, making a crackling noise all over his body.

I thought you could slap the bones, but I couldn't?

Lu Yu pouted, since you are serious, then with you seriously!

Real close hand-to-hand combat is pure speed and strength, abandoning all bells and whistles.

Lu Yu stepped back slightly, then kicked on his hind legs, Fei rushed forward, and charged with a punch.

The alienation killer who has been transformed into a successful one has greatly increased both his strength and physical fitness, and he directly blocks it with his hands.

He still underestimated the power of Lu Yu's fist, the fist that pierced the mountain and the sea, attacked his arms, as if the mighty Mount Tai fell over.

That irresistible force made him feel like he was shaking an elephant with an ant, thumping, taking a few steps back!

The ground under his feet was stepped out of big pits, and among the mud and grass splashing, he had already hit the big tree behind him.

A bang, a violent roar, startled the birds staying on the tree, and fluttered hurriedly.

With a blow to the killer, the moment the opponent ran into the tree, Lu Yu bullied him again, full of murderous aura, and the forcing killer couldn't breathe.

In fact, it is exactly the same!

Lu Yu squeezed his neck and twisted fiercely.


In the crisp sound, the killer's throat bone was screwed off, and he died!

After one hit kills, Lu Yu threw his corpse on the ground and turned it over like a baby chicken. He ejected the scalpel, slashed his clothes behind his back, and looked at the pattern on his back.

Sure enough, there are two red roses!

The delicate red roses are fake and real, as if they were growing on his back.

Lu Yu frowned slightly, and was surprised: "Two red roses? Interesting..."

At the same time, on the other side of the huge forest.

Four people were trapped in a corner by a group of people.

"Oh, four tenacious cockroaches, you were lucky enough to steal the potion to escape, so you still have the courage to come back and die?"

A white man with an evil face, followed by a group of heavily armed mercenaries, surrounded the four Red Flies.

"Hmph, I am here to collect the corpses for you!"

Quincy's voice suppressed his anger, his right arm was still bleeding, and his injury was obviously serious.

"Oh, just rely on you?"

The white man disdainfully raised his gun and fired as soon as his voice fell.

Bang, a bullet hit Quincy's bleeding right arm, causing the latter to grunt and tremble slightly.

Quincy gritted his teeth, this **** bastard, it's so **** painful to pick out where he hurts!

Kiko was also injured, limply limp on Ouyang Long's back, feeling that the breath of the brawny man under him became heavier, he calmly pressed the latter and spoke in a low voice.

"Tyrant, don't be impulsive! We still have Shura, as long as he persists until he rushes over, there is hope." Kiko said solemnly, "Don't give up until the last minute."

The red fly stood at the forefront of the team and confronted the white man.

But from the trembling body, it was obvious that he couldn't hold on anymore.

Seeing that the other party was pushing hard at each step, the Red Fly stared at the latter firmly, and roared in anger: "You will regret it!"

"Really? Then I'll wait and see!"

The white man smiled indifferently, but he couldn't believe that these four grasshoppers waiting to die in front of him, what other waves could jump up.

"Do it!"

He waved his hand indifferently and motioned for his men to shoot.

Of course, it is not to kill people, but to make them lose their resistance, because the four people in front of them still have a lot of research value for the company.

In particular, Ouyang Long from the ancient family of martial arts is the most important task of their trip!

If it is not for the company's strong request, it must be taken back alive, how could he be so troublesome?

So much so that they sent a lot of advanced weapons to the Mi ** before they were allowed to come here to do it.

Paying such a big price, it is distressing just to think about it. Fortunately, I have caught these four escaped semi-finished products, otherwise, I will lose out!


In the quiet mountain forest, there was a gunshot without warning.

A mercenary who was tying up the four with ropes, his head splashed with bleeding flowers, and fell to the ground!

The white man woke up instantly and shouted, "Provide!"

But it was still slow, and there were three more gunshots in succession.

Puff puff.

The three mercenaries stared at each other's eyes.


The white man's complexion was blue and his eyes were splitting apart. He didn't even see the enemy's face. He lost almost half of his combat power, and he was too frustrated.

Get up quickly and shift the position to attract the attention of the sniper, trying to find the location.

After seeing the movement here, Lu Yu was stunned. Seeing this guy behaved so recklessly, he secretly cursed an idiot.

Do you really think that your speed can catch my bullet?

Really naive!

With a cold smile, Lu Yu turned his gun, aimed at the white man on the move, split his mouth to reveal his white teeth, and instantly pulled the trigger.

call out!

The bullet is chasing it!

The white man was shocked, the speed he was usually proud of was so easy to be seen through?

The bullet went straight to the center of his eyebrows. At the very moment of the shot, the white man instantly stimulated the effect of the medicine in his body, the speed increased greatly, and the danger was almost avoided.

However, he was not given any room to react at all. Just after evading one bullet, another bullet came one after another, and there was even no time to react.

Exchange good the vx public account. [Book Friends Base Camp]. Pay attention now and receive cash red envelopes!


He was shot in the right arm.

The white man was clutching the bleeding wound and rolled over on the spot, his heart falling to the bottom of the valley.

This time, I am afraid I really kicked the iron!

He gritted his teeth secretly, he didn't dare to be careless, his body crawled on the ground, carefully avoiding the angle where the bullet had just fired.

Lu Yu retracted the spear. Since his position had been exposed, there was no need to hide it anymore. He strode out and appeared in the enemy's field of vision.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as it appeared, countless bullets shot towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was like a phantom. These bullets didn't even touch the corner of his clothes. He wiped his body and flew over, striding towards the white man.

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