Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1390: kiko micro virtual computer

When he walked in stride, Lu Yu was not idle either. After focusing on the positions of the remaining four mercenaries, he launched an attack relentlessly.

Bang, bang, bang...Four bullets ended their lives!

Currently, there is only one white man left, hiding behind a big tree.

After Lu Yu locked him firmly, he picked up his gun, leaped forward, and quickly moved to another shooting base.

Find the best shooting angle, set up the muzzle, aim at the white man's right arm, bang, and give another shot.

The white man had an ugly face. He was hiding behind this inconspicuous tree trunk and his eyes fell on his injured right arm.

On the right arm, it has been penetrated twice in a row by bullets!

Two bullets, one wound...

He grinned, his face becoming more and more gloomy.

by! What are you doing? Is this the harm done to the semi-finished product before retaliating against yourself?

There is such a thing to protect the calf!

It doesn't hurt much, but it is extremely humiliating...

The white man's expression changed, and it was clear from the intelligence that they had only known each other for less than three days. How could they have such a deep feeling?

Angry turned angry, but the white man tried his best to restrain his breath, avoid violent fluctuations, and be seized by the opponent to reveal his position.

Lu Yu was lying prone at a distance from the spot, looking at the scarred red fly and others not far away, and sighed inwardly.

Although they are only temporary partners, they are also partners!

Now that he has accepted them, Lu Yu should protect his partners or gain a family!

Once again, he moved to the big tree where the white man was hiding, and his eyes instantly turned sharp.

The guy thought he was hiding strictly, but in Lu Yu's eyes, he was nothing but a bereaved dog, and it was time to solve it.

If you drag it any longer, Quincy's injured arm will probably not be able to keep it.

Also, Kiko, the talented hacker girl, didn't know what happened. Lu Yu felt that her condition was very bad.


Lu Yu burst up and didn't intend to hide anymore. He turned into a dashing cheetah and flew towards the white man's hiding place.

The white man turned his head in panic, only had time to see a cold flashing arc, which pierced him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sneer...Blood spattered, and then he didn't know anything!

The corpse fell to the ground, Lu Yu kicked away, turned the white man over, and cut off his shirt with a scalpel.

Sure enough, another red rose appeared on the back.


Lu Yu frowned, turned around, and walked towards the Red Fly.


In the afternoon, the blazing sun shone lightly on the mountains and forests below, and the five people, Lu Yu, bathed in the sun, were all warm.

At this moment, the five people are surrounding a borderline, staring at the front, seeming to be waiting for something quietly.

Quincy's injured right arm has been treated, and it was simply wrapped up with white gauze.

Other people's injuries have also recovered. The little girl, Kiko, lost her beautiful face, with a swollen nose and a swollen face, and she couldn't recover immediately, but her body was not in any serious trouble.

"Or, let's get a set of American military uniforms and sneak in?"

The five people who had no idea after waiting for a long time were helpless, and Quincy, lying in the grass, simply suggested.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Red Fly rolled his eyes out of anger, put away his fat belly, stab Quincy next to him with his elbow, and said, "Can you come up with a reliable idea?"

Kiko was lying next to the two of them, pushing away the blades of grass in front of them, staring at the patrol team in the distance, then looking at the sky above his head, and said: "If you don't know the truth, the ghost sneaks in. One way is to avoid their satellite reconnaissance! Otherwise, as soon as the front foot stepped in, the entire frontier pursuit team greeted us."

Hearing this, Quincy's eyes lit up and he stared at Kiko and said, "By the way, are you not the world's top hacker? Can you use your hands and feet to hack their satellites?"

"You really think I am omnipotent, is it that easy?"

Kiko threw him a big eye, and looked at the guards patrolling forward, clenching his silver teeth.

Although she knew it was very difficult, it was undeniable that this was their only hope.

Only by breaking through the U.S. military satellite defenses will everyone have a chance.

But she is also very aware of the difficulty of operating this technology. With her current level, she is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Even if there is only one billionth of hope, there is always hope. Although it is very difficult, it cannot be easily given up.

The ten-year plan is just here, and it is absolutely impossible to be here!

Not to give up lightly.

From beginning to end, Lu Yu, who hadn't said a word, was lazily enjoying the warmth brought by the sun.

Hearing the conversation next to him, he couldn't help but look over from the corner of his eyes.

At this time, Kiko has already started to take off her finger rings and necklaces, these things are her hacking equipment.

Lu Yu watched with great interest, and even couldn't help but straighten up, staring at her with curiosity in his eyes.

After taking out all her rings and necklaces, she danced with her fingers, and these things transformed into a virtual keyboard and virtual display, and turned into a miniature computer.

The rumors are true that a hacker will never forget to carry a computer with him.

After the computer was assembled, Kiko quickly tapped his fingertips and flew on the virtual keyboard, approaching the US satellite defense line step by step.

However, as he approached the last step, his fingertips tremblingly stopped, and he was not done yet!

This is like finding a favorite among thousands of keys, but not sure that this key is the correct one in the end.

Everyone's eyes focused on her nervously, waiting quietly.

Kiko gritted his teeth and was about to press down, but there was a calm voice next to him: "Don't press, otherwise we will be surrounded by patrols in less than ten minutes."

Kiko turned his head in amazement and met Lu Yu's gaze. The latter stared at her with some playfulness, and said slowly: "It's not the key!"


Hearing Lu Yu's voice, the other three looked at him with all their gazes, suspicion and weird.

The look in his eyes is obviously asking Why, do you know this stuff too?

Lu Yu didn't answer anyone, but started to prove to them with practical actions.

After taking over the Kiko computer, he easily invaded the U.S. Satellite Security Center and began a large-scale attack.

In just two minutes, Lu Yu retracted the computer, grinned, and bared his white teeth at the four people who were surprised: "Done!"



That's it!

The four of them looked at each other, feeling that this matter was a little too magical.

I originally thought that the ten years of dormancy that I waited for someone would probably be lost in this immigration zone and all plans would be ruined.

But at this moment, Lu Yu's understatement resolved all the difficulties and obstacles?

Because Mao always feels that his IQ has been insulted!

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