Lu Yu glanced at them blankly, eyes full of disgust, and walked back to the top of the stairs again, waiting for a while.

Going out in no hurry, there is only half a minute left before the mercenary throws someone next time.

He is here to wait for the murdering mercenary and solve it by himself.

Half a minute later, the scream of the girl again came downstairs, and the mercenary laughed wildly.

After a while, there were thumping footsteps downstairs, and the girl screamed that she did not dare to admit her life.

Lu Yumao hung his waist and put the gun behind him, his eyes flashing with cold light, like a hunter waiting to kill the prey.


The footsteps became heavier and closer.

When the big bald man appeared in the corridor, Lu Yu immediately jumped out of the curled shadow.

He rushed to his back and clasped his neck firmly, pressing his bald head with the other hand, and slammed it against the wall.

Cang Dang!

The bald head stared at Venus, the skin on his head was open and fleshy, and he fell to the ground in pain.

The girl caught by him, like a frightened bunny, hid by the wall in terror.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid, I'm here to rescue you." Lu Yu smiled at the girl, trying to hide the killing in his eyes.

Hearing these words, the body of the originally panicked girl trembled slightly, and tears burst into her eyes.

Without waiting for her to speak, Lu Yu drank in a low voice: "Quick! Keep screaming and walk upstairs, don't let the following find out."

The girl was very smart, and she reacted immediately, screaming as Lu Yu said, and walking upstairs.

Watching the girl disappear at the top of the stairs, Lu Yu's smile turned cold again, turning his head to look at the bald head that was bloodied and fell to the ground.

Stepped forward, pinched the neck of the bald head again, picked it up from the ground and asked coldly: "That girl just now, did you throw it down?"

"Yes, it's Lao Tzu!" The bald head stared at him fiercely, "What can you do with me?"

"I can't do to you."

Lu Yu shook his head, staring at him and said, "But, I will just punch you to death with one punch! Have you tasted the feeling of being beaten to death alive?"


As soon as his bald head was about to speak, Lu Yu slammed his face with a punch.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth in his mouth and was suddenly dropped out of a row, and fell down.

The bald head had bleeding foam in his nose and mouth, and his head was splitting with a headache, as if a balloon that had been blown out was about to explode.


Lu Yu was merciless and slammed his face with another punch.

This punch was more fierce, and the bare head was smashed into the wall, and the whole wall was sunken.

"Spare! I...I was wrong, spare..."

The bald head was scared, and said weakly begging for mercy.

However, Lu Yu didn't listen to what he said, and there was no pity in his eyes.

Bang bang bang!

The fists hit his head fiercely.

The wall was smashed to pieces, and stone chips fell one after another.

The bald head seemed to be stained red with blood, and there was no longer a human figure, blood and blood, and there was no sign of life at all.

One punch and one punch, cruel torture!


Lu Yu released his hand and threw his body aside, making a dull sound.

The mall downstairs.

The Red Empress, who was watching live TV, suddenly stood up from the sofa, her face covered with sternness and looked upstairs.

"Boss, what's the matter?" a subordinate asked curiously.

"Something's wrong!"

The red queen frowned tightly: "I seem to hear something, is there something wrong with it? Go and see, don't make any moths!"


The two men agreed and rushed upstairs murderously.

The Red Empress groaned for a moment, pulled out a gun from his thigh, quickly walked out of the shop, and walked towards the crowd outside.

The two mercenaries had just arrived at the corner of the stairs when they happened to ran into Lu Yu who rushed downstairs.

Bang bang.

They quickly pulled out their guns and fired at Lu Yu with cold faces.

All the way down, Lu Yu didn't do any resistance, and bullets poured on him like raindrops.

But his body seemed to be as strong as steel, and all the bullets were bounced away, all invincible.

When the two mercenaries saw this scene, they almost didn't bite their tongues off, staring as if they had seen a ghost.

In the next second, Lu Yu had already rushed in front of them, pinched their heads with both hands, and slammed into each other.

The heads of the two people smashed into blood, and half of them were smashed, which shows the power.

Throwing their corpses out, the mercenaries downstairs saw something swiftly and immediately shot and swept.

A shuttle of bullets seemed to be free of money, and overwhelmed like a mountain, and greeted the two corpses.

The bodies of these two poor mercenaries were all devastated, and their bodies were covered with dense bullet holes, and their flesh and blood flew out.

"Idiot! That's ours, don't fight." Hong Empress yelled coldly.

At the same time, Lu Yu leaped down the stairs, already locking the mercenary on the scene.

Which mercenaries are dangerous to the masses has already clearly appeared on the three-dimensional panoramic map in Lu Yu's mind.

The moment he jumped out, the muzzle was aimed at the past.

Puff puff puff, the bullet seemed to have eyes long, and flew towards the position where the mercenaries were standing, and immediately hit them.

The Red Queen hurriedly withdrew from the crowd. Just now, the few men fell into a pool of blood just under her nose.

Looking at a few corpses on the ground, his eyes shrank slightly after the red, and his charming face appeared solemn.

She didn't expect this opponent who rushed out to be so powerful that she would kill several of her subordinates in a flash.

Years of crisis experience told her this action is doomed to fail, and if they don't retreat quickly, they will never be able to leave.

"Hurry up!"

The Red Queen yelled in a deep voice: "Start the device immediately, it blows up, go back!"

After that, she rushed towards the elevator shaft without hesitation, where they were already prepared escape routes.

The boss has escaped, so naturally others will not stay.

Hurrying to escape to the elevator shaft following Honghou.

Lu Yu chased after him, sweeping mercenaries one after another, leaving corpses in one place.

Seeing that the opponent was as strong as the God of War, the other mercenaries were even more frightened not to stay. While countering, they ran forward lifelessly.

On the other side, Wang Yanbing and the others downstairs also cut off the fuse and remote control at the door.


Started by Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu, everyone roared and rushed in frantically.

At this moment, after escaping to the red of the elevator shaft, he sullenly shouted at his men, "Why haven't they been detonated?"

A subordinate yelled bitterly: "No way, the remote control is out of control, maybe our device was solved by them..."


Before he finished speaking, a bullet chased him from behind and sent him to see the Emperor Jesus.

"Damn it!"

After the red was splashed with blood, with a sullen face before he could make any more stops, he turned and jumped into the elevator shaft.

Holding the rope with both hands, he slid down quickly.

All the men behind him were killed.

The famous Red Devil who swept the European continent unscrupulously would be beaten so embarrassed that she was the only one left.

But she was not sad at all. Those people did not die and had nothing to do with her.

As long as he is alive, the Red Devil exists.

People recruit at any time, but her life must not stay here.

As long as there is a thought in my heart, I must leave here as soon as possible.

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