After cleaning the mercenaries on the scene, Lu Yu put down his guns and said to the excited crowd: "Everyone stay here first, don't move, our people will come right away, and they will help you out! For safety, you stay where you are. Don't go anywhere."

After repeating it twice, he turned around to chase the red and jumped into the elevator shaft.

Everyone at the scene excitedly shouted for Lu Yu: "Come on! You must do it, kill the devil!"

The way Lu Yu jumped into the elevator shaft was completely different from that of the Red Queen.

The latter descended with the help of a cable, and Lu Yu didn't need this step at all.

He fell directly at the speed of the free fall, hitting the bottom, bending his legs slightly, and then relieved the force of the fall.

Looking forward, I saw a figure not far away quickly escaping, a red dress very conspicuous.

Lu Yu immediately raised his gun, and when the opponent had just turned and fled, he quickly pressed the trigger.


The bullet flew through the narrow air vent, flashed away, and shot through a calf behind the red.

The opponent was sprinting at high speed, immediately staggered, and the whole person rolled and fell to the ground.

Lu Yu jumped out along the vent, and then walked towards the red queen step by step.

Seeing Lu Yu catching up, the red queen's eyes were murderous, and he endured the pain and shot Lu Yu.

The bullet shrieked through the air, illuminating the dark space slightly.

Ding Ding Ding!

However, these bullets finally hit Lu Yu, but with a crisp sound, all of them were ejected away.

Until all the bullets were shot, Lu Yu was still unscathed and walked towards her in no hurry.

The red queen stared in horror, and a storm surged in her heart.

This person is not afraid of bullets? Is he a man or a ghost?

When Lu Yu approached, Hong immediately threw down the gun and shouted: "I surrender. According to your rules, you can't hurt me. Now I am your captive."

Lu Yu didn't reply, he walked step by step, and finally came to the red back and squatted down.

Staring straight at her, a cold smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "You surrendered? Who can prove that you surrendered?"


After red, his face paled instantly.

No matter how stupid she was, she understood the meaning of this sentence.

"I...I'm a woman, you can't hurt me!" Honghou tried to struggle.


Lu Yu shook his head: "In my eyes, you don't even have the qualifications to be a mercenary! Mercenaries take money to do things, it is an upright confrontation on the battlefield, and will not do such a cruel and inhumane thing like you!"

"To treat people like you, there is nothing to talk about, there is only one end...death!"

Lu Yu finished speaking coldly and slammed a fist in her face.

The enchanting and enchanting face of the red queen was instantly covered with blood, her hair was scattered, and she became very embarrassed.

This look, no one will appreciate her beauty again!

The red queen was so frightened that she had never received such treatment.

There are only two people, she and Lu Yu, if the other party really wants to kill her, she will never have any chance to escape.

No one will even know that she died here.

"Please, don't... don't kill me! I trade secrets with you, you let me make a living!" The Red Queen cried miserably.

"Your secret, I am not interested in knowing it."

Lu Yu shook his head, and slammed it with a simple fist.

This method is very direct and effective!

The red queen was beaten with blood flowing all over the floor, half of her teeth fell off, and her mouth leaked like an old witch.

" don't want to know, who made me come?"

"I know, it's k2!"

Lu Yu faintly spit out a few words, and then slammed them again.

The force was even greater this time, and the red queen was beaten close to the ground and swept several meters away.

Later, Hong couldn’t take care of the pain in his whole body and screamed loudly: "I have a lot of their secrets in my hands. Can I exchange them with you? As long as you don’t hurt me and arrest me and give it to your people, I will keep the secret I'll give you all! Don't you want to know everything about them?"

Walking up to her, Lu Yu looked down in a condescending manner: "Don’t you know? We never negotiate with someone like you, not now, never in the future! K2’s secret, I will check it out myself. clear!"

With that, Lu Yu grabbed her collar and slammed it down with one punch and one punch.

The red queen's face was like a broken watermelon, and Lu Yu just stopped.

After rubbing his blood-stained fist on the opponent's body, Lu Yu spit on his feet and stood up and turned away.


The local guards hurried over and shivered subconsciously after seeing the completely invisible red being beaten.

But no one dared to say a word, let alone stop Lu Yu.

No one can't think so much!

Lu Yu returned to the mall, and He Chenguang and the others quickly surrounded him.

"Report to the captain that the mercenaries in the mall have been cleaned up one by one. No one is alive and no one is threatened!"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and asked, "Has the explosives been removed?"

"It has been demolished!" He Chenguang replied: "The shopping mall on site has basically returned to normal."

Lu Yu nodded, finally letting go of the rock hanging in his heart.

If someone is injured, they can only go home and buy sweet Is it worthy to stand here?

At this time, everyone in the mall was safely sent out and evacuated in an orderly manner under the **** of the local guards.

When each of them passed by Lu Yu, they all bent over excitedly to express their gratitude.

"Thank you boy for saving us!"

"Brother Special Forces, you are the most handsome and cutest person I have ever seen. Thank you for taking the risk to save us!"

"You are all good-looking, you haven't embarrassed the country!"

The masses did not hesitate to praise and bowed and thanked Lu Yu and the others.

If it is not for the safe transfer, everyone will not want to leave.

Lu Yu and the others who had always left saluted, and waited until everyone had evacuated before they finally walked out.

As soon as he left the mall, a large number of reporters immediately gathered around, scrambling to interview Lu Yu and others.

"Hello! Excuse me, did you say anything to our audience and the audience in front of the TV?"

"Do you have any thoughts and what you want to say, tell the audience!"

"How did you manage to climb up that building with bare hands?"

Faced with various questions from reporters, at this moment, the eyes of the whole world are gathered here.

Lu Yu's expression became stern, and he said indifferently: "I want to tell everyone, no matter who you are, no matter where you are, as long as you dare to provoke us in any way, you will definitely be brought to justice!"

"In addition, I also want to tell our people that you don't have to be afraid when you encounter danger anywhere in the world. Please remember that there will always be a powerful country behind you!"

As soon as the voice fell, those who hadn't walked far from the mall immediately shouted in excitement and excitement.

Various slogans of'Come on' and'Long live' resounded through the crowd.

Lu Yu saluted the reporters at the scene before leading his subordinates to leave quickly.

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