That night, several actors finally stopped after the horn of lights out.

None of them dared to break up the quilt. After a hard day, they finally folded into the shape of tofu.

Tomorrow morning you will have to fold again. Everyone doesn’t want to suffer this sin again, and time doesn’t allow it!

Therefore, everyone can only take out their coats and cover them to sleep, and they are afraid to turn over when they are asleep, for fear of destroying the prototype of the quilt.

After turning off the lights, Lu Yu came to inspect again and called out two monitors individually.

"Don't release the water tomorrow, remember, it's all true for me, we must make these stars feel strenuous, hard work, and more difficult than ordinary soldiers training students! Otherwise, the authenticity is not high, and the audience thinks we are doing a show! "

Lu Yu thought for a while, and then ordered: "By the way, let us have a sharp contrast with them, so as to highlight how hard we usually work."

"Understand!" The two monitors nodded vigorously.

After the explanation, Lu Yu left and went back to rest.

Early the next morning.

Before the sun rises, the moon and stars are hanging in the sky, and the cameras are already in place with the cameras on their shoulders.

The assembly whistle sounded on the playground outside.

The veteran in the room quickly jumped out of bed and began to dress.

The monitor knocked on the beds of several stars and shouted: "Get up! Get up quickly and prepare for morning exercises. Come on!"

Du Xiaofeng opened his eyes in a daze, and said lazily: "Squad leader, what time is it? How can I train before dawn, I will sleep for a while!"

"get up!"

The squad leader yelled coldly, beyond doubt.

Just as Du Xiaofeng was about to close his eyes, he was taken aback, and he got up for it.

Wang Bao and Zhang Qizhe took the lead to jump off the bed, followed the veterans to get dressed, and ran towards the playground downstairs.

Although Liu Haotian was a bit slower, he still could keep up with the team.

Only Du Xiaofeng came to the end with time.

When everyone was standing in the line, he ran over without clothes.

"This is the first and last time!" The squad leader stared at him coldly: "If you are late tomorrow, you will be like our soldiers. All training items will be doubled! Understand?"

Du Xiaofeng roused Lingling into a cold war and shouted: "Yes, squad leader!"


Du Xiaofeng buttoned his clothes, got into the team embarrassed, and stood up straight like everyone else.

The squad leader glanced at it and shouted: "Tell me! The original morning exercise program, a 20-kilometer warm-up run, but considering that the newly joined comrades were not comfortable, I changed to a three-kilometer warm-up. The veteran finished the eight-kilometer sprint, and the new recruits followed me. !"

After explaining the content of the morning training, the two monitors led the team to the training ground.

At the training session, the two classes were ordered to start running.

The veterans are like rockets installed on the soles of their feet, speeding up and sprinting forward one by one, throwing the recruits behind them in a blink of an eye.

The recruits honestly followed the squad leader and ran around the playground.

After finishing the first lap, Du Xiaofeng gasped quickly, his lungs burning.

"Class...Squad leader, I'm dying, so tired!"

He paled and shouted, "No, I, I want to rest for a while!"

Without looking back, the squad leader shouted: "Keep running, it's only three kilometers, and it's less than ten laps around the playground. You must persist!"

Seeing that no one was left behind, even the two girls persisted.

Du Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and ran with the team again.

But after holding on to the second lap, he was a little dizzy and out of breath, shouting: "Squad leader, no, I will run again... I will die if I run again!"

Seeing him like this, the two squad leaders could only run to him one by one.

One pulled him, the other pushed him, and continued to run forward.

"In any case, you must run three kilometers, just stick to it!"

The two squad leaders yelled while dragging him to run.

Du Xiaofeng was caught in the middle and dragged forward, unable to stop even if he wanted to stop.

"I...I run! I insist! I, I can't keep it down!" He cried.


No matter how he yelled, the two monitors just ignored him.

He dragged him to finish three kilometers!

As soon as it was over, this guy was like a dead pig lying on the ground, vomiting frantically, and almost vomited up the whole meal last night.

Yang Zixuan and Chen Beibei also had pale faces and were too tired.

They usually lack exercise, finishing these three kilometers is already the limit.

Among the six, only Wang Bao, Zhang Qizhe and Liu Haotian are physically healthy.

After the three of them finished running, they only breathed a little, rested and recovered.

Seeing Du Xiaofeng's mortal bear, the two monitors shook their heads helplessly.

"This physical fitness is too bad! You have only finished three kilometers, our soldiers have all returned from the eight-kilometer sprint, and they completed it earlier than you!"

Du Xiaofeng's face was pale and bloodless, and he endured his nausea and said, "Squad leader, me, this is the first time for me. I will work hard to improve in the future, and don't hinder the team...vomit!"

Before he finished speaking, he vomited wildly on the ground again.

The two squad leaders sighed secretly, asked someone to help him up, and then led a few people around to relax.

They were not allowed to participate in the following morning training. After the break, they were asked to go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

The next morning training starts with the most basic standing position.

"Military posture is the foundation that every soldier must master! Standing in the military posture can build a soldier’s overall mental outlook and enhance his patience..."

The squad leader explained a few words and let the veterans start to demonstrate the standard military Each veteran stood on a smooth stone with the soles of his feet, leaned forward and stood upright, supported entirely by the soles of the feet.

It looks like a straight telephone pole.

"Did you see clearly?"

The squad leader yelled: "You follow this standard. In order to reduce the difficulty, I don't ask you to stand on the rocks, but practice on the flat ground. Veterans can stand for a day. You are recruits and don’t need so long, but here is special. Army, our training intensity will be more than twice that of ordinary troops!"

"Ordinary recruits start in two hours, and you start in four hours. This is the minimum requirement. Let's start!" The squad leader waved.

The six stars stood up like veterans.

The two monitors walked back and forth, adjusting their stances from time to time.

However, Du Xiaofeng's body is like a noodle, no matter how he adjusts it, he can't stand up straight.

The two monitors had no choice but to find a stick and stick it behind Du Xiaofeng's body.

In this way, he seemed to be tied to a stick, his body finally calmed down and stood erect.

Just after ten o'clock, as the sun gradually rose, the temperature on the playground also rose sharply.

Everyone stood in the sun, dripping sweat down the corners of their eyes, and quickly wet the clothes.

Lu Yu and Fan Tianlei stayed in the shade, and director Su He was also there, and the three looked at these trained stars together.

"Hehe, these stars are pretty good!"

Fan Tianlei smiled and said: "I have stood for three hours, and his clothes are all wet, but one hasn't moved! Except for the fat man who is physically weak, his physical condition is almost the same, other perseverance is pretty good!"

Lu Yu nodded: "Ordinary people enter the army and stand still for two hours. It's really not easy for them to keep these stars until now!"

Su He looked at the two, but stopped talking.

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