Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 710: The transformation of 6 stars

Looking at the time, Su He hesitated and asked: "The two chiefs, there are still 50 minutes to finish. Will they be overwhelmed if they are allowed to stand?"

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled: "No, you don't need to worry about this. The human body has a limit. We know this very well. Even if they faint, they are still far from this limit! Reality makes the audience feel that too. Reality is the effect the show should have!"

"Well, I listen to the two heads!" Su He nodded, but his face was still full of worry.

Fifty minutes passed quickly.

When the monitor blew the whistle, let everyone rest in place.

Those stars who stood for four hours found that they couldn't move.

Standing in a stalemate for a long time made them straighten their muscles and almost couldn't bend their knees.

The veterans all jumped off the stone to help them move their joints to relieve the rigidity, and slowly their bodies gradually recovered.

However, Du Xiaofeng was very miserable. Because of being taken care of, his body jumped like a telephone pole and was brought down.

Two veterans helped him knead for a long time before the joints could finally move.

"Damn! This military posture is so scary, I almost became a zombie!"

Du Xiaofeng was sweating profusely, and said with a bitter face: "I thought it was very easy to watch the military posture on TV before, didn't I just stand and do nothing! I didn't expect it to be my turn, even standing like this. Tired, am I going to waste?"

Liu Haotian shook his head and sighed, "I didn't feel it up close before, but now I know that it's not easy for soldiers. They are amazing. Pay tribute to the soldiers!"

I took their shots next to me and recorded these words verbatim without missing any details.

It will be edited again later to present the most perfect picture to the audience.

It's hard to get up until noon, and after dinner, the training in the afternoon is no longer a standing posture.

They can finally move, because the training content is walking, walking and running.

Seemingly simple actions, it seems that everyone can easily complete them.

But it's just the appearance. Just like standing in the army in the morning, it is difficult for six people to keep their movements neatly.

In order for them to better grasp the essentials, the two monitors personally demonstrated and then took a certain way to train.

You must freeze for a few minutes every time you do an action. If you encounter difficult actions, it may even take longer.

Wait until everyone has mastered the essentials before proceeding to the next action.

After the training in the afternoon, in the evening, the military posture training in the morning was repeated.

In this way, under the strict requirements of Lu Yu and the two squad leaders, the six stars receive these most basic training every day.

A week passed in a blink of an eye.

Six people can fold the quilt and clothes smoothly, neatly, with edges and corners.

In the morning training, he could gradually follow the veterans. Even Du Xiaofeng, who was dying to live, was barely able to run five kilometers.

Everyone has initially grasped the essentials of walking together, walking forward and running, and walks in a good manner.

Of course, compared with a real soldier, it was a lot worse.

But for them, it has been the result of hard training day and night, and it is also a great improvement.

Standing in the military posture was extended from the first four hours to six hours.

During the period, there is no movement, and after the end, there will be no immobility.

Lu Yu, Fan Tianlei, and Su He can clearly feel that everyone has grown a lot this week!

Looking at the video edited later, Lu Yu smiled with satisfaction: "This is in line with the purpose of our program. It reflects the transformation from ordinary people to real soldiers. They have begun to look like soldiers!"

After seeing the edited film, Lian Suhe felt amazing.

"Yeah, even Xiaofeng, a frail person, looks refreshed now, and looks good no matter when he is standing in a military position or in a line!"

Su He smiled very happily: "They have suffered a lot this week, and Xiaofeng has lost ten catties alone. It's really impressive? Haha!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "I promise that at the end of a month, he will lose at least another 30 catties, and the whole person will be completely reborn."

Su He was satisfied with watching the editing on the screen: "The post-production of the first two episodes of the program is almost done. Let's broadcast it first to see the effect. How is the audience's response!"

In this regard, Lu Yu is very confident: "Don't worry, this is the first military reality show. It fits the real side of the army! As long as it is true, the audience will definitely buy it!"

Entertainment variety shows like this.

Generally, it is recorded and broadcasted in advance, and then after post-production, it will be broadcast to the whole country.

Most of them are recorded several episodes in advance, and then start broadcasting, and will continue to follow-up recording later.

While recording and broadcasting, the program will be adjusted according to the audience's response.

If the response is poor, then the show may be cut off.

The response is good enough to cause a sensation across the country, and it will soon catch up.

Some program effects or shooting highlights will also be added.

Next, even the second and third phases will be produced to catch the audience's attention.

Mango Channel is also the leading veteran TV station in the field of domestic entertainment variety shows. It will be very experienced in this regard.

Over the years, many popular variety shows have also been launched.

But this show of Real Men is a brand new attempt by them to subvert the tradition, and it is also the first time they cooperate with the military.

At first, I was more cautious, and let me see how the program works.

In the past few days, Su He did not rest either, and took his crew members directly to set up a temporary shed in the barracks.

A dozen computers were brought in, and time editing was captured on the spot.

After the star's day of training is over, he goes to the barracks to rest, and the director team has to work overtime overnight.

Strive for the first two episodes of the program to be completely edited and broadcast within a few days.

After three days of preparation, the first episode of the program is finally on the agenda.

Mango Channel began to vigorously promote it to the outside world, but Su He did not dare to take it back immediately for the edited film.

There are a lot of content related to the troops in the program, and Lu Yu has to go over it first, otherwise he can't afford the consequences if something happens.

Upon receiving Su He's invitation, Lu Yu immediately rushed over with Fan Tianlei to watch the first official program.

The two people stared at the TV screen quietly without making any sound.

After the post-production film, a lot of interesting factors have been added.

For example, some phrases will appear on TV, or the expression of an actor may be exaggerated.

Especially Du Xiaofeng's various emoticons, the corners of the two people's lips raised from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Su He's originally nervous mood relaxed a lot.

Originally, he thought that military requirements would be more serious, and these entertaining things would be very happy, afraid that the opponent would not like it. .

But looking at the meaning of the two heads, it seems quite satisfactory.

Should I pass the level?

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