"Reading became stronger since I was a special soldier (

Under the strong light of the searchlight, Lu Yu's face clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Captain, it turned out to be you!" Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang cried out in surprise.

"Baga! Why didn't he die?"

The three special soldiers of the Eastern Kingdom turned blue with anger and roared in anger.

They thought that after Lu Yu jumped off the plane, he would definitely not be able to come back alive.

Although the opponent killed the two Takeda Fuzekawa, he himself would go down to accompany them.

But now, seeing Lu Yu appear here intact, the three of them looked as ugly as if they had eaten a dead mouse.

I couldn't wait to rush up to tear Lu Yu into pieces.

The black instructor was equally surprised.

Looking at his watch, there were still three hours before dawn, and five or six hours before the agreed time he gave.

Lu Yu arrived so long in advance?

I remember there seems to be a snow mountain below there!

How did he break out alone? This speed is terrible, right?

The black instructor just feels too unbelievable.

At this time, Lu Yu also slowly walked in front of him, and said lightly: "Sorry, I didn't know that there was a landmine at the door. I stepped on it and exploded accidentally. Didn't you scare you?"

The corners of the black instructor's lips twitched fiercely.

by! Are you apologizing, or are you deliberately showing off to me?

So many mines have blown you up, so show off with me!

"Go back into the queue."


Lu Yu turned and walked to the camp of Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang.

"Captain!" The two excitedly stepped forward and gave Lu Yu a hug.

"We knew you would come back safely!"

Wang Yanbing grinned happily.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" He Chenguang gave him a white look: "The captain can't come back, then this is really hell!"

"Be quiet!"

The black instructor faced the crowd and suddenly yelled: "Listen well, I wanted to give you a few more hours to rest, but now that you are all awake, let's all begin! First of all, you are welcome to officially come to hell."

Immediately, more than thirty instructors rushed from all directions, and Majesty stood behind him.

The special forces at the scene quickly lined up and stood up, looking straight ahead one by one.

However, it can be seen from their standing posture that everyone maintains a delicate distance.

Everyone who comes here knows very well that people who are not from one country are their competitors.

Very few people live out of hell!

If there is one less competitor, you will have more hope of living.

The black instructor strode to the front of the crowd and looked around at the crowd: "Welcome to hell, don't think my words are joking, what follows will be the cruelest experience in your life! No one!"

"I believe everyone among you has been on the battlefield, right? You should have killed people with your own hands, and some have killed a lot of people, which can be called perverted and cruel executioners? But I ask you all to forget this, forget the so-called glory of the past! Because your little glory is worthless here, it's all in pediatrics!"

"In the next month, you will face the fear of survival! Every day, even every moment, every minute and every second, you may be killed by someone."

"It may be the competitors around you, or it may be our instructor. Everyone here will be an enemy! In addition, there will be real enemies from outside launching a sneak attack on you! Nothing can be said. It will be performed anytime."

"Life is the least valuable thing in hell! For those who are injured, you may not have the day to return to your country. That is why very few people go out from hell, because more people die. here!"

"Death is a commonplace meal. Those who have eaten this meal, then congratulations on winning the prize. Those who are injured are absolutely embarrassed to mention that they have been here. It is a nightmare of a lifetime!"

After the black instructor said coldly, he let out a long sigh of relief: "Now, I welcome you to officially enter our camp!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Why, isn't this camp yet? Still elsewhere?

As if seeing everyone’s thoughts, the black instructor gave a cold smile: “Of course it’s not official. This is just a place to receive your rookies temporarily settled down! After you enter the camp, you are eligible to become a **** training camp. An official rookie!"

"Anything that doesn't pass, you will either get out of here, or you will burn your corpses to ashes and send them back to your country! Do you understand?"

Everyone couldn't help but chill after hearing this.

Burned ashes and sent back?

Could it be that there is still danger when you go in next?

Everyone is horrified and feels uneasy.

Having said this, the black instructor stopped answering any questions and led everyone to the valley behind.

Half an hour later, a three-story arch appeared in front.

Above the arch, a stone statue of the **** of death was carved from a huge rock, and cold eyes looked down at them.

The two sickles of the **** of death formed an arch shape and stood majestically above everyone's heads.

Everyone passing by couldn't help feeling a chill in their necks, as if they had stepped into the gate of hell.

"Go in!" The black instructor said lightly, "Who will come first?"

Everyone stood in place ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and none of them dared to move.

He looked so mysterious before, and now he sees such a weird gate, who knows the danger behind?

Some even saw that the ground behind the door was dark red.

They knew the deep black color very well, and it was the color formed after the blood dries up.

Looking inside, there were all kinds of bullet casings scattered on the road, as well as broken arms and thighs that were still bloodless.

Judging by the extent of its corruption, it seems to have formed in the last two days.

The expressions of everyone became very ugly.

A bit of timidity and fear grew inside.

In this case, whoever goes up first will die first, and he will inevitably be attacked the most violently.

"Why, no one dares?"

The black instructor sneered: "Aren't you the top elite in each country? You don't even have the courage to go in? If you don't dare, then get out as early as possible and don't waste our time here."

"I come!"

In the crowd, a cold shout sounded.

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look, their eyes all fell on Lu Yu's body.

At this time, no one dared to be the first, you actually stood up first.

Sure enough, I am not afraid of death!

The faces of the three special soldiers of Dongying showed abuse and mockery.

Lu Yu went first, they were eager. There is an ambush behind the door, this guy is the first to die!

As everyone looked around, Lu Yu slowly walked out of the team and approached Hongmen, feeling calm.

He came to win glory on behalf of the country, and showed the strength of the Dragon Kingdom in front of special forces all over the world.

This first place must be grabbed!

Of course, no one at the scene dared to fight with him.

Everyone looks like a good show.

I want to see how this first guy died.

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