"Reading becomes stronger since I was a special soldier (

Lu Yu's eyes condensed slightly, and he walked towards the front arch step by step.

At the same time, the spider's senses are fully dispersed, rapidly enhancing his various sensory abilities, Superman's steel body opens the strongest mode, and the eagle eye sees all objects in front of him like a super scanner.

Making all preparations, Lu Yu took a deep breath, and accelerated towards the arch with his toes violently on the ground.


Lu Yu's figure moved almost beyond the limit of his naked eyes.

Like a gust of wind, it rushed to the arch in the blink of an eye.

The instructors who were ambushing in the two arches were startled. Damn, what speed is this?

The Flash?

When they reflected, the dark shadow had already rushed far away, throwing them more than twenty meters away!

Da da da!

Only then did they think of shooting.


Lu Yu bent down, his body and the ground almost formed a parallel line, and ran forward against the ground.

The bullet is almost one meter high from the ground, as long as it is higher than this distance, it will definitely be swept.

After all, it was the bullet of a heavy machine gun. No matter how fast Lu Yu was, he couldn't avoid all of them.

These bullets hit him, and his steel body couldn't resist a few.

The integration of the body of steel is getting slower and slower!

After running for a distance, Lu Yu suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The ground not far ahead showed signs of loosening, the soil layer here had obviously moved, and landmines were buried below.

Maybe ordinary people don’t notice this,

But the super eagle eye's subtle observation power made Lu Yu extremely clear, seeing every detail on the ground.

The road ahead was full of minefields, and it was obviously impossible to break through.

But if you evade a little, you may be hit by a bullet chasing behind.

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and simply landed on the ground with his hands and feet, using his hands and feet together like a cheetah running at extreme speed, jumping flexibly in the minefield.

This method is indeed effective, neither touching the minefield, but also avoiding bullets and quickly approaching the end.

"Damn it! Can't let him pass so easily!"

"Get the grenade!"

The instructor in ambush shouted, grabbed a grenade and threw it at Lu Yu.

The spider sensed immediately that Lu Yu was in danger.

At the same time as the grenade hit, Lu Yu flew up and took the thing back.

"I go!"

The expressions of several instructors changed drastically, and they were all lying on the ground.

Booming, the grenade exploded above their heads, but luckily it did not fall.

Otherwise, a few instructors will really go to hell.

Outside the arch.

Everyone saw Lu Yu's sorrowful operation, and none of them dropped their jaws.

There was a bullet chase behind, and a landmine ambush in front.

This guy is still playing such a show?

Are they still human?

Taking this opportunity, Lu Yu rushed through the minefield and successfully reached the end and passed the assessment.

The black instructor pinched the timer, saw the number on it, and swallowed hard.

Damn it!

This kid broke the record of Hell Training Camp again...

After reaching the top, Lu Yu turned and pointed at the crowd in the direction of the arch, and hooked his fingers.

"Come here! It's not too difficult!"

The provocation is obvious.

Everyone screamed.

Ghosts believe you!

It was machine gun fire again, landmine ambush again, and grenades bombed next to it.

It is not difficult to say that you are a pervert.

Is this really a hell-level difficulty?

When everyone looked ugly, and who was the second one, Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang stood up at the same time.


The black instructor was surprised, and then a few interested expressions rose on his dark face.

The Dragon State Special Forces came to the Hell Training Camp for the first time, and they were so brave.

It is said that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but the first person to go up just now clearly tried to find out how dangerous this road to **** is.

In this case, no one dared to come forward.

But these two guys are not afraid to stand up!

It is impossible for them not to see the danger, but to do so is enough to prove how brave they are.

The black instructor felt a trace of admiration for them.

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang began to charge.

Fortunately, the gun shot out.

Lu Yu is naturally the most severe being the first to go up. This is a custom in hell, and it is a deterrent to new rookies.

The latter assessment is relatively less stringent.

Otherwise, the remaining people are afraid that none of them will pass.

This is not the purpose of the Hell Training Camp, the effect they want is to shock.

Therefore, Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang passed more easily than Lu Yu.

At this time, the other special forces did not dare to hesitate anymore.

This represents the honor of their respective countries, and the three of Longguo have all passed.

If they don't, they will really admit that their country is not good enough, and no one will want to.

The three special forces of the Eastern Kingdom rushed out after Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang, gritting their teeth and approaching the finish line.

Although very embarrassed, but luckily it passed smoothly in the end.

Seeing that it didn't seem to be dangerous, other special forces began to compete for positions.

After an hour and a half, most of the people passed the customs smoothly.

There were also a few dozen people who were rather unlucky. Three people were killed when they triggered a minefield, and one half of their heads were lost by machine guns.

Others were either swept by bullets or wounded by bombs. Even if they were cured, they would be disabled for life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What's more unfortunate is that they came here voluntarily and signed the status of life and death.

In case of injury or death, you will not get any related compensation, and you have to pay medical expenses yourself after you return.

After all the assessments are over, the black instructor organization will collect the injured people away.

Everyone stood in the line again, facing the cold glance of the instructors.

"Now that you have successfully passed the first round of assessment, welcome to officially become a member of hell!"

The black instructor yelled coldly: "You heard that right, since you passed through the gates of hell, you are a qualified rookie here. I have seen the situation just now? There is no mercy in hell, here is a real battlefield, even More cruel and cold than the battlefield! Any negligence may cause you to become the fate of the people just now."

"Congratulations, of course, there are less than a dozen competitors! I hope to see you eliminated more next time. War will come anytime, and only the strongest with the strongest vitality can survive to the end!"

"Okay, let me introduce myself formally to everyone!"

Speaking of this, there was a cold smile on his face: "Here, you don’t have names, only code names. And I’m Satan, your chief instructor, remember this name! Next, it will keep you all in the moment. Feeling fear and nightmares!"


This is the devil in hell, who specializes in cannibalism.

Everyone can't help but feel chills. Before the training begins, there is already fear.

Only Lu Yu sneered.

The name is quite bluff!

But you are far from it.

The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and so is hell.

Look at you, Satan meets Lao Zi Shura, who is stronger?

Wait and see!

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