Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 855: The mountain whispers the tsunami, long live the Long Country!

, The fastest update starts when I am a special soldier and read the latest chapter of becoming stronger!


Just as the two armed men yelled arrogantly, a cold light flashed on their necks.

In the next second, blood spurted crazily along the tip of the knife.

Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang shot at the same time. Swish, a sharp dagger slashed across the necks of several armed men.

In an instant, all six armed guards fell into a pool of blood.

The people in the pit watched this scene incredibly.

What's the situation?

How could these armed men kill each other?

The remaining guards were also shocked!

Unexpectedly, their companions would secretly attack and kill their people.

However, Lu Yu's killing continued, and several people fell in a blink of an eye.

They seem to have turned into ecstasy envoys from hell, with a single blow, constantly harvesting the lives of armed men.

The remaining people finally reacted, holding up their guns in horror, and aimed at Lu Yu and the others preparing to shoot.

However, the three of Lu Yu reacted more quickly, raising their guns one step faster than them.

Now that it was discovered, it would be impossible to sneak attack with a dagger.

There are still a dozen people left, and they can't kill that fast!

The people in the tribe have successfully moved here, and the scene is under their control.

The goal is complete, you can let go of your hands and feet and do a big job.


Lu Yu gave an order, and the three of them had no time to take off the assault rifles behind them, so they could only pull out their hands to fight back.

Bang bang bang.

The gunshot bullet rushed towards the remaining armed men.

Not a single bullet was wasted, all hit the eyebrows.

As soon as these guys raised their guns before they had time to aim, they all fell to the ground one by one.

After three breaths, no armed personnel stood there alive.

When they died, neither of them had a chance to shoot.

After putting away the gun, Lu Yu strode to the front of the mine.

Those in the tribe witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Thinking that Lu Yu was going to kill them, they all shuddered in terror, staring at him in horror.

Lu Yu took off his mask and smiled on his face: "Don't be afraid, everyone, we are special forces of the Long Kingdom, not bad guys! We came here to rescue you, now you are all safe!"

Everyone looked at Lu Yu in amazement.

Dragon State Special Forces?

He is...Long Country? !

These short words seem to have a peculiar appeal, and tears of excitement flowed in the eyes of many people.

The Dragon Kingdom, for countless people on the African continent, this is an unparalleled powerful force.

Many of their infrastructures, such as roads, bridges, network base stations, industrial development...Long Guo helped them regardless of return.

Therefore, in the hearts of most of the indigenous people in Africa, they maintain a great respect and yearning for the Dragon Kingdom.

For them, this is a powerful country, synonymous with prosperity and friendship.

Because of the help of this superpower, they no longer have to worry about hunger, and they don't have to worry about their lives being endangered.

Now being held hostage by armed forces, it was also the people of the Long Kingdom who came to rescue them.

"Long live the Long Kingdom! Long live the Long Kingdom!"

I don't know who shouted excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the mine shouted enthusiastically: "Long live the Dragon Kingdom! Long live..."

Shouting loudly one after another, the mountains whirred to the tsunami!

Their hearts settled down.

In the hearts of everyone in this continent, Longguo people are more worthy of their respect and peace of mind than Europeans and Americans.

As long as they exist, nothing seems impossible.

This is the Dragon Power!

Lu Yu was a little surprised, but at the same time he felt a surge of heart.

I didn't expect that after I reported my country, I would get such support from these people. This is something he didn't expect!

Today's Dragon Kingdom has already risen and become strong.

Not only can we protect our compatriots from being harmed outside, but we can also help those weak and poor countries to develop together and gain their respect.

This is the real responsibility of a big country!

After everyone shouted for a while, it gradually calmed down.

Next, Lu Yu ordered everyone to stay in the mine, no matter what happened outside, don't look up, let alone climb out.

Everyone was very obedient, and immediately climbed into the pothole honestly and found the stones to hide themselves.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will save you safely, now please do according to my requirements and hide yourself!"

Lu Yu solemnly promised: "We still have people outside the tribe. As long as you hide them, we will guard here without retreating until the arrival of foreign aid! Unless we walk past our bodies, we will never let everyone suffer. hurt!"

This is Lu Yu's promise to everyone.

To everyone in the tribe, this sentence is more effective than any guarantee.

Everyone cried with joy.

It was the tears of excitement from the rest of my life.

Wives hug their husbands, children hug their parents, they finally don’t have to die!

With Lu Yu's promise, they believe that they are really safe now.

This is an unconditional trust and also the credibility of a great power.

"Captain, the three of us have a hard time fighting, why don't we give them the weapons?" Wang Yanbing came to consult.

Lu Yu nodded. After these armed men died, their weapons could be used directly.

The three of them are limited in number, and they may not be able to stop everyone later.

If these civilians are armed, they may not be able to kill people, but they can also act as a deterrent.

Lu Yu immediately consulted with everyone, who would use a gun?

Many men in the tribe have served as soldiers and have raised their hands to stand up.

Lu Yu counted some people and asked He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to distribute weapons to them.

No need to come out, just guard the entrance to the pothole and give them fire cover.


As soon as he ordered everything, there were rapid footsteps in the distance.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"Who shot it! The boss didn't let you..."

A dozen armed men swiftly approached here, shouting as they ran.

However, before they could finish speaking, Lu Yu directly ordered the shooting.

Bang bang bang...

A shuttle bullet slammed past like rain.

Accurately shot through the head of an armed member!

Shooting at such a close range is like playing for the three of Lu Yu, and they can hit them with their eyes closed.

A dozen armed men had no room to fight all fell to the ground and were sent to hell.

The gunshots here also alarmed other people in the tribe.

The movement of grabbing was relatively small, and everyone hasn't noticed it yet.

But the continuous shooting sound of an assault rifle is much louder, and it's hard not to attract attention.

"What happened? Where did the gunfire come from!"

The leader of this group of armed forces ran out of the house angrily, and shouted: "Asshole stuff! Who told you to shoot and kill people casually? One by one, why don't I worry about it! I don't know if I have someone left. Have……"


After speaking, a violent explosion suddenly heard from the gate of the tribe.

The ear-splitting roar spread across the fields, as if the thunder had landed on the earth.

Immediately afterwards, the skyrocketing fire light illuminated the entire night sky.

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