Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 856: What kind of fairy marksmanship is this?

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Da da da!

There was fierce gunfire from outside the tribe, and a dozen guards at the door fell down like dominoes.

The leader sullenly roared: "What's the situation? Who is attacking us?"

"Boss, it is from the Hell Training Camp! Our deployment has been completely disrupted, and they will soon come in!"

A subordinate hurried to report.

"Hell training camp?"

The leader's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he snarled frantically: "This **** **** training camp, what does this matter have to do with them? How dare to come and get a kick in front of Lao Tzu! Bastard, special bastard!"

"Boss, what should I do? We won't be able to resist for long here." The subordinates looked worried.

The leader's complexion immediately became uncertain.

He knows how powerful the Hell Training Camp is!

On this continent, the Hell Training Camp is synonymous with death and a nightmare for all armed forces.

Every time they go out for training, they will use local militants as hunting targets to test the strength of the students taught.

Over the past few years, many armed groups that have caused the disaster have disappeared overnight.

In fact, it was annihilated by the Hell Training Camp, and all members were left.

Almost all armed groups regard **** training camps as public enemies.

I want to retaliate, but their strength is terrifying. They are all top masters from all over the world.

There are heavy tanks and armed helicopters, who dares to provoke them to be destroyed in minutes!

Even lunatics are not willing to provoke these people.

Now that the **** training camp is coming, the leader has no idea of ​​fighting.

Although there are many people under them, they are all mobs, and they will be swallowed up sooner or later when they fight with the elite.

The only way to survive is to escape here.

"Hurry up! Bring me all the hostages!"

The chief yelled decisively.

The diamonds have almost been searched, and it is not a disadvantage to leave at this time.

With these wealth in his hand, he is enough to stay away for a long time, and he can also expand one or two thousand soldiers on a large scale.

It's more cost-effective than losing your life here!

But at this moment, some of his subordinates hurriedly reported that the hostages had escaped and all the guards in custody were killed.

The news made the chief yelling with anger like being struck by lightning.

Made! At this time, the hostages are gone. This is a premeditated action...

No matter how angrily the chief yelled, the gunshots of the exchange of fire in front had become more and more intense.

The beaten-down men of that gang retreat, and they can't keep it!

The leader was anxiously like an ant on a hot pot. He had been holding hostages to make it easier for him to leave.

Now that the hostages are gone, maybe, today he is really going to fall into the hands of those trained in hell.

The retreat has been blocked, and he can only throw one bet.

No choice!

The leader sullenly roared: "If you want to live, everyone will go with me to get people back. There are no hostages, none of us want to leave here alive!"

When the words fell, some people were left to continue resisting, and he took all his men to chase behind the tribe.

As soon as they arrived near the mine pit, the men on his side were attacked frantically by the three Lu Yu ambushing here.

This is a large-scale open space, originally for mining, there is no hiding place.

The three of them hid behind a cover and fired at the armed team from a distance.

With their precise marksmanship, as long as the distance is wide enough, they will have an absolute advantage to destroy this group of teams.

Bang bang bang!

Da da da!

The attacking armed men had nowhere to hide, and they were shot down like live targets.

Soon, the blood stained the ground.

The leader suddenly became anxiously red, and before he even saw the enemy, there were already one-third fewer people here.

But no matter what, at this moment, he must not back down.

Otherwise, everyone will be buried here.

He doesn't want to die yet!

"Quick! Bring the RPD here. There are only three of them, covering them with strong firepower!" the leader roared.

Behind the rock.

Lu Yu was holding a gun and continuously cleaning the armed men who wanted to come.

Suddenly, he noticed that two militants on the opposite side were holding the RPD and aiming at his side.

If this thing is hit, even his steel body can't hold it!

"Falcon, you are on the left, I am on the right!"

Lu Yu shouted angrily at He Chenguang, quickly turned his gun, and aimed at the armed man on the right holding the RPD.

At the same time, the one on the left was aimed at by He Chenguang.


The gunfire of the two men rang out almost coincidentally.

The bullet was ejected from the barrel and hit the target in an instant.

He Chenguang's bullet was centered on the eyebrows of the armed personnel, blood was splashing, the gun barrel came out of his hand, and the gun rolled to the ground.


On the other side, Lu Yu was even more ruthless.

A shot hit the barrel, and the ammunition exploded directly on the spot, and all the surrounding members were affected and blown out.

The leader stared incredibly, and was completely stunned by this scene.

So far apart, a bullet actually hit the warhead in the barrel?

Damn it! What kind of fairy marksmanship is this so special!

He was stunned in horror, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

Bang bang bang...

The fierce exchange of fire from the tribe awakened him immediately.

The violent explosion seemed to explode on his heart.

Even if he didn't need to look at it, he could guess that the gang of mobs could not resist for long.

Today, if you can't escape from here, you have to turn into a lonely ghost and stay here forever.

The leader looked fierce and roared ferociously: "Made! Give me a grenade, three people, I don't believe you can't break through!"

Everyone knows very well that if the hostages are not captured, today, this place will become their chaotic grave.

They have all become ghosts, and keeping those diamonds is a fart!

The belief to live occupies their hearts.

The rest of the people seem to be mad and don't care about life or death at all, just like an animal riot.

While running, he pulled out the grenade and threw it over.

There was a violent roar from the empty ground, and between the armed guards and Lu Yu, a sky full of dust and stone chips was flying.

Ding Ding Ding!

The bullet hit the rock where the three people were hiding.

It was as if the storm slapped a moving boat forcefully, and then it might flood it.

The people of the tribe hiding in the mine were trembling with fright by the sound, and they dared not lift their heads.

The men lying on the entrance of the cave with their weapons tense their fingers on the trigger. As long as the armed personnel approach, they will shoot without hesitation.

At this moment Lu Yu was leaning on the rock, changing his magazine while listening carefully to the footsteps ahead.

There was a sneer on his face: "Hehe, I want to come over like this? It's too naive, right?"

Words fall.

He turned on his back and lay down on the ground, shouting, "Hit!"

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing made the same actions as Lu Yu, set up their assault rifles on the ground, ready to shoot at any time.


Bullets whizzed past their heads.

Those armed members never expected that these three would suddenly get down.

When they rushed out of the gunpowder smoke, it was too late to see what was behind them.

Puff puff……

The dense bomb rain overwhelming the sky immediately surrounded them in all directions.

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