, The fastest update starts reading the latest chapter of becoming stronger since I am a special soldier!

The flames ejected from the muzzle, one after another like a dense hidden weapon, hit them fiercely.

Puff puff!

The bullet easily penetrated the body and directly broke the bones.

Under such close-range shooting, the body of the armed personnel seemed to be fragile tofu, which was instantly torn into pieces.

In less than a minute, all the people who rushed up lay down in a pool of blood.

A few of them saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape, but they were beaten into a sieve by the three standing up.

Da da da!

Lu Yu and the three of them shot forward as they walked, and the last few people also fell, and none of them could escape.

In the distance, only the leader stood alone, shaking and almost urinating.

With so many subordinates he brought over, no one can survive.

In a blink of an eye, he became a lonely man!

Seeing that Lu Yu, who looked like a murderer, approached him step by step, the panic everywhere was enough to swallow him.

With a blank mind, he didn't think about anything, turned around and ran back crazy.

Just want to leave here, stay away from this devil.

"Run? Did you run away?"

Lu Yu snorted coldly and pointed his gun at this guy's back.


The bullet penetrated the opponent's back, and then flew out from the front of the chest through the entire body.


The leader knelt on the ground without running two steps, his eyes were full of unwillingness and regret.

The body twitched twice, and there was no sound.

Lu Yu strode forward and saw that a cloth bag was dropped beside this guy.

The sparkling diamond rolled out of it, and under the light of the fire, it almost blinded Lu Yu's eyes.

These diamonds are invaluable, the smallest one is the size of a soybean, and the largest one is comparable to a pigeon egg.

Although Lu Yu didn't understand the value of diamonds, seeing so many, his heart was shocked.

Especially the largest, but the most complete and authentic South African loose diamond, once made into a handicraft, it is a world-class gem.

He immediately picked up the bag and packed the diamonds scattered on the ground.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the tribe ahead, as if something exploded.

Lu Yu put away the diamonds, and it didn't take long for Satan, the chief instructor, to rush towards this side with many people.

When they got close, everyone was shocked when they saw the scene behind the scene.

There were corpses all over the floor, blood everywhere.

Except for the three of Lu Yu, there is no livelihood in sight!

Are all dead?

Satan and several instructors were completely speechless.

After a long while, an instructor swallowed fiercely: "Horrible! Terrible! Is it the first time I saw him in combat and killed so many people so vigorously? Satan, I think he is a veritable **** of death, than You are more suitable for this name!"

Satan was also extremely jealous, and sighed secretly: "The three of them cooperated so well and used their strength to the extreme! The three people are like an inseparable whole. It seems that they still have a lot of abilities in them, which we have not discovered in the future. , I must go to the Dragon State Army to take a look."

The battle is over.

The mobs in the tribe were not elite opponents of the training camp countries at all, and they were quickly wiped out.

Satan organized the manpower and began to clean the battlefield.

A total of 271 militants were found dead under their guns.

Except for the 28 members of the tribe who had been killed before they arrived at the Hell Training Camp, the rest were unscathed.

The patriarch led the civilians in the tribe to be grateful.

Because they only saw the help of the three of Lu Yu, they were also thankful.

Satan and other instructors and special soldiers stayed where they were embarrassed.

The patriarch only thanked Lu Yu with great gratitude, but ignored the merits of the **** training camp, which made many people angry.

After all, they risked their lives to come to the rescue, but they didn't even get a thank you, and they were uncomfortable in their hearts.

Lu Yu coughed slightly, and interrupted the patriarch: "You have a natural diamond mine here. People outside don’t know about it, but after this incident, the news will definitely spread! Then, how will you keep guarding? Can you hold the ore?"

Hearing that, not only the patriarch, but everyone in the tribe became ugly.

Diamond mines are the foundation of their tribe’s survival. If they are coveted by outsiders, they will certainly happen as they are today.

"Mr. Lu, what do you say?"

The patriarch looked sad: "Our ancestors have taken root and lived here for generations. It is impossible to move away! Would you like to help us? The Dragon Kingdom is a big country. As long as you are willing to send troops to garrison, we will have security!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Patriarch, this is not our country. Sending troops here without authorization is a violation of international treaties."

"Then... how is that good?"

The patriarch’s tears were about to come out: "Mr. Lu, you people from Longguo are good people and willing to help others. Please help us!"

"Please Mr. Lu!"

"Only you can save us!"

Many tribesmen begged to kneel down.

"Get up first! Patriarch, get up with your people!"

Lu Yu hurriedly said, pointing to the Satan next to him and said: "There is no way! The one beside me is your very powerful special forces instructor. Maybe he can help with this."


Satan was taken aback and looked at Lu Yu with some surprise.

How would Lu Yu actively push such a good thing to himself? He was in a trance for a while.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "We came to the rescue this time because the Satan instructor received a request for help. The three of us are responsible for protecting you from the inside. Without them, we wouldn't be able to stand up for much time alone. It must be in the mine!"

Only then did the patriarch understand the whole story, and turned around and bowed to Satan and others: "Thank you! Thank you!"

Satan looked back at Lu Yu's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before waving his hand: "You are welcome, this is what we should do and our duty."

"Patriarch, let me give you an idea!"

Lu Yu pondered and said, "The Satan instructor's camp is only one day away from you. They are fully capable of protecting you."

"The control of this diamond mine is in the hands of your tribe, and even the government has no right to take it back, right? So, if you both join with each other and develop together, no one will dare to pay attention!

"In this way, if your safety is guaranteed, you can organize channels to sell diamonds and improve the lives of the tribe. Isn't it a good thing to kill two birds with one stone?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "You don't have to think about moving the tribe away. After you make a lot of money, you can further expand the size of the tribe, become a small and famous tribe nearby, and even develop into a big tribe on this continent! Cola! Not for?"

The words came out.

Let the eyes of everyone present suddenly brighten up!

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