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Chen Xiwa's face was dumbfounded: "Captain, what are you doing with me?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and pointed to the new type of tank not far away: "It's what you usually train for! Almighty control the tank to advance, and then change to the infantry charge, is that okay?"

Chen Xiwa nodded vigorously: "I can!"

"Okay, show it to the chiefs."


Chen Xiwa agreed and ran towards the tank quickly.

After boarding the tank, he immediately started rumble and rushed to the shooting range.

"Xiao Lu, this..." Zhang Jinzhong asked in surprise, "Can he drive away the tank alone?"

As we all know, a tank requires at least two people to drive.

This latest tank requires three people to operate at the same time.

One person, I'm afraid that even the tank can't start!

"Hehe, take a good look, he's fine." Lu Yu smiled slightly and watched with his arms folded.

Boom boom.

At this time, the tank was already advancing at full speed, and the two tracks were rattling and making a shocking roar.

When the tank rushed into the shooting range, Chen Xiwa quickly left the driving position and landed in the gunner's area.

The tank roared and continued to drift forward.

Chen Xiwa quickly controlled the rotation of the turret.

Reload, aim, and shoot!

The action was done in one go.

Within two breaths, a shell was launched with a bang, hitting the target in the center of the shooting range.

After the shot, when everyone was still in shock, Chen Xiwa's figure flashed, and she climbed back from the gunner's position to the driving position.

The tracks of the tank move the wheels, imitating the route it travels through gunfire, and begin to move in a serpentine manner.

About 100 meters in this way, Chen Xiwa got up and jumped to the gunner's position.

Continue to reload, aim, and shoot at the next target.


The shell crossed a parabola and hit the bullseye again.


Everyone was so startled that they almost didn't bite their tongues.

Nima, have you never seen a tank that can still play like this?

It's amazing!

One person manipulated the tank with ease, without any sense of disobedience.

From a distance, I thought that three people were driving the tank at the same time.

After running back and forth between the driver's position and the gunner's position several times, Chen Xiwa took advantage of the drift of the tank and rushed to the machine gunner's position.

As the tank was rapidly sliding forward, it aimed at a distant target and hit it hard.

Da da da!

A series of bullets were shot out, and the target was shot sparsely in an instant.

After shooting a round of bullets, Chen Xiwa stood up and jumped down with the gun before the tank stopped.

After rolling two laps on the ground and letting go of strength, he got up and started running all the way.


Shoot forward while running.

At the same time, ten targets erected on a hillside three hundred meters away were all knocked down.

The total shooting time is no more than ten seconds!

The scene was silent.


Everyone was completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

It was not until Chen Xiwa ran back with her gun and shouted to report that she awakened everyone.

Zhang Jinzhong gave him a shocked thumbs up: "This kid, awesome! You deserve to be the Almighty King!"

Leaders of other military regions also praised them.

He didn't be stingy with all kinds of praise, and looked at the other person as if he was looking at a treasure.

Chen Xiwa was surprised and delighted, scratching her head and standing in place, her excited hands wondering where to put it.

He has never been boasted so much before, and the people who boast about him are still leaders of various military districts.

It can be said that this moment is the brightest moment in his life.

Lu Yu smiled and looked at the big bosses: "Everyone, do you see clearly? This is the real first battle sequence! Each of them is an omnipotent existence, the best fighter machine!"

"good very good!"

Zhang Jinzhong was the first to applaud and said: "Xiao Lu, you really opened our eyes! Although the special forces are positioned under the special forces brigades of various military regions, the professional level of the soldiers is better than that of the brigade The fighters are too strong."

The leaders nodded one after another: "Xiao Lu, you are really good at soldier training!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said to everyone: "Actually, I have a more radical idea, which is to completely improve the current special operations brigade. In the future, the special operations brigade will be transformed into a superpower that is an eagle in the sky and a dragon in the sea Strong mobile force."

Hearing what he said, everyone was interested.

"Xiao Lu, what are you going to do? Tell us about it!"

"Yes, you are a special warfare expert, there must be some good way."

"If it can really help our special forces brigade improve, we would have wiped out your excavation in the first place!"

Lu Yu asked with a smile: "Then are you listening or not?"

"Listen! Say it!"

Seeing that Lu Yu was so selling, several leaders hurriedly urged.

Seeing everyone looking forward to him, Lu Yu cleared his throat and said: "Actually, this concept is very simple! Now your special forces have too many complicated functions, and the soldiers have learned a lot and scattered many people. Energy has caused everyone to be good at all majors, but not proficient."

"It is impossible for the special operations brigade to fully implement a professional military system like my special operations force. The cost is too high. Therefore, I propose to integrate existing resources to change the status quo! Let the special operations brigade’s main training direction return to Professional counterparts come up."

"For example, troops suitable for desert operations specialize in combating the fortifications in the desert. When the war comes, all these forces are put into the enemy's rear to destroy them. After the damage is large enough, they will immediately run away. Disrupt the enemy’s deployment mechanism."

"Compared with small-scale operations, such large corps coordinated campaigns can give full play to the advantages of ordinary special forces, and the combat effectiveness will naturally increase!"

After Lu Yu's argument came down, it seemed to open another window to the chiefs, and he didn't want to leave.

In a blink of an eye, the sky began to turn dark.

The leaders did not know what they heard, so they simply stayed in the special forces and had another dinner.

During the dinner, Lu Yu had to finish the rest of the content before he was willing to give up.

That said, it went straight to ten o'clock in the evening.

The chiefs were still unwilling to leave, and looked at Lu Yu eagerly.

At this moment, Ye Huaishan's phone rang suddenly.

When he came back after answering the phone, he waved at everyone angrily: "Okay, you are still planning to stay away, don't you? Xiao Lu is very busy now, there are so many things to do. There is no time. It's early, and it's time to go back, there is no reason to eat a fat man?"

After speaking, Mimi quietly blinked at Zhang Jinzhong.

Zhang Jinzhong stood up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Okay, Lao Ye is right! You old comrades, you always have to give Xiao Lu a little rest? Why take your time? Tonight It's late, go to the hotel for one night, and return tomorrow."

"Go away!"

Both ministers had spoken, and everyone had to give up.

Zhang Jinzhong went to tell Fan Tianlei to arrange a place for them to stay tonight.

It's rare to be alone with these big leaders. Fan Tianlei called a happy one, and led everyone to the hotel.

When everyone left, only Ye Huaishan stayed.

"Director Ye, is there something going on?" Lu Yu asked with a flash of eyes.

Ye Huaishan nodded and said solemnly: "Come with me!"

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