"Read the novel from becoming stronger since I was a special soldier ( to find the latest chapter!

Lu Yu didn't speak, and followed Ye Huaishan to the back office.

Looking at Ye Huaishan's expression, he knew that this matter might be extraordinary.

"Closed!" Ye Huaishan waved.

Lu Yu nodded, and after closing the door, the two sat down on the sofa.

"Your Director Hu just called me."

Ye Huaishan looked at Lu Yu solemnly: "There is a very important situation, you need to lead the team to deal with it immediately!"

"Director, please order!"

Lu Yu's expression gradually became colder, "What happened this time?"

Ye Huaishan said coldly: "The secret agents sent back an important message. These days, a group of biochemical experts they secretly followed were sent to a ship on the high seas! They suspected that there might be mass destruction on board. If the biochemical device is not handled properly, it is very likely to trigger a biochemical crisis."

"When it comes to biochemistry, the task will be very dangerous, and you need to have the knowledge of professional handling. I don't trust this matter to be done by someone else, you will lead the team yourself!" Ye Huaishan stared at Lu Yu and said heavily.


Lu Yu nodded without hesitation.

He is obliged to stop anything that endangers national interests!

For the country and the army, he will always maintain a heart of innocence, still the same young man.

Responds and wins!

Ye Huaishan said: "Okay, you go back and prepare immediately, choose a good man, and board the plane immediately. As for the information, I will let someone implement the transmission to you!"


After replying to Ye Huaishan, Lu Yu no longer delayed, and immediately returned to the A group by helicopter.

While on the plane, Lu Yu contacted Chen Shanming and assembled the elite soldiers in the army before he hurried back.

"Bring equipment and use the best!"


When the phone was cut off, a cold light flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

The last person who dared to bring biochemical weapons over was a black cat, and now his grave head is already high.

Another is his son Ling Feiyang!

Of course, Ling Feiyang only had this idea, and Lu Yu was beaten into meat sauce before he took any action.

No matter who was the person who moved this idea, Lu Yu would never be merciless.

Hei Mao and Ling Feiyang are his fate.

The plane quickly landed in Group A.

On the playground, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Zhuang Yan, Yuan Lang, Qi Huan and Xu Sanduo had already assembled.

Lu Yu gave an order, and they quickly jumped into the helicopter.

Below, Chen Shanming led the team to throw everyone's weapons and equipment on the plane one by one.

When everything was ready, Lu Yu shouted to the pilot: "Take off!"


The helicopter propeller turned violently, carrying a group of people hovering into the night sky.

"Hurry up, put on your gear!"

Lu Yu glanced at Shen and shouted: "Tonight, my actions are of the utmost importance to the safety of thousands of people, and we must do our best."


Everyone responded in unison, and no one asked more.

Everyone picked up the equipment and began to wear it silently.

In countless missions, they have long formed a habit.

Regarding the task, Lu Yu, who should be talking about it, will definitely say that he doesn't need to talk more.

What they should do is to obey Lu Yu's orders unconditionally and not to ask what they shouldn't.

At this moment, Lu Yu was holding a tablet in his hand, looking at the mission information just transmitted by the Security Bureau.

After roughly one glance, Lu Yu raised his head and frowned: "Now, I'm talking about the next mission, everyone listens carefully."

Everyone immediately put down the movements in their hands, sat tightly, and listened carefully.

Lu Yu calmly said: "Our mission this time is to rescue six hijacked biochemical experts. They were taken to the sea by criminal syndicates for long-term production and research of biochemical weapons."

"So far, they have developed a biochemical warhead launched by RPD. The contamination range can reach about 100 kilometers. It can allow hundreds of thousands of people to be infected with the new biochemical virus at the same time, and the transmission speed will be very alarming!"

"It is still unclear who the other party is aiming at. But since we have discovered it, we will never keep them wanton and reckless. They must all be eliminated, none of them will remain!"

"Using biochemical bacteria as weapons is a disaster for humans all over the world! This group of people, all special codes are smashed!"

"Smash it and you must be sent to hell! Everyone, do you have the confidence to complete it?"

Finally, Lu Yu asked loudly.


Everyone shouted in deep anger.

Team A has never been unfinished since its establishment.

No matter how difficult it is, they all survived.

I will win!

This is the firm belief of all members of the A brigade.

"This time, the Dragon Commando of the Navy, fully cooperate with us to act!"

Lu Yu confessed: "They will cooperate from the surface of the sea. Our task is to board the ship and fight. You don't need to be distracted to manage the affairs of the sea. You don't have to chase when someone is running away. These will be given to the Jiaolong Commando! No one can escape! Understand?"


"One more thing, you must be careful after boarding the ship. This is a battle of Resident Evil! To prevent the enemy from using biological weapons in a hurry, you must wear a gas mask. At the same time, all exposed skin must be wrapped."

"This ship is full of biochemical pathogens. Once infected, everyone should know what will end up!"


Everyone nodded sternly.

"If biochemical devices or warheads are found, they must be carefully protected to prevent any leakage!"

After explaining everything, Lu Yu asked everyone to continue to wear the equipment, and he began to wear protective clothing himself.

Everyone put on tactical gloves, and the cuffs and exposed skin of their clothes were all firmly **** with bandages and sealed tightly.

Carry the gas mask with you at all times and wait until you board the ship for combat.

In the fast passing of time.

In the cabin, everyone leaned on their seats and closed their eyes and rested, and the atmosphere seemed unusually quiet.

Except for the roar of the propeller outside, only the heartbeat and breathing of everyone were left.

I don't know how long it has passed before the pilot suddenly reported to Lu Yu.

"Report, Jiaolong Commando sent the location coordinates, they have arrived at their destination!"

Lu Yu opened his eyes and asked, "How long are we away?"

"Only ten minutes!"

Lu Yu nodded and looked outside through the window.

Others followed and looked over.

It's pitch black outside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is shrouded by the dark night, I can't see things clearly.

As the helicopter continued to approach, a dark shadow gradually appeared on the sea ahead.

When the distance was close enough, the black shadow grew bigger and bigger, occupying everyone's pupils.

It is a big ship, like a huge moving sea hill!

"This is the ship!"

Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and endless coldness appeared: "Take the gas mask and prepare for battle!"


Everyone pulled the bolt together and loaded the bullet.

A sea battle is about to start.

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