Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 889: It's crazier than k two

   As expected!

Huo Fu continued: "This guy the Condor, that is, the person you just brought back, we have been following him for three years! Over the years, his criminal record has been countless, spread all over the western world. "

   Hearing this, Lu Yu's expression is not strange.

  A desperado like a condor, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has hundreds of lives under his hands.

   Howard continued: "In addition, there is a larger organization behind him, which is even more than ten times larger than the K2 you have ever been in contact with! And this organization is called the Black Crusade."

   Lu Yu's eyes flashed slightly, these messages were basically the same as what he had received from the condor.

   But what he didn't expect, this Black Crusade was ten times bigger than k2!

   k2 was already huge enough in Lu Yu's eyes.

   can be compared with this Black Crusade, it is completely insignificant.

Huo Fu said in a deep voice: "At the beginning, the K2 organization did nothing wrong! But at least they could not exist independently from this world, and they were connected with certain countries. But this black cross is completely different. Their existence is just thinking Build a complete empire that is independent and good."

"The Black Cross was established more than a hundred years ago on the basis that all countries are waiting to be rejuvenated! After those two wars, the Western world was completely scorched, and countless people were homeless and displaced! The veterans who survived on the battlefield have no career and direction, and their lives have no goals."

"But at this time, the Black Crusade came into being! It is said that they were born from a mysterious organization called Hydra, but in those two wars, Hydra was also hit hard and hidden. No one knows where they are."

"Zig, the founder of the Black Crusade, absorbed a large number of veterans, and joined the Black Crusade under his advocacy! At the beginning, they only kept the organization running for the purpose of making small-scale attacks and collecting money. At least. In 20 to 30 years, they are just a notorious group in the West!"

   "It is only after the economies of various countries have begun to recover in the past ten years, and their strength has greatly increased, will they be able to free their hands to deal with them!"

"The Black Crusade at that time was far from being as large as it is now! In order to keep its own development uninterrupted, they collectively moved to the North African continent just over the kingdom, where they planted their heels, thrived, and developed into The largest local power."

"By mining the raw ore, they quickly made money, and used the money to recruit top scientists all over the world to manufacture and research various weapons! In the end, some of these weapons were sold to countries in need, and the other part was equipped for their own expansion. power!"

   Howard said in a cold tone: "The purpose of the evil organization of the Black Crusade is to create a glorious empire to satisfy the ambition of conquering the world! They are extremely dangerous and extreme organizations that will have a great impact on the world."

"Mr. Lu, the reason why I tell you this is that you can hand over the person Vulture to me. As long as we have conclusive evidence, we can trace the whereabouts of Zieg. Now he is no longer the leader of the warlord. The only way to find him is through the clue of the vulture!"

   At this moment, Lu Yu's complexion was calm, but there was a storm in his heart.

   What Hoover said, he never got it from the condor!

   Dare to love, that batch of biological and chemical weapons is not the point at all.

   A madman who wants to create war for the world, a frenzied careerist, is the real purpose hidden behind it.

   Such a person is a huge harm to anyone.

Huo Fu said earnestly: "Mr. Lu, I have a request. I want you to bring a team to help us! Some time ago, you graduated from the Hell Training Camp with the first score in all assessments and broke all records! Say, you are the most professional special soldier in the world."

"I know that your subordinates are as good as you, because they have been trained by you personally and have performed countless missions. Moreover, every case has been overfulfilled! We really need an excellent commander like you and a group of Professional team to lead."

   Hu Guohai asked curiously: "Don't you have your own special forces? Why do you ask us for help?"

Speaking of this, Huo Fu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "As early as a year ago, when we tracked down Zieg’s whereabouts, we dispatched a group of special forces and cooperated with the local government in many ways! But in the end, our people None of them came back alive. After the local government guards rushed in, there was no result..."

Huo Fu looked at Lu Yu sternly: "So this time, I want to ask Mr. Lu for assistance, including the top special warfare teams in various countries! After all, Zieg has a great position in the local area. He almost controls the entire area, in order to prevent them If you are suspicious, you can only enter with a small elite team."

   "Mr. Lu, I know that you are outstanding are the most outstanding special forces! So I implore you to help, which can be considered as a contribution to the world." Huo Fu said sincerely.

   Lu Yu did not answer, but turned to look at Hu Guohai.

  The latter pondered for a moment and smiled: "Mr. Howe, we are very willing to help you to eradicate organizations that are harmful to the world. It is incumbent on this matter! But there are some specific details. I also want to discuss with Mr. Howe."

   "Say, please!" Huo Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

   Hu Guohai smiled and asked: "Listening to what you just said, it seems that you didn't just invite us?"

  Hoffer nodded: "That's right! We also invited the SEALs, Alpha Forces, Signal Flags and Deltas, the best special forces in these countries."

Hu Guohai smiled and said: "It's true, these are very strong special forces! But the question is, so many teams are mixed together, who listens to whom? Without a unified command, they are not convinced with each other. It would be counterproductive..."

   "Of course, if we let our people take the lead and arrange in a unified and orderly manner, I can help this."

Huo Fu thought about it and nodded: "Okay, Mr. Lu, as the number one in the **** training camp, has long been recognized by the world! I am very in favor of him as the leader! I believe other people will not object. "

"it is good."

   Hu Guohai nodded: "There is another question! If you capture Zieg and destroy the Black Crusade, how will all the resources be allocated?"

   "It's simple." Huo Fu said: "You guys have done the most. Of course you have the right of priority distribution!"

   Hearing this, Hu Guohai showed a satisfied smile on his face.

   This is his ultimate goal!

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