Howard and the organization behind him are mainly born to fight criminals, and they are not too purposeful for political needs.

   But special forces such as SEALs and Delta are different. They go out to perform tasks in order to achieve political success.

   The Black Crusade is larger than K2, and once you dig deeper, the harvest will naturally be rich.

   As long as they get the first distribution right, their interests can be maximized.

   For this big event, you must hold it in your own hands.

   So, when Huo Fu agreed to come down, Hu Guohai let out a sigh of relief.

   His starting point is all for the national interest, which is also the creed he adheres to in his heart.

   "Okay, let's talk about the rest."

   Hu Guohai said to Lu Yu and motioned: "Xiao Lu, you have been fighting all night, and you are tired, so go back to rest early! This matter, please feel free to dispatch."


   Lu Yu saluted, bid farewell to Huo Fu and others, and turned to leave.

   The next thing is left to these senior leaders to discuss.

  His task is to express his attitude.

   took a rest, and it was noon the next day.

   Someone suddenly called Lu Yu, not Hu Guohai, but Zhang Jinzhong, his immediate boss.

   "I know that you have just returned to the capital, and it happens that I have something to tell you. Come to me right away!"


   What specific matters, Zhang Jinzhong did not explain on the phone.

   However, the Minister personally greeted him, Lu Yu didn't dare to delay a little bit, and immediately changed his clothes and rushed to the headquarters.

   The car stopped in front of the headquarters building, Lu Yu jumped out of the car and ran straight to Zhang Jinzhong's office.

   "Minister, here I am."

   Lu Yu stood up straight and shouted with a standard salute.

   "Well, close the door and explain the next urgent matter." Zhang Jinzhong said straightforwardly.


   Lu Yu closed the door with his backhand and returned to Zhang Jinzhong.

"sit down!"

   Zhang Jinzhong pulled Lu Yu to sit down and handed him a document.

   Lu Yu took a look curiously, and saw the words'Star Training Camp Plan' written on it.

   "This is..." He stared in amazement.

   Zhang Jinzhong smiled lightly and said: "The above is going to supervise a star training camp, and plan a plan for all stars to be enlisted in the army! This range covers all current young stars, especially those who are new to the traffic star."


   Lu Yu still did not respond, confused: "Training stars? It's military training! But what does this have to do with me?"

   "Of course it's related!"

Zhang Jinzhong said sternly: "This is no ordinary military training. Everything is practical military training. It can be regarded as a quick enlistment training! The TV program that you did last time against "True Man" has aroused widespread response in society. , Has a great impact on the current entertainment industry."

   "Therefore, the above decided to take compulsory measures against the current stars. They must accept formal high-intensity militarized management, exercise their physique and mind, and combat the evil spirits in the entertainment industry!"

"Nowadays, most of the young celebrities are universally nymphomaniac! Men have lost their masculinity, and women have forgotten even the most basic history. There is no shame. Look at the members of the men’s and women’s groups. See? How can such a person spread positive energy to the younger generation?"

"Let them mislead the public’s aesthetics in this way, the next generation will no longer be masculine. This is a very terrible behavior! Just imagine that the next generation of the country and the army, if they don’t have the appearance of men, will Is there any help?"

"Therefore, the girly style must be thoroughly rectified, and this time we will cooperate with the TV headquarters to continue to build a'star training camp' plan according to the model of reality show! It is just more stringent, and it is a real militarized management. In addition, after our discussion, you will also organize it!"

Lu Yu said with a bitter face, "Minister, you just train! This plan is okay, but why did you choose me again? For this kind of thing, just find an instructor. I still have a lot of work to do. !"

  Zhang Jinzhong smiled slightly: "It must be you! Who makes you a big star? You are also a spokesperson for the military and civilian images. Of course, you only need to be in charge of the first batch. You only need to fix the beginning to gain prestige!"


   Lu Yu was speechless.

   Do you think I want to be famous?

  Please! Being famous is tiring!

   The superior has already issued the order to him.

  What else can Lu Yu say?

  Since I couldn't resist, I had to agree.

   took the documents, and after Lu Yu saluted Zhang Jinzhong farewell, he hurriedly returned to the Secrecy Bureau.

   narrated a bitterness and poured beans to Hu Guohai.

   Hu Guohai laughed after hearing this: "I think this star has been trained very well! The young artists now really need to be rehabilitated. What are they all for? Men and women!"

"I heard from my son that these people want acting skills but no acting skills, no works, and sing a song without phonology. They are harvesting traffic to earn fans money. They also confuse young people every said How hard they work on idols...Fuck! Who doesn't need to work hard to survive these years? Shameless!"

"According to my opinion, it should be rectified properly. If we don't catch it now, our next generation will really be finished by these idiots! The values ​​promoted are pure shit, and they don’t even remember the heroes of our country. It is the greatest sorrow!"

   "Xiao Lu, your superiors asked you to train. This is an emphasis on you and this matter! It is related to the future of the next generation, which is very educational."

   Lu Yu sighed: "Of course I know the deep meaning of this, but now, I have a lot of burdens on me! Also, the task of dealing with the Black Crusade..."

Hu Guohai smiled: "Don't worry about this. Although I have handed over the vultures to them, how can the urinary ability of the Alliance be compared with our country? It has not been ten and a half months, they are sure Nothing can be asked. Even if it is asked, plus the time for investigation, evidence collection and deployment, it will take at least a month!"

"During this time, you can put your hands on your hands in advance, and go back to take the star military training with peace of mind. I will get in touch with you when I get the details here! As for Minister Zhang, I will speak for you. Then he Will release people."

   "Okay, that's it!"

   With Hu Guohai's words, Lu Yu was relieved.

   took a rest in Jingshi for another night.

   Waiting for the next day, the genius just turned bright.

   Lu Yu led a group of team members to take a special helicopter and return to the A team.

   Just arrived at the camp, Fan Tianlei hurried over to find Lu Yu.

   Dare to love is a TV station person. He came over last night and was waiting to see Lu Yu at the moment.

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