After this slap, everyone in the room was shocked.

   No one would have thought that it was just a show, and it was really fun!

   The beaten female artist's cheeks were swollen high, the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and the hot pain made her almost crazy.

   She covered her face in disbelief, and she was beaten in public?

   No one has ever dared to beat her!

   so much that she didn't react for a long time.

   "Stand up, do you hear?"

   Tang Xiaomi stared at her coldly: "I don't want to be beaten, stand up immediately!"

  As a star under the spotlight, these female artists have been held up to the altar by fans all the year round, really thinking that they are a proud little princess.

   Therefore, I treat everyone in an ignorant manner, as if people all over the world should revolve around them.

   What's more, how can you let go of being beaten now?

   No princess life, but princess disease!

   " dare to hit me?"

The female artist reacted and immediately sat on the ground and cried, "What right do you have to hit me? Tell you, you are dead today! I'm a female star, dare to hit me, what are you? Wait. , You have offended someone you can't afford to offend!"

   "My face is worth millions, even if a piece of skin is broken, you can't compensate you! Not only do you have to lose money, but you will also be attacked by my millions of fans. They will ruin you!"

   Tang Xiaomi stared at each other coldly, did not put her words in his eyes, even thought it was ridiculous.

  As a senior cadre's child, she has never been afraid of anyone except Lu Yu in her life.


   kicked it again and hit the female artist hard.

  The crying female artist rolled out all of a sudden, all in a mess.

   "I hit someone! Come and see, the stinky soldier hit someone!"

The female artist has a gray head and face, but her arrogance is not diminished, and her clamor is even worse: "Wait and see, I will never let you go! I want the agency to prosecute and send you all to the military court. You regret it. What you did to me today!"

   "What did you say? Say it again!"

   Tang Xiaomi's brows wrinkled, thinking that he would be somewhat restrained if he tried to teach him.

   But it turned out to be like a crazy bitch, the barking is even more vicious!

   Seeing Tang Xiaomi rushing forward, Lu Yu shook his head and grabbed her.

   gave the latter a look, and Tang Xiaomi immediately stepped and stood behind him.

   Through the scene before him, Lu Yu found that when the female artist was being beaten, the others beside her were gloating instead.

   Of course, they are not targeting the female artist, but the instructor Tang Xiaomi.

   As if hitting someone, Tang Xiaomi will be out of luck.

   It seems that these young artists and stars are really lawless!

   This trend must be suppressed, otherwise, I don’t even know what the order is.

   Little fresh meat, completely different from old opera bones.

   After years of precipitation, the old opera bones, no matter their professional qualities, or being in the world, are completely beyond comparison.

   They take art seriously and responsibly, as their second life, and they are also very low-key and humble.

   But today's small fresh meat is the other extreme. They don't understand at all, and they don't have an attitude of pursuing art.

   sing and dance, it seems to be just for the fans' money!

   Relying on the attraction of traffic, you make a lot of money, so why spend time honing your acting skills?

   The world is too impetuous, and their hearts are also very impetuous. With the pursuit of a large number of brain fans, they really think that Laozi is the number one in the world!

   Over time, he has developed a noble character who is superior, not a princely fate, but possesses a princely frame.

   But now it's different. When he comes to the army, Lu Yu will tell them.

  Here, they are not farts either.

   There are no stars here, everyone is just a soldier.

   is a soldier, so you have to follow orders!

   "Director, come here." Lu Yu shouted, waving his hand.

  Director Guo flew over from the machine and asked, "Master Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Yu nodded faintly, and pointed to the female star just now: "Kill her! Immediately! Since she takes her celebrity status so seriously, then I won't let her be a star. In the future, the audience won't have to see her on TV. She is."

what? block?

   Everyone at the scene was stunned when he said this.

   There are even more people staring at Lu Yu with weird faces.

   You, a soldier, take yourself too seriously, right?

   People are female celebrities, are they blocked when they say they are blocked? Do you think this is as simple as your standing in the army?

   Someone will do whatever you order?

The female artist got up from the ground, seeming to hear a very funny joke, and stared at Lu Yu: "Want to kill me? Who do you think you are? Don't you know that I am the hottest Hua Dan right now? Fans across the country Over ten million, the company spent a lot of money to dig me out! Huh, you are a soldier, do you really think you are omnipotent?"

   Lu Yu had no expression on his face, but Director Guo was sweating on his head when he heard this.

   Girl, can you have a snack? People are a **** to you!

   If you don’t shut up, you will ruin yourself for the rest of your life...

   Seeing Lu Yu did not speak, the female artist became more and more proud: "Come on! Didn't you block me? I will stand in front of you and see how you block me!"

   The other stars looked at Lu Yu with a sneer.

   If you want to block an artist, it is not as simple as just talking about it, you must have the power of the country.

   Actually, celebrities are nothing but the capital behind them is terrible.

  Entertainment companies are all capital operating. The bright stars in the eyes of ordinary people, to put it bluntly, make money for capitalists.

   Especially the star of the fire, that is the trump card in the hands of capital.

   It seems simple to block a person, but there are many interests involved.

   This will cause many people to be laid off without food, and how much less capital will make?

   Cutting off money is like killing a parent.

   Capital will not give up!

   Thing about people’s Few people do it.

   "Hehe, this instructor is too pretending!"

   "Who does he think he is? Can he really represent the country?"

   "Su Ling is very hard backstage, let's see how he ends up!"

   There was teasing all around.

   Lu Yu looked at the director as if he hadn't heard the discussion behind him.

   Director Guo is a little embarrassed, his level is not enough to do this kind of thing.

   Lu Yu nodded: "Get the phone, and I will call it myself."

"it is good!"

   Director Guo breathed a sigh of relief and immediately handed the call to Lu Yu.

   Seeing Lu Yu's attitude, he secretly sighed.

   The actress's acting career is completely ruined! Even on the political files, I am afraid that life will be stained.

   But she deserves it too.

   It’s not good to offend anyone, but want to offend this person?

   Lu Yu directly called the director of the General Administration of Television.

   beeped twice and quickly connected.

   There was a hearty laugh from the Minister of Television: "Ha ha, Xiao Lu, did the shooting go well over there?"

   "I have a problem!"

   Lu Yu said indifferently: "A female artist, like Su Ling, refused to cooperate with the special training and did not perform her duties as a star. She also threatened the instructor and verbally abused it! What do you think of this matter?"

   "What? Is there such a thing?"

   The Minister of Television frowned: "Now these young artists have no human education at all. They are simply ignorant! Brother Lu, you decide, they are all your soldiers."

   Lu Yu nodded: "Okay, I suggest to block it immediately, and also give other people a deterrent effect, so that no one will be disobedient."

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