Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 893: The star who fell to the altar

   "Okay, I will arrange it immediately and notify her agency!"

   Television Minister said: "This time the star enlistment training is to reshape Tsunji and rectify the bad style of the artists! To treat individual disobedient stars, you have to fight hard and you can no longer get used to them."

   "You can dispose of what you should do. If you don't even perform basic duties, she doesn't deserve to be a public figure!"

   After hanging up, Lu Yu called Wen Guoqiang again and asked him to send someone over immediately.

Seeing that Lu Yu had been on the phone and didn't talk to herself, Su Ling's mouth sneered: "Hello? I've been standing here for a long time, why haven't you been blocked? I think you can pretend to be until when! ..."

   However, before finishing speaking, the agent's phone rang quickly.

   "What is Su Ling doing?"

As soon as I connected, the phone rang out, "Arrange for her to come over to participate in the show, cooperate with the troops, and promote positive energy! Does she have **** in her head? She is actually playing a big name in the barracks, so you want to get confused. ?"

   The agent was confused and didn't understand what was happening.

   "Boss, what's the matter?"

   "You still have the face to ask me? What are you doing over there? How did you offend other officers?"

The boss roared furiously: "Just now the General Administration of Television called and said that Su Ling would be banned nationwide! All the programs she participated in were removed from the shelves, and several endorsement companies we worked with also called in and asked Claim!"

   "Fuck Nima! Su Ling, this stinky watch, even if she wants to die, she has taken off all the people in the company. Now we lose hundreds of millions of yuan at once, and we are still expanding!"


   The agent was taken aback, staring incredulously.

   Unexpectedly, when Lu Yu said that he was going to block him, he immediately blocked the people!

   How long is this! How can a person have such a large energy?

  The manager panicked a bit.

   Her interest is to be tied to the artist, Su Ling is banned, which means that she will also be laid off.

   In the past two years when Su Ling became popular, her agent has made a lot of benefits.

   From now on, where do you go to hold such thick thighs?

   "Boss, is there any chance of salvation?"

   The boss yelled, "Save me! I really want to save it too, but the general director of the TV personally ordered the matter to be a foregone conclusion. Fuck, another advertising agency called!"

"Go tell Su Ling that stinky watch, now she has nothing to do with the company, and we can't afford this great god! In addition, she will pay for everything she loses in the company. If she can't, she will pay for it. Otherwise, it will be special. Go to jail! She is dead!"


   After speaking, the boss broke the phone in a rage.

  The agent was dumbfounded, and he was stupid.

   She put all the rest of her life on Su Ling.

   thought he would rise to the pinnacle of his life and become a well-known agent throughout the country.

   As a result, this stupid girl not only ruined herself but also her future because of a little arrogance and extravagance.

  The men sent by Wen Guoqiang arrived soon and saluted Lu Yu: "Chief Lu, we came by order!"

   Lu Yu nodded, and pointed to Su Ling: "It's her who is making a noise in the barracks here, resisting the soldiers, and threatening the instructor with rude words! Could you please take it away!"


   Someone immediately escorted Su Ling into the car.

   "You...what are you doing?"

   Su Ling yelled anxiously: "I am a star, I am a famous actor Su Ling! Look carefully, don't you recognize my face?"

   "Hehe, star? You are not a star anymore." Lu Yu sneered.

   "You bullshit!"

   Su Ling stared at Lu Yu fiercely: "Dare to move me, my company will not let you go."

"It's enough!"

The agent trembled and yelled: "You have been terminated by the company, and all endorsements and advertising agencies will seek compensation from you! You have now been blocked by the whole country, wake up, put away your ignorant arrogance, you are no longer Star, the boss said you might go to jail in the second half of your life."

Before   , why hadn't she noticed that this woman is so naive and whimsical?

   By this time, she was still posing as a star, she was ignorant to the extreme!

   "What? I was blocked? Impossible! How is this possible?"

   Su Ling was stunned and muttered to herself in disbelief.

   All the artists present were also shocked by this sentence.

   Say ban, just ban!

   Lu Yu actually did it.

   And, just a phone call made a popular artist with millions of fans completely fall into the altar.

   This kind of terrifying power makes them unimaginable, it is super god!

   Su Ling is still yelling and resisting.

   But in the end, he was dragged into the car and taken away in despair.

   Looking at the car going away, the scene was silent and quiet.

   As if a needle fell on the ground, you could hear it.

   Lu Yu returned to the front of the team and looked around to everyone and said, "Everyone, it was just a small episode. I believe most of you are still obedient. Now, you are ready for me!"

   After the scene just now, the eyes of the artists looking at Lu Yu were different, and they were full of fear.

   At the same time, I also understand that this show is different from the variety show they used to participate in.

   In other words, this is not a show, but a hell!

Seeing everyone standing up Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Just tell me, as long as you are obedient here, I won't embarrass you! As for my name, you don’t need to know. In the future, you can call the instructor uniformly. Of course, I am also afraid that you will retaliate against me!

   Hearing the words, the corners of everyone's lips twitched, and a feeling of twisting rose in their hearts.

   revenge on you? Who special code has the guts!

   We don’t want to be blocked yet!

   Facing Lu Yu, these so-called stars and entertainers are just a bunch of poor ants.

   "From now on, you are the recruits under my account!"

Lu Yu suddenly raised his volume: "From now on, your training and work and rest will all follow my rules! What you have to do is to obey absolutely and shut up without letting you talk. I don't want to listen except to answer yes or no. To any other voice, understand?"

   Everyone looked at each other.

   This is the first time they met with such a weird rule.

   Still not letting people talk?

   "Ask you, do you understand?" Lu Yu burst out again.

   Everyone trembled and shouted in unison: "Yes!"

"it is good!"

   Lu Yu nodded: "The next training you face is a limit for ordinary people. You will be very tired, or even tired to die! But you can't quit, even if you announce your withdrawal from the entertainment industry, you can only clenched your teeth."

   "When you come here, you will never allow deserters! We have many ways to deal with deserters. If anyone wants to try, it will be guaranteed to be unforgettable in your life! Do you understand?"


   This time, everyone yelled at the first time.

   But there is obviously more trembling in the voice!

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