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"Get out now! Get out of that **** place now!" John shouted into the phone.


The subordinate hurriedly hung up the phone and immediately went to make arrangements.

John sat down in a chair in despair, wondering why things had developed to this point.

Is it too late to remedy it now?

The only thing he can do is to pray to God and he will fail, but don't leave any sequelae!

Lu Yu returned to the camp of Team A and was immediately surrounded by everyone.

Seeing the blood on his face, everyone was full of worries.

"Get out! Get out of here! I'm going to take a bath, don't be around here and do nothing."

Lu Yu roared and pushed everyone away: "Ma De, this smell is about to kill me!"

Hearing the latter's full of anger, everyone felt relieved.

The star team had been waiting in the camp with fear. At this moment, seeing Lu Yu return safely, his eyes were full of admiration.

A little fresh meat from a men’s team was full of excitement: "I finally understand the greatness of soldiers! Whenever a crisis strikes, they are the only ones who charge forward and shelter us from the wind and rain. What a precious value!"

Another member of the women's team nodded: "Yeah! It was so dangerous just now. If it weren't for instructor Lu to lead the killer away, we might not be able to come back alive."


A popular male artist praised: "A talent like Instructor Lu is a hero of the times! Compared to him, what are we stars? He is the real star, and we are as humble as the dust on the ground!"

Lu Yu took a shower comfortably, and it took him a full hour.

He has never washed for so long, but today, the **** smell on his body is too strong.

When Lu Yu came out with a change of clothes, he received a call from Zhang Jinzhong.

"Hello? Minister Zhang!"

"Xiao Lu, how is it? Is there anything wrong?"

Obviously, Zhang Jinzhong also received the news.

Lu Yu smiled indifferently: "It's okay! A bunch of miscellaneous things can't hurt me."

"That's good!" Zhang Jinzhong nodded: "I have already sent a helicopter over, you come to the headquarters, what's the matter in person!"


Lu Yu agreed, hung up the phone and walked out.

A group of brothers from Brigade A are gathering outside, including veterans and recruits, as well as various instructors, squadron leaders and squadron leaders.

Everyone's eyes focused on Lu Yu.

This time, Lu Yu was assassinated, and each of them ignited raging anger!

In Brigade A, Lu Yu is a godlike existence in everyone's heart, and will never be allowed to be violated, especially the dirty method of assassination.

Some people want to assassinate their god, which is absolutely inexcusable to everyone.

Must be traced to the end!

"Captain, no matter who is against you, we will always stand in front of you."

He Chenguang said in a low voice: "If you want to kill you, you must step on our corpse!"

"Sorry, it's my negligence this time!"

Peng Jie lowered his head and said with a guilty expression: "I should arrange the manpower in advance to follow you."

Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "It's not to blame you, this time we went out for training, which is not within your scope of authority. Besides, who would have thought that we would ambush a killer on the way to training!"

Despite this, Peng Jie felt deeply self-blame.

His task is to protect Lu Yu with full authority. It is indeed hard to blame for what happened now!

At the beginning, he thought that there was no need to send someone to follow Lu Yu's jurisdiction.

Who is impatient to make trouble in such a place?

But he was still negligent, and it happened that some desperadoes who were not afraid of death really dared to assassinate Lu Yu.

There were so many assassinations at once, which can be described as a very bad assassination.

If it were not for Lu Yu's strong strength, I am afraid that he would not be able to escape this disaster.

And he, Peng Jie, will also apologize for himself!

"Captain, this thing can't be forgotten!"

Wang Yanbing's murderous roar: "No matter that **** wants to kill you, you must never let him go. I will definitely unscrew his head by myself!"

"Yes, I can't forget it!"

"Kill him!"

Everyone yelled in anger.

Lu Yu waved his hand to calm everyone down: "I take your thoughts! In fact, not only you, I also want to know who is behind this incident!"

"Not only for myself, these guys dare to come to kill, but also insult everyone here! So, no matter what, they must pay for their actions!"

Lu Yu spoke to appease the crowd and let them disband on the spot.

The camp is still functioning normally, it's shameful to be surrounded here!

Then, Lu Yu explained to Tang Xiaomi, Ye Cunxin and others and continued to train the artist team.

With such a big incident, Lu Yu had to explain to everyone above that he couldn't train the stars anymore.

Half an hour later, the helicopter sent by Zhang Jinzhong landed in Brigade A.

Lu Yu called Chen Shanming to tell An Ran not to let her worry.

"Captain, don't worry, everyone will keep this matter strictly confidential and will not let my sister-in-law know."

Chen Shanming promised, patting his chest.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you with this matter."

Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder before boarding the helicopter and leaving.

After flying for three and a half hours, Lu Yu was successfully sent to the headquarters of the Security Bureau.

Hu Guohai came to meet him in person.

"How is it? No injuries, right?"

When he saw Lu Yu, Hu Guohai grabbed him and looked carefully.

"Haha, Chief, if I have something to do, can I still show up here? It's time for you to see me." Lu Yu smiled.


Hu Guohai heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Your boy is concerned about too many things now. Something is really going to happen. Even if the above does not hold me accountable, I have no face to carry this."

The importance of Lu Yu now is self-evident!

His comfort is related to the future construction of the country, which is a rare treasure.

In addition, he served as the chief engineer of the military industry and the commander-in-chief of the special forces.

Just adding these two identities together is enough for many people to be unable to eat.

Hu Guohai turned his head and stared at Peng Jie who followed him: "Let you protect Xiao Lu every step of the way, what are you going to do? You weren't there when he had an accident! Why did I ask you to do it? ?"

"A killer appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It should be yours who rushed out the first time! To let Lu Yu face so many killers alone, this is your serious negligence!"

Peng Jie was said to be ashamed: "Sorry to the chief, I was, I..."

Lu Yu waved his hand to relieve Peng Jie, and said, "Chief, am I not good? Besides, she is not to blame for this! I asked him not to follow him at the time. Who would have thought that someone would lie in ambush?"

"Indeed, too daring to do it! These people dare to openly attack you, and Jane is so frantic."

Hu Guohai sighed secretly and glared at Peng Jie: "However, although Xiao Lu pleaded with you, it was caused by your negligence in your duties after all. Come on, how should you punish you?"

Peng Jie grimace, it seems that this punishment will not be lighter!

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