Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 902: Mysterious District 5? Alien base?

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Before Peng Jie could speak, Lu Yu took Hu Guohai and walked forward: "What is the punishment? Now he is my person, even if the punishment is mine! Let's go, let's go and get busy!"

Hu Guohai gave a wry smile and was dragged away by Lu Yu.

Peng Jie gratefully watched Lu Yu leave his back, and was very moved.

He failed to fulfill his duties and failed his duties, but he was so protected by Lu Yu.

At this moment in Peng Jie's heart, Lu Yu's image suddenly rose to the top.

He secretly vowed that such a thing would never happen again in the future, unless he died.

Lu Yu took Hu Guohai to the conference room, and the two ministers Zhang Jinzhong and Ye Huaishan, including other high-level officials, had already been waiting here.

Everyone stepped forward and exchanged greetings with Lu Yu, and they were relieved to make sure that he was really fine.

After everyone sat down, Ye Huaishan slapped the table with a slap on the table: "Old Hu, you have to be responsible for this! There are so many killers suddenly appearing, if Xiaolu is not strong enough, this time I am afraid it will be fierce. Less! Does your Secret Bureau eat dry food?"

Zhang Jinzhong also said with a sullen face, "Lao Hu, you are indeed negligent this time! How important is Xiao Lu's identity, don't you know? He has something wrong, who can take the responsibility? Even me? Take the blame. How could you be so careless about his security measures?"

Hu Guohai was said to be embarrassed, and coughed twice: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, this matter is indeed my full responsibility, I must take it!"

"What's the use of shouldering now?"

Ye Huaishan shook his head: "Since the incident has happened, the most urgent task is to find out as soon as possible who instigated the assassination! Take a bite and grow your wisdom. What has already happened must not be allowed to happen again. second round!"

"Yes!" Hu Guohai nodded hurriedly.

Zhang Jinzhong turned his eyes to look at him: "By the way, how are you checking now? Is there any progress?"

Speaking of this, Hu Guohai's expression sank: "I have indeed found a lot of clues! Following these traces, we quickly identified the back of this incident, which seems to be related to the CIA! No good, those killers are theirs. Coming."

"At present, an in-depth investigation has been launched and a revenge plan has been drawn up. They will pay a heavy price for this!"

"Oh? How do you want to retaliate?" Zhang Jinzhong asked curiously.

Ye Huaishan was a little interested and urged: "Yes, yes, why not talk about it, what are you going to do?"

In front of the two ministers, Hu Guohai had nothing to hide.

After all, these plans he made still need the support of the other party.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to complete it!

Hu Guohai pondered for a moment, and said: "Based on the entry and exit records of the past month, and the past information obtained from these killers, it is not difficult for us to infer that this incident should be quietly instructed by the CIA. And that instigator, They are the heads of their East Asia region!"

"Most of them entered in the name of tourism, so they have not received much investigation. In addition, because they are also Asian faces, they have attracted less attention, and the difficulty of investigation has been reduced, which gave them this assassination opportunity..."

Ye Huaishan interrupted him: "Old Hu, you can just say the result? Why do you withdraw these nonsense!"

Hu Guohai smiled awkwardly: "Ahhhhh...I didn’t want to make it easier for you to understand the situation? Actually, according to my idea, the root cause of their assassination of Xiao Lu was nothing more than that the threat was too great. To get rid of our top talents in this area!"

"Because, if you still rely on Xiaolu to continue to develop, they will feel that it is an uncontrollable element. Western thinking is so narrow, everything is beyond their grasp. If it can't be obtained, it must be destroyed! I would rather the whole world not have it, nor Allow them no!"

"The crux of the problem is here!" Hu Guohai smiled slightly: "Since they can send someone to destroy Xiao Lu, why can't we also destroy their treasure? Take the other way and give back to the other body!"


Upon hearing this, Zhang Jinzhong and Ye Huaishan asked in unison: "You mean, you already know what is most precious about them?"

"of course!"

Hu Guohai smiled and nodded: "I don't know, have you heard of the mysterious fifth district?"


When these words came out, not only were the two ministers shocked, even Lu Yu's eyes widened in amazement.

"The fifth district? This place doesn't really exist, right?!"

Lu Yu asked in surprise: "Isn't this a place that only appeared in science fiction blockbusters? It is said that Lao Mi specializes in the study of aliens, full of mystery and unknown! I thought it had always been a legend, wouldn't it be true?"

Hu Guohai smiled indifferently: "The mysterious fifth area does exist! If it is not real, how could it spread around the world from nowhere? Of course, this actual fifth area is not an alien research base, but a high-tech specially built by Laomi. The base is secretly used to develop various high-end weapons and aircraft!"

"However, there are also gossips that indicate that the mysterious fifth area may really be related to aliens! Of course, this information has not been confirmed, but regardless of the truth, this fifth secret area is definitely their most precious heart. !"

"Just imagine, if there was a sabotage action there, wouldn't Xiao Lu take revenge? It could save the face of the assassination!"

With that, Hu Guohai looked at Zhang Jinzhong and Ye Huaishan: "I don't know what you think of me?"

The two looked at each other, and both saw satisfaction in each other's eyes.

"It is indeed a good way!"

Ye Huaishan nodded: "The problem now is that the fifth area is such an important place, and there is always doubt about its existence outside, and no one knows the exact range! Even if you know, the defenses there must be tight, and how to start. ?"

Zhang Jinzhong nodded: "That's right! This is an area with important secrets ~ If we replace it with us, it must also be protected from leaks. Even within a hundred kilometers, no one will be allowed in or out! This plan only If you can talk on paper, who will do it?"

"I can!" Lu Yu blurted out.

The three people all looked at him: "You?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Such an arduous task can only be accomplished by the elites under my leadership!"

"We can not only disguise, speak multiple languages, we can also disguise various identities, and can easily avoid highly defensive detection... and I can also hack into their computers and make various electronic monitoring equipment malfunction."

Lu Yu said coldly: "More importantly, they dare to assassinate me. I must personally avenge this grudge!"

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