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"Captain, men can't say no!"

After receiving the order, He Chenguang's moves suddenly changed, turning into a more aggressive attack, like a hungry tiger rushing for food.

With a punch, someone wailed and fell, and with a kick, it fell a blockbuster!

The opponent's baseball bat hits the titanium body armor, like a tickling, without any effect.

In this way, He Chenguang was completely undefended, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, rushing all the way down.

Suddenly, the wailing and lying on the ground were full of people, either with broken hands or broken feet. The scene was extremely strange.

He Chenguang stood proudly in the crowd, no one dared to get close.

"After eating the activity, it's so cool!"

Shaking his head, he glanced at the remaining people.

The remaining defeated generals, seeing He Chenguang's violent mess, how dare to fight again?

They all screamed and threw down the sticks, and even a ghost disappeared.

At the scene, only Kun Ge was left alone, standing tremblingly in place.

"Aren't you running?"

He Chenguang grinned and gave him a thumbs up: "Cow!"

Carefully swallowed his saliva, Kun's face showed a smile that was harder to see than suffering.

It's not that he doesn't want to run, but that he can't run at all with his soft legs...


Without waiting for Brother Kun to say anything, He Chenguang slammed his nose with a punch, and suddenly two lines of nosebleeds rushed like he didn't need money.

"You said, in the huge capital city, it would be harmless if there was one less person silently?"

Walking slowly in front of this guy, He Chenguang still smiled.

Kun was limp on the ground, his eyes trembling, and he couldn't even speak.

At this moment, he wanted to slap himself slapped, what place to look for?

Isn't it good to be a turtle grandson quietly?

He Chenguang glanced at him lightly: "Isn't it going to go? Do you need me to ask you to go?"

Brother Kun was amnesty, and scrambled to get up. The one running was faster than the rabbit.

The eldest ran away, so how dare those little brothers who were knocked to the ground stay?

The swarms of arms supported each other, the ones with broken arms, and the lame ones, jumping and jumping away like a zombie parade.

Clapping hands, He Chenguang returned to the car.

Lu Yu quackly shook his neck, smiled slightly and said, "One minute and fifty-eight seconds, quite accurate!"

"Captain, what should I do after two minutes?" He Chenguang asked curiously.

"Roll your own bedding!"

Lu Yu glanced at him and began to lean back in the chair, closing his eyes to rest up with the bumps of the car.


He Chenguang shrank his neck, angrily stopped speaking.

However, there is one thing to say, the one just now was the coolest time he has ever played!

It's almost like a farmer harvesting wheat.

With his skill, to teach these ordinary people not to be too easy, it is all about cutting wheat, pour a large piece of it.

Basically, it doesn't matter how much it belongs to, unless he doesn't want to fight because he is tired.

Leaning on the seat, Lu Yu thought of the person as Kun.

"Chenguang, Gan Minger, you can check it out, who is this brother Kun? I want to see his details!"

After thinking about it, Lu Yu solemnly ordered.

There must be some background for the emperor's feet to dare to act so arrogantly.

It wasn't that he wanted to retaliate against each other, this kind of stuff was not in his eyes.

But he always felt that this guy was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

Half an hour later, the car took Lu Yu and his wife home.

Lu Yu got off the car with his arms around An Ran, stood together, and watched He Chenguang drive away.

Back home, the room was completely dark, and An Ran was about to turn on the lights, but was stopped by Lu Yu.

He closed the door with his backhand and did not turn on the light. They hugged An Ran and fell on the sofa together.

In a comfortable atmosphere, Lu Yu quietly hugged the person in his arms, and Lu Yu apologized: "My wife, I'm sorry, I did not stay at home with you for many reasons! But I swear, I will never Now, I will definitely spend more time with you and our baby..."

As he said, Lu Yu closed his eyes, and soon he breathed and snored evenly.

Seeing Lu Yu who was sleeping like a child in his arms, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Quietly got up and covered Lu Yu with a quilt. She went back to the bedroom and lay down on the bed, but she didn't feel sleepy.

Since the two got married, they gather little together and divorce more often, and An Ran is indeed lonely alone.

But to be fair, Lu Yu didn't feel sorry for her at all, let alone owed anything to her.

She is also a soldier, and she understands the responsibilities that Lu Yu bears.

After each mission, Lu Yu rushed home to accompany her as soon as possible no matter where he was.

The country needs him, and the general public also needs him. He is not his own!

Even if you are angry, you shouldn't tell him...

Thinking of Lu Yu's various performances during the day today, An Ran's smile became even more happier.

Lu Yu was really happy that she was pregnant. She had never seen the latter so happy before.

This just proves that Lu Yu loves her, so he will show her the side of a child.

After thinking about it, An Ran also fell asleep happily.

At the corner of his mouth, there is always a sweet smile...

Early the next morning.

An Ran was awakened by the strange smell coming from somewhere.

After getting dressed, she ran into the living room with bare feet before she even had time to wear slippers.

An unexpected scene appeared before her.

In the kitchen, Lu Yu wore an apron, hurriedly tinkering with a pot, coughing from the smoke.


Seeing the other party's panic, An Ran couldn't help laughing.

Returned to the room, put on his shoes, and hopped into the kitchen.

"Alright, let me come, you go outside and wait."

An Ran nodded Lu Yu's forehead, smiled and took the shovel: "You can direct the battlefield, but we still leave these things in the kitchen to our women!"

Lu Yu coughed twice, and tears flowed from the smoke, so he took off his apron and handed it to An Ran.

"I said, my wife, how do you usually cook? Doesn't such a big oily smoke choke?"

After running into the living room for a while, Lu Yu asked in confusion.


Seeing Lu Yu's embarrassed appearance, An Ran leaned forward and backward with a smile.

"Wife, what are you laughing at?" Lu Yu wondered.

After cleaning up the stove that Lu Yu had stepped on, he calmly pressed the range hood above the kitchen stove and gave Lu Yu a blank look: "What a fool! My Captain Lu, there is something called a range hood in this world, you don’t know. ?"

The range hood is working, and immediately **** out the unpleasant smoke.

The kitchen became transparent and bright again~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lu Yu: "..."


He is now convinced that he is indeed not suitable for the kitchen.

With a dry cough, Lu Yu returned to the sofa in the living room griefly.

Hey! I wanted to give my wife a surprise, but... ahem, not to mention it!


Suddenly the sound of information came from the mobile phone.

Lu Yu opened it and found that it was a document sent by He Chenguang.

About Kun Ge!

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