Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 957: Significant progress in military research

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Click on the information, which contains the basic information of Kun Ge.

Brother Kun, whose real name is Ma Kun, is a male, 29 years old, a native of Beijing.

He used to go to jail for drug trafficking. At first he was sentenced to death. After being managed, he was sentenced to life, and then to fixed. A few months ago he was released after serving his sentence...

Lu Yu frowned and stared at this document for a long while.

After a while, the sound in the kitchen gradually became quieter, and he put away the phone in a hesitation.

The sumptuous meals were served on the table, all in color, fragrance, and taste.

Lu Yu ignored these for the time being and began to accompany An Ran to dinner.

At the same time, in a mansion on the outskirts of the capital.

"Brother, I was beaten by someone, why don't you avenge me? Who are they?"

Ma Kun was sitting on the sofa with a swollen nose and sulking.

Sitting across from him, there was a person who was dazzlingly dressed and handsome, looking younger than Ma Kun, who was big and thick.

"Hmph, you know what a shit! Can you afford to be a bodyguard with such a capable person? I managed to get you out and give me peace!"

This person sneered coldly, picked up the wine glass on the table and shook it slightly, the crystal clear red wine glowing brightly.

Ma Kun was unwilling to gritted his teeth: "But does this matter?"

"Otherwise? What do you want?"

The other party glanced at him faintly: "That person is right. It is too easy to want someone to disappear silently in the capital! This time you are lucky, and you are still alive. This may not happen next time. Lucky."

"Okay, that's the end of this matter. I'll give you a task. I will get the goods back to me in a hurry. I'll take care of everything along the way. Nothing will go wrong. Just let me relax. Don't spend my time. Specially make trouble for Lao Tzu!"

The man sighed secretly and confessed with a calm face.


Ma Kun answered with his head down.

Although he was extremely unwilling, the matter was over, and he had no choice but to hold back his breath.

On the other side of the ocean, the United States.

It was covered by dark clouds, and the night was thick, but the commander’s mansion was brightly lit.

"What? Say it again, all dead?"

The commander's eyes were incredibly round, and his tone trembled.

The person in front of him who reported to him lowered his head and said: "Yes...Yes, the news over there is too strong. Our people have also gone through a lot of hardships before finding their bodies."

The commander slumped in his chair like a flat ball.

In my mind, the oaths of those elites who left when they left are echoed, but the results are really chilling.

I didn't expect this to be a farewell!

Suddenly, the commander jumped up from his chair again.

"That's right! What about the information and intelligence? Confidential information?"

People cannot be brought back to life from the dead. Although the loss is heavy, the lost agents can still be cultivated.

But those technological fruits must be obtained!

Otherwise, don't you lose so many people in vain?

"Sorry, Mr. Commander-in-chief, all the intelligence personnel are dead, so all the information and news have not been circulated... and on Mao Ziguo's side, the probability should be the same. This time, we lost the wife and broke down. what!"

Me, my grass! ! !

The commander's blood sprayed the ceiling.

He wanted to smash things, but after searching for a long time, he found out that there was nothing to smash around...

Cang Dang!

Finally, in desperation, he could only put his kick on the cabinet behind him.

"Notify me immediately, suspend anyone before going over, and all the agents who stayed outside will be called back to me!"

The commander's expression was extremely sullen and cold.

This undoubtedly means that he is afraid!

"It seems that we have to resort to some extraordinary means..."

Eyeballs rolled slightly for a moment, picked up the desk phone, and the commander sneered: "We can only ask those mercenaries who recognize money but not people to take on this lucrative task!"


Time is in a rush.

Three months passed in a flash.

The Alien Research Institute has been successfully established to study the spacecraft data retrieved from the fifth area and the advanced technology on spy satellites.

A copy of the data in the USB flash drive, the original version was kept in the Alien Research Institute, and the copied version was handed over to the military factory.

Three months later, research on the military factory has also made significant progress.

Upon receiving the news, Lu Yu made a special trip to the military factory.

Seeing the latest research results, how big a breakthrough is there?

Walking into the large laboratory, scientific research experts led Lu Yu to a seemingly ordinary off-road vehicle.

"You are optimistic!"

Pointing to this car, the scientific research expert smiled slightly, letting people activate all the radars and detection devices.

An unexpected scene happened!

No matter what kind of detection system or radar scanning, the car is clearly in front of you, but its existence cannot be detected.

If it weren't for the radar to work normally, I thought it was a system malfunction.

"Hehe, this is just a routine operation, and its real capabilities are much more than that!"

The scientific research expert smiled confidently, took out something similar to a remote control from his arms, and pressed the red button on it.

After pressing the button, the remote control made a beep.

Next, something more surprising happened.

On the scanning display and detection systems of all radars, the position of the light spot that represents the vehicle is actually the opposite side.

The scientific research expert explained: "After our research, it is possible to make vehicles, tanks, aircraft, or submarines, etc. not only disappear completely from the enemy's reconnaissance system, but as long as the anti-reconnaissance system is activated, It can confuse the enemy’s radar scan and appear in any direction we let it appear first!"

Lu Yu's eyes were full of colors, and he was very satisfied.

With such high technology, once a war breaks out in the future, it will play a considerable role.

With this technology, even large-scale casualties can be reduced.

The enemy can't figure out their location, and will be confused by illusions, which is equivalent to paralyzing the enemy's reconnaissance system without a bloodbath.

"Good! Hahahaha, very good!"

Lu Yu was overjoyed and repeatedly praised and gave instructions: "If you continue to research, you should move in this direction. Funding is not a problem, I only need mature technology!"

He couldn't wait to call Hu Guohai to report on the current research progress and results of the military factory.

After listening to Lu Yu's report Hu Guohai also appeared extremely interested, and he was amazed by it.

Just when Lu Yu was about to hang up and go to other laboratories to see, he was stopped by Hu Guohai.

"Ahem... Well, Lu Yu, I know your wife was pregnant recently, but, ahem, there is a task right here..."

Hearing this, Lu Yu remained silent.

After a while, he asked: "What task?"

The words are still firm and heavy.

Even if he doesn't want it anymore, once the motherland needs it, he has to return to the battlefield without hesitation!

This is the choice he must make.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 948 Major Progress in Military Research), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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