Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1138: Pity is coming!

Then naturally there is no suspense...

Two people and one eagle, suddenly played in one place; Golden Eagle this goods is also lonely for too many years, this suddenly has a playmate, happy to scream, as the two women are even more excited to know their surname ......


"You can let the Golden Eagle fly to you and fly two days in a circle..." Ye Xiao said with a deliberate temptation. Bayi Xiao No said net w, w`w-. , 81zw. Com

Immediately, it was very simple to feed the Golden Eagle a panacea.

At the entrance of the Golden Eagle Ling Dan, all the opinions were gone, but they took the initiative to lie down and use actual actions to indicate: Come! I will take you two laps!

"Wow..." The moon frost is so excited that the face is flushed and almost suffocated.

In terms of the self-cultivation of the two of them, the high-altitude flight is not a problem at all. However, it is the flight condition of the self-cultivation, and it is not the same feeling to ride the golden eagle for nine days.

good or not! good or not! good or not!

Important words say three times!

The two women did not think about it, and climbed the back of the Golden Eagle in the first time.

With an eagle, the golden eagle wings shot, and slowly flew up. This general action led to the excitement of the two women. As the golden eagle’s wings fully unfolded, they also came with the two women. The more you adapt...

Golden Eagle Lightning generally rushes to the sky...

In the sky, a golden giant eagle is mixed with the sky and the golden sky. The movement is graceful and calm, and there is a tendency to be in the world!

On the back of the Golden Eagle, the two women of the national color, the white clothes are like snow, the clothes are fluttering, just as the heavens are coming to the world, and they are on the world...

The infinite magnificence of this scene, in the first time, conquered all those who witnessed this scene!


So beautiful!

It is so beautiful!

The first time I took a golden eagle to fly for nine days, the only feeling of the two women in the moon frost and coldness was that they were full of excitement and excited to breathe. Bayi Chinese network w-w, w`. `8, 1, z`w-. Com Golden Eagle's flight is amazing.

A thousand miles away, it is just an instant!

The wind that rushed to the face, and often the broken clouds around me, the two women only felt refreshed, almost cheered and dumb...

Of course, this is also the amazing effect of the two women, can withstand the reverse pressure of the Golden Eagle flying, and the high impact of the air, do not say anything else, don't look at Ye Xiao has broken through the Tao Yuan, but if it is not shipped From the purple gas to the East, it is purely ** strength against the wind pressure, but it still has to be caught, it is difficult to maintain!

On the ground, Ye Xiaoman’s face is full of spoiled smiles, and an eagle and two people who are far away from the end of the sky, the heart is filled with unspeakable happiness, and it is infinite satisfaction.

This flight lasted for half an hour.

When the two women came down from the golden eagle's back, they were blushing; there was still a feeling of awakening in the atmosphere, and the golden eagle was warm and cold, carefully rubbing every feather on the golden eagle.

I really care for it.

And Golden Eagle also reciprocated, and used his sharp mouth to gently lick on the heads of the two women, and then he stood proudly and tried to show his most powerful side.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but grin.

Jinying, this guy, is obviously different from the two goods; the second goods seem to be in good contact, but in fact, besides themselves, even if they are close to themselves, the goods are not recognized, or they are simply not available. A group of people are all sentient beings, and the high position is not high. No. 1 in the August 1st, w, w`w,. `8, 1zw. Com

The Golden Eagle is the opposite, it seems that it is not easy to contact, but as long as it is in contact, it will be able to get along very well together...

There is only one premise to achieve harmony: Golden Eagle only recognizes himself; but as long as he introduces himself, Golden Eagle basically has no opinion...

As for someone playing with it, it is also a very happy thing for Golden Eagle, and there is no objection!

Especially... there are good things to eat...

Of course, if you want to play with the Golden Eagle, you still have to be quite qualified to be qualified. It’s like Ye Xiao’s level. It looks like it’s not enough, don’t say anything else, there’s no way to improve the strength of the middle level. Even with the Golden Eagle, the reverse wind pressure of the sky is difficult to load!

Therefore, those who are not enough to repair are still reluctant to join us in the Golden Eagle. One is not paying attention, and the little life may be gone...

However, as long as the repair is a sufficient grade, it is natural to be able to get along with the Golden Eagle like the two women.

The golden eagle was lastly miserected by Ye Xiao, and the wind and bones were destroyed. At the end of the training, they had to rush to put their heads together to make people feel, and people still had to make gestures, and they were unwilling to touch them...

After the flattering and pleasing, it finally made people feel touched...

That incident left the golden eagle with an indelible psychological shadow.

I am afraid that I will not listen to someone’s command, and then encounter it once again...

The eagle is still alive...

It’s okay to play once, and it’s really bad to play again!

In view of this, Golden Eagle has an unusual cooperation with Ye Xiao; the two sisters of Ye Xiao are also extremely cared for, in order to be able to eat good things smoothly...

And in the process of getting along with each other, it turned out to be a pleasure from the initial cooperation... Golden Eagle suddenly appeared: Actually... This is also quite happy.

Therefore, in terms of facts and results, Jin Ying is definitely out of the second category.

For the next period of time, the entire Ye Family Collection is full of golden light and infinitely magnificent.

The golden light shimmers in the sky, whistling and whistling away; and in the golden light of the sky, there is a group of golden gongs moving at high moments, and the lightning is getting faster and faster, which is hard to describe!

And everyone gradually got used to the high trajectory of the golden light, and noticed that the golden light was actually a golden eagle, but also saw the golden eagle on the back, there are two white clothes to win the snow.

In my heart and mind, I just couldn’t help but marvel at it.

The moon palace frost is really sharp, not only the self-cultivation, but also the horrible pets!

Sure enough, the high man is acting inscrutable!

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian are more worried about this...

This is almost the same as the invincible pets in the world...

More solid, the full-scale restraint of the cold moon Tiangemen with the spirit beast to support their own combat power, in other words, the horror coefficient of the moon palace frost cold against the cold moon Tiange soared!

Even if I don’t say that this golden eagle is restrained by the gentleman of the cold moon, it is only for the sake of the golden eagle, as long as this golden eagle is at any time, it can get out of trouble, even if it is deep in the dead; It’s hard to stop people from running out of the sky; and this golden eagle’s flight is fast... even if it’s the Daoyuan’s peak, it’s impossible to catch up!

The two sides simply do not have comparability!

Faced with such a strong anti-day power, at most, it has to be a parry. It is difficult to break the power of the break; if the other party wants to come and want to leave, you can sneak a sneak peek...


In the distance, a white shadow is like a leisurely white cloud.

Far from seeing the sky, the flying golden eagle.

"How can this golden eagle appear here?" Jun should be pitiful and surprised to see his face: "There are still people on the back of the Golden Eagle... Hey? Is it the moon palace frost?"

"The moon palace frost has actually arrived here, then it does not mean ..." Jun should pity face again changed, can not help speed up the flight!

From a white cloud, the path has become a white line!

Just as the white creeks are over the gap, in the case of electric light and flint, and when it is not allowed, it is extremely within the scope of Ye Jiaji!

Ye Xiao is going to raise his head and look at the frost. He is riding on the eagle in the sky. Suddenly, his heart is in a state of turmoil. It seems to be around, or what is about to be born... It is a major event that can affect his life...

Ye Xiao frowned.

In this Yejia collection, what other important things can be born that affect your life?

Immediately, the answer appeared - a clear, soft voice rang.

This unvoiced sound was in the ear, and Ye Xiao’s face suddenly changed!

"The owner of this place can still be Ye Jia? Tianya Ice Palace Jun should come to visit Yejia contemporary homeowners, but also ask the principal to inform."

This sound, of course, haunts the gentle taste of warmth, but more of it is a kind of cold and lonely high; even if I just hear this sound, it seems to see a cold and high, unattainable, white wins Snow, the image of a beautiful woman like a jade!

Ye Xiaoxiong suddenly shocked.

The face "brush" suddenly became pale.

Jun should pity!


Actually she is coming!

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