Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1139: Ye Nantian's tangled

The moon frost and the coldness played in the high air, and the alertness was greatly lost. So I did not notice the arrival of another tyrannical force.卍§卐§八一?中文网 ◎w`w, w-. , 8`1`zw. Com

Ye Xiao’s body is like a lightning bolt and rushes to the door.

He is certainly not a hairy boy, but at this moment, the excitement in his heart is still unstoppable!

Outside the Yejia Gate; Jun Ying pity came quietly and stood quietly.

Like a plain lotus, it is spotless.

The entire Ye Jiaji, once again fell into a silence.

Recently, one wave after another, the wave of waves surpassing the waves, has already trained everyone's nerves to a considerable height. First, Ye Jiayi changed hands to the family, and he was returned to the family every day, and he took the position of the owner. Seeing his son, Ye Jiada and Shao Yexiao swept the numerous geniuses of the family in the Shenlan Molian competition, and then saw the wave of scrolls. The Qionghua Yuegong contemporary saints came up with a strong sin.

Seeing that Ye Family was in danger, the Ghost Cloud Palace and the Hanyue Tiange successively showed up and made the Qionghua sacred woman return to the feathers, while the three parties formally established the alliance, the Qionghua Yuegong was the number one hitter, and the Moon Palace frosted two hurriedly boarded. Once again, I have been sinned.

Seeing that the dead is irreversible, Ye Jiada and Shao Yexiao have built a wonderful work, and the key to solving the problem is actually the name of Master Ye Da, who is completely consistent with the big brother of the Moon Palace, and the storm has stopped again. This is actually a new level, so ups and downs, a series of twists and turns, how to not beat the nerves of everyone around you!

However, the name that suddenly came to this place - Tianya Ice Palace Jun should be pity!

Still everyone is stupid again. ?◎?§八一中文网卍w`w-w`. -8, 1, zw. Com

Although Jun’s self-cultivation is at best higher than that of the monthly cold-moon cream sisters, it is not the enemy of the two of them, but the record of the two moons and frosts is more popular in the deep practice. In the memory of the people, if we talk about the popularization of the masses, everyone is more familiar with it.

Who is Jun’s pity, is the head of the Tianya Ice Palace, or the dying person of the late Tianshi’s late heroic singer, Ye Xiao, who has been revenge for this time, killing and killing the Sun, Moon and Stars The disciples of the Zongmenmen, who are famous for killing the three major sects, are chilling, meeting... There is no future meeting!

The name of the **** killing female devil head is directly chasing the recognized first female devil head Xuan Bing!

Many people are all licking their hearts because of the arrival of this new female devil, feeling like they can't breathe.

In this Ye Jiaji, it is just a day and three shocks; my weak heart, really can't bear it!

Such a real-life Tianyu top power, suddenly approaching Ye Family, is it a revenge or a friend? !

In any case, I couldn’t think of it. What happened to Ye Hao, who was weak and small?

Is it true that all the forces at the end of the world will not be able to gather here?

Is it true that all the ranks of Qingyun Tianyu are concentrated here?

Gone with the Cloud Palace, Hanyue Tiange, Qionghua Moon Palace, now how come the Palace of the End of the Ice Palace!

And still come to this power, the strongest one!

Ye Nantian was chilling with Zhan Yunfei, and once he heard the voice, he immediately stopped. ?八No◎§卐一¤§中文?网?w,ww. 81zw. Com

The words of Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian’s face brush changed again.

A pale white.

The face is so bad, mainly scared. It’s really not that these two courage are too small, but at this time they are not afraid to even believe in themselves!

Really can't talk about people behind, say who is coming.

I am worried that it is difficult to solve the problem in my heart. As a result, the three people involved in the problem actually got together!

Moon Palace frost, Jun should pity...

This is the dead end of the three major slate!

It is said that through the analysis of Ye Xiao, the threat of the two women of the frost and the cold is temporarily suppressed, but Jun should say how to say, this grandmother has already clearly committed to the career of the three major sects, but all Under the three major sects, absolutely no one wants to stand up, kill and say.

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian were so shocked that they were so shocking and stunned, such as sitting on needles and felts. Did these three enemies actually make an appointment to gather here to discuss things?

As for what to discuss... is that still used?

Let the two people worry more, even if Jun should pity do not know that they are here, the two women in the frost and cold, but they know that they are there, they will not take the first two people to open the mouth, thinking that the flag ?

At the same time, these three people, do not talk about confrontation, I am afraid that even running can not run!

"Please be a little bit safe, and the guest at Ye Family is a VIP of Ye Family. As long as the Ye family is not dead, they will never allow two people to have an accident at my Ye Family. I will go out and have a look." Ye Nantian knows very well. The mood of Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian is very atmospheric and promises to protect both of them.

Zhan Yunfei and Zhu Jiutian looked very complicated and nodded.

Two of the world's top practitioners, Tao Yuanjing nine strong, by a small role that has just climbed as the Tao Yuan promised to protect, this feeling does not feel too bad!

Ye Nantian walked out and felt more complicated; it seems that, unconsciously, today's Ye Family has become the center of the largest whirlpool of Qingyun Tianyu.

And the source of all this is actually for the hatred of the monarch of the year!

Hanyue Tiange has great roots with his own side, his son is a descendant of others; and Qionghua Yuegong is also related to his own side. Now, Jun should have pity again... In the past, he still owed I should have pity for the big man...

Ye Nantian walked away quickly, and his heart was full of chaos.

Now the situation of Ye Family, if it really fights, I really don’t know where to stand on that side...

A bang in the ear.

It seems that someone has flew out.

Ye Nantian fixed his eyes and saw that his son Ye Xiao had already opened the door.

"This kid is really coming..." Ye Nantian saw a snack; if it was said that the whole Ye family had something to do to let Ye Nantian rest assured, then, non-Ye Xiao.

In particular, all kinds of storms in front of me are all the way to calm down!

Since his son took the lead in dealing with it, Ye Nantian’s footsteps slowed down.

Constantly thinking in my heart.

If it is in case... the moon frost is cold, and there should be a pity if it is really in the Ye family and Zhan Yunfei Zhu Jiutian really fights...

What should I do?

What should Ye Jia do?

If you can really do your best, protect the exhibition Zhu?

From a moral point of view, Ye Jia should of course protect the exhibition Zhu. Even if he lost the entire Ye Family, he would not hesitate, but the opposite is Jun Ying’s pity. How can he be justified? If there is no family, then he should have three. I have long known that where I am going, I don’t want to say that I should help me to revenge the monarch, but to protect their enemies. Can this be moral?

But do not protect the exhibition Zhu? It seems that it can't be said. From the beginning of the show, people have to support Ye Family. They really care about their son, the same young teacher. They have no falsehood. They can't vote for it. Instead, they will give up on it. !

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